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30 Jul 2011, 4:10 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Yeah the corporate/government elite who thinks they can keep up their BS without anyone ever getting fed up. We don't need them or their products. So why does everyone go along with it?.......why are so many people feeding the pigs and fighting to keep the illusion that they are actually accomplishing something for themself?

Why is someone who does not work 'worthless'? why should everyones main goal be to work?.......I understand important things can be made out of resources, people like to go out to eat ect. But there should be more to life then that......especially when people are settling for lower and lower wages, having to take on multiple jobs having to sit on the side of the street asking for change and such while the rich just keep getting richer. This is a sick society, a messed up system and something I really don't want to contribute to.

Is anyone else rather sick of the crap but unsure of what to do about it?

That's a really tall order though. You're trying to think of a fair distribution to people who - in essence - earn nothing by not working. To not work and be supported, for it to be fair to the earners (on the human motivational structure available) those who don't work would need to have less - a bit like everyone's given something but the earners get something plus.

Everyone has to contribute some how but my point was more that, everyones life goal should not be to work for someone simply to make money to buy more crap, but it seems like everyone is enslaved to consumerism and perfectly ok with the corporatocracy we have going on.

As we're seeing right now as well, you can only give so much before a company or government runs itself into bankruptcy. Fiat money was an attempt to decouple that - doesn't work. You can't generate wealth out of thin air, it can be generated from the production of goods or commonly used intellectual property but not from just pushing numbers around with a wand like we've been doing for a long time.

Well no crap you cannot generate wealth out of thin air, but that is exactly what it seems our government wants to do, also I don't even agree with the idea of wealth what is so great about it? why is weath even something anyone should strive for?

I think to really fix that problem - we'd need to obliterate the need for status. To do that we'd need to stop human procreation and replace it by government creating people. Competition would need to be obliterated as well - multiplayer games even would need to be illegal to get the point across. No one's better than the next, all have the same identities, all are the same. Outliers would, in that society be punished or secluded in something like a jail, especially if they can't help outlying.

I don't support the government opressing people any more than I support powerful corporations opressing people. So I certainly would not support that.

That's the trouble with this kind of speculation though. We can trade one nightmare for a nightmare of greater or lesser preference. That's it though. We don't have options. Being human - for all breathing - means we're f***ed. I know you probably won't like that answer, heck you might even accuse me of being a foot soldier - fine, if it feels good do it though I'd warn you it won't change a thing. I think the danger that people who aren't in that boat face is that they're attempting to both shoulder their responsibilities and on top of that shoulder the damage that people who believe that these responsibilities are evil (ie. the people who would openly oppose work, law, systems, etc. and act on it) and if that number of dissidents against people trying to hold the system up gets too unbalanced - we're looking at a post-apocalyptic kind of world or something a bit like what Somalia's had with warlords or, worse yet, a real dictator or despot. Power vacuums don't last long before they fill and usually when there is a power vacuum its the most brutal who win.

Yes that is a potential issue, as I have already said I have no idea what a better alternative would be at this point, but I certainly do not like the way things stand now either.

My advice to you - you just need to get used to being human and get used to what it means to be human and to be a part of a society. If you would choose to say get a sustenance farm, grow all your own food, make all your own clothing, and keep your connections with government and other people limited to paying property taxes - you can do that, just that this is about as much as you can get away without squatting in a national park or someone else similar where you can be arrested.

Sucks doesn't it

I am used to being human.....I do not think there is an exact definition of how a human has to be, also this society is crap I have no desire to be a part of it. But I do not think going to some isolated location is going to help matters either.....since I cannot enjoy life anyways why shouldn't I try to do something about this.......why should I not openly express my veiws in the hopes that others might agree? If you don't like it great but I am not just going to conform to this society when I see nothing right about it. And no it does not suck at all its wonderful....not.


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30 Jul 2011, 4:28 pm

I'm not saying I dislike your questioning it - I just needed to give an honest answer.

The trouble we find ourselves in is that we, personally and individually, can have great hearts, great goals, and great works but we cannot control the other 6 billion people around us into doing the same. That's where the rules I'm talking about come from. Most measures taken by people who had your questions but ended up stuck in stage one thought haven't so far made the world better, in essence these rules more often made the world more vulnerable to evil.

IMHO the only way to really diffuse evil and make the world better is to fundamentally change human DNA to where disability does not exist, alpha/beta are non issues, and where there's no such applicable thing as having to earn a right to exist. Humanity and its cruelty to itself has mostly been a product of its own inherent limitations - the worst of those being natural law and the low of how genes work and what direction they really turn us in if we listen to them.

