Inuyasha wrote:
Let me break this down for you, if Government is forcing everyone to have health insurance (ultimately leading to single payer), then they will have the right to order you to do whatever they want because tax money is going to pay for your health care and it affects the bottom line.
No, actually, they don't. I, and every citizen of every OECD nation other than the United States lives in a system with single payer, publicly funded health insurance.
None of our governments have banned smoking outright--notwithstanding the huge exposure that they face to treatment of respiratory and circulatory illnesses caused by smoking. None of our governments have banned alcohol, notwithstanding the huge exposure that they face relating to alcohol related disease and accident. None of our governments have banned fast food, salty snacks or desserts. There are no dealth panels.
When I am treating a patient covered by our provincial insurance program (or, indeed, any of the nine other Canadian provincial plans), it is I who makes the decision about what therapy is "medically necessary" (the trigger for medicare coverage). My patient, with my counsel and advice, is fully responsible for his own health care decisions.
But, when I am treating a patient who is privately insured I am often engaged in ongoing battles with insurers over what they will and will not cover.
Private insurers interfere in the doctor-patient relationship far more, and to a far greater extent, than the publicly funded insurance system in Canada does.