AliPasha wrote:
Science isn't faith, at least not to the degree wildly guessing the nature of God, and flipping a coin to pick a sacred text is. The only real problem Science suffers from is the non A Priori nature of Perception, but that is equally as big a problem for theists.[/quote]
I never "faith" meant in the religious content, but in the context of having too much faith in something, like to believe science and logic to be unfailing.[/quote]
Only an idiot isn't aware of the possibility of fallibility in their filed of study. I don't believe Science is necessarily infallible, due to the problems of human error, potential epistemic fallibility of the senses, and the problem of induction. However, Theists have to assume the first two are insignificant too, and I think a sound method is more likely to get us decent answers. Logic is assumed by all to be unfailing, because language breaks down when we assume A stops being equal to A.
Ryan, that site is f***ing awesome. Thanks for pointing me to it.
I don't agree with that because regardless of faith in any type of religion or philosophical ideology, reason, when used properly is brilliant and all living concious organisms, whether it is an insect, bird or whatever, even if not as intelligent as ourselves, still makes concious decisions based upon the information it senses. That is still reason, regardless of how much it can comprehend its own future.
I disagree with the use of the word "conscious". E. Coli doesn't think, but it does perceive and process information.
The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists - Erwin Schrodinger
Member of the WP Strident Atheists