JWC wrote:
But shouldn't that be left for the patient to decide, they are the ones whose health and wealth are at stake?
The problem is, I don't think the patient really can make a truly informed decision without any doctor input for a lot of things. Google only takes you so far. I know a lot of people on WP feel medically empowered by knowing more about Asperger's Syndrome than their doctor through sheer research (part of that research being talking to other people on WP). But Aspergers Syndrome may be one of the very few situations where that is possible. It might even be literally unique.
But for other things, such as the fracture that seems like it should be so easy to set until a doctor looks at the X-ray (using your example), google and other research won't be helpful in making an informed opinion. You really do need a doctor to properly interpret some information and it needs to be a doctor who has passed a government approved exam after attending a government approved medical school (this includes medical schools recognized internationally, as so many are).
It's your body and your money, but does that make you qualified to figure out what that mysterious rash is after googling photos? Maybe the nurse can figure it out (yay!). But maybe she can't and needs to call the doctor in for a look. It isn't really cost effective to make people have a whole separate appointment for things that unexpectedly step outside the realm of a nurse's expertise. And it isn't really safe for the patient/customer to try to evaluate medical knowledge with nothing to go on but their own personal history and google.
This is one of the reasons why the supermarket analogy breaks down. (Other posters have given other reasons.) The average person can evaluate a raw food to some extent and government regulation(! !! !!) srteps in to regulate the things that can't be evaluated by eye. (And hasn't been regulating enough, judging by recent food poisoning outbreaks, but that's another thread). For packaged foods, government regulation (! !! !! !!) requires food labels which aren't that hard to decipher once you get the hang of it. There really isn't that much information to juggle. With a layman's knowledge of food, you can do just fine in the grocery store and are thus qualified to shop around.
But that doesn't really work in medicine. A layman's knowledge (what you get from google) isn't enough for you to be able to evaluate your own medical condition without expert help. It's your body, but you know far less about it than you do about what's on your plate. And if you are in pain, you are truly in no position to shop around.