Inuyasha wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
Inuyasha wrote:
Why should the Government punish people for being successful?
why should the government punish people for being UNsuccessful? failure is its own punishment, and should not be augmented by further disenfranchisement via law.
How are people being disenfranchised?
by denying us disposable workers affordable healthcare. by banning gay marriage, or even gay [EQUAL!
not "special"] civil rights for that matter. by poo-pooing the chronic problem of bullying in schools and the workplace. by hobbling the right of commonfolk to sue big business for economic redress of tort. by defanging antitrust law so that corporations can become even more tyrannical and untouchable when they run roughshod over us all down in the favelas. by making separate classes of citizen, some more privileged than others [gay? single? poor? go to the penalty box and STAY in there!
no civil rights for YOU!] by insisting that citizens be property owners before they can vote, or be able to pay a honking poll tax which is a major portion of one's income. by banning government civil servants from voting. by taking away citizenry's right to vote for senators. this all perennial rightist philosophy. if you belong to the repub/conservative/tea party, you have signed off on all of these things.
Inuyasha wrote:
Seriously I have no problem with someone whom is poor voting as long as they are a citizen and of age. That does not mean I support stuffing the ballot box with phony votes.
why do you insist that voting shenanigans are
only done by dems against repubs? judging by your self-righteous anger towards the left, i suspect you
do have a problem with democrats voting for democrats. the democrats are your boogyman. i am not a boogyman, i am only a meek individual just trying to survive the continuous onslaught of bullies with all the money and power and privileges america can give them on a silver platter. the democrats, for all their flaws, at least are not my enemy - but the repubs are, by and large, by word and deed. you
made me your enemy, but i have done nothing to deserve that epithet. i am
nobody's enemy.