Master_Pedant wrote:
Tequila wrote:
Master_Pedant wrote:
And, given that my paternal line was victimized by British Imperialism in the not so distant past, STFU.
For a person who cries about immigation and "The EU", you sure are one to talk.
Big difference with that.
There is widespread public support for the monarchy. There is neither for mass immigration and/or the EU project. And this is replicated throughout many of the other countries of the EU.
The elites here won't give us a referendum on the EU, because they know they'd probably lose. Or, as in the second case of the Irish Lisbon Treaty vote, they'd employ extreme bullying tactics in order to cow the people into submission. They'd use the taxpayer's money against them to intimidate them into voting for their own submission and subjugation.
Another tried-and-tested, well-worn tactic of left-wing globalists is to accuse anyone who disagrees with them of xenophobia/racism. It really is an ineffective tactic; people here have been called that for so long and with such vehemence here that they've stopped listening. They know they aren't racists and that is good enough for them.
The problem never was the immigrants in the first place. If someone offers you circumstances that are vastly better than what you've got already, what do you do? You take it. Britain, and to a lesser extent Ireland and very much so in some of the Northern European countries, were/are seen as the land of free handouts. The people living in those countries are increasingly resenting this and because they are treated with comtempt by the establishment parties, vote for smaller, 'protest' outfits instead.
Or, even within the EU: why should a British taxpayer be forced to pay for roads in Bucharest? Why should a German taxpayer have to fork out for infrastructure in Plovdiv? Our
own, largely Victorian, infrastructure in Britain is crumbling and badly needs an overhaul. So why should we put other countries' needs at the expense of our own?
Only problem is that the people who are doing the 'giving' were never really asked if they agreed to this.
It's only really a matter of time now: once the Germans decide they've had enough, that's the end of it. Their wallets (and patience!) won't last forever.
Last edited by Tequila on 28 Apr 2011, 7:17 pm, edited 5 times in total.