DeaconBlues wrote:
What is "good"? What is "evil"?
I'd have to ramble to discuss that and I'm not in the mood.
Is cannibalism evil?
depends on who you're eating and why.
Can you name a "good" that remains good under all circumstances?
off the top of my head, thanking God for things. I might be able to come up with more in time, but that's beside the point because nothing needs to be good or evil under
all circumstances because that isn't how good and evil work.
On the other hand, take any circle you can draw, no matter how large or how small, and divide the circumference by the diameter. The result will always be pi. The speed of light in a vacuum will always be c. Any object dropped in a 1-g field, absent air resistance, will accelerate downward at a rate of 32 feet per second per second. These are facts - and they were not reached by someone sitting in a little room somewhere, using principles of pure logic with no reference to the outside universe.
while mathmatics is a science, it is only one field of science. scienece as a whole deals generally in theory, not fact.