draelynn wrote:
emlion wrote:
i can imagine someone hacking it, and getting scanned and your details coming up as the Queen of England.
As long as I get access to her bank account, I'd be good with that!
This is no laughing matter, even though that can happen, peoples in 2004 the FDA appoved with a human microchip, and microchiping techonlogy and RFID since the 1940s microchip technology existed since the early 1980s with fish cataloging, in first used in 1991 inside cats and dogs as a ID.
And in the 2000s the first human microchip was approved supposely for medical purposes as of 2011, the Australian goverment has not talked about it, recently my bank issued me with a smart Visa debit card.
But I will never have these in my hand, even though I'm a techy savvy guy, but this is going way too far.