A post-genetic society would be a big step forward, just that hopefully you wouldn't have the wildly ambitious essentially becoming 'gods' either from it.

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30 Jul 2011, 4:32 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
I'm not saying I dislike your questioning it - I just needed to give an honest answer.

The trouble we find ourselves in is that we, personally and individually, can have great hearts, great goals, and great works but we cannot control the other 6 billion people around us into doing the same. That's where the rules I'm talking about come from. Most measures taken by people who had your questions but ended up stuck in stage one thought haven't so far made the world better, in essence these rules more often made the world more vulnerable to evil.

IMHO the only way to really diffuse evil and make the world better is to fundamentally change human DNA to where disability does not exist, alpha/beta are non issues, and where there's no such applicable thing as having to earn a right to exist. Humanity and its cruelty to itself has mostly been a product of its own inherent limitations - the worst of those being natural law and the low of how genes work and what direction they really turn us in if we listen to them.

Since when do you have to earn the right to even exist, if that is the case I suppose I have not earned my existance rights yet because I can not hold a job to contribute to the freaking machine....and our society and economic/government system has nothing to do with genes or evolution or anything like that. Since when is everyone working to feed the few pigs on top anything like natural natural selection those few who are exploiting the majority would be the first to go in the real natural order of things.


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30 Jul 2011, 4:42 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Since when do you have to earn the right to even exist, if that is the case I suppose I have not earned my existance rights yet because I can not hold a job to contribute to the freaking machine....and our society and economic/government system has nothing to do with genes or evolution or anything like that.

Right, its social darwinism. In the jungle muscle and physical force were enough, now its more social (hence - Asperger's/autism are such big issues).

Sweetleaf wrote:
Since when is everyone working to feed the few pigs on top anything like natural natural selection those few who are exploiting the majority would be the first to go in the real natural order of things.

Those pigs on top are what rose to the top based on how we select and how our system works. Natural selection unfortunately is an unthinking process and one that's unfortunately pushed from behind our own wills so we're often either blind to it or even have strong revulsion to examine it. What you're noting goes hand in hand - the universe has a zero IQ, hence in the scope of such a deterministic universe good doesn't always defeat bad or bad always defeat good, things aren't always going to make sense or be done the best way, nor will people choose to have the best attitudes if they don't have to.

I think in general though, if I have observed something, is that material reality is generally seeking a lower energy level (at least as the universe expands). Because of this things tend toward better order, with order becomes better quality of life and existence. Its not to say that our societies around the globe couldn't go right back to a dark-age and have global depots for another several thousand years, just that if we took a graph from now through maybe 100,000 years from now - if we're still here - we'd see our society going toward greater natural equilibrium. Obviously things from without like radiation, asteroids, ice ages from the stoppage of the underwater convection current, etc. would be glitches in the plan but outside of those setbacks we're likely to head toward greater and greater order on their own. Its not to say that we shouldn't think about ways of finding it - if we want to think about it we should - just that while we can at best sway opinions worldwide its still a superficial shift at best because that particular ounce of cure still doesn't effect the root of the problem.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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30 Jul 2011, 4:53 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Since when do you have to earn the right to even exist, if that is the case I suppose I have not earned my existance rights yet because I can not hold a job to contribute to the freaking machine....and our society and economic/government system has nothing to do with genes or evolution or anything like that.

Right, its social darwinism. In the jungle muscle and physical force were enough, now its more social (hence - Asperger's/autism are such big issues).

Sweetleaf wrote:
Since when is everyone working to feed the few pigs on top anything like natural natural selection those few who are exploiting the majority would be the first to go in the real natural order of things.

Those pigs on top are what rose to the top based on how we select and how our system works. Natural selection unfortunately is an unthinking process and one that's unfortunately pushed from behind our own wills so we're often either blind to it or even have strong revulsion to examine it. What you're noting goes hand in hand - the universe has a zero IQ, hence in the scope of such a deterministic universe good doesn't always defeat bad or bad always defeat good, things aren't always going to make sense or be done the best way, nor will people choose to have the best attitudes if they don't have to.

I do not have to be ok with them being on top.

I think in general though, if I have observed something, is that material reality is generally seeking a lower energy level (at least as the universe expands). Because of this things tend toward better order, with order becomes better quality of life and existence. Its not to say that our societies around the globe couldn't go right back to a dark-age and have global depots for another several thousand years, just that if we took a graph from now through maybe 100,000 years from now - if we're still here - we'd see our society going toward greater natural equilibrium. Obviously things from without like radiation, asteroids, ice ages from the stoppage of the underwater convection current, etc. would be glitches in the plan but outside of those setbacks we're likely to head toward greater and greater order on their own. Its not to say that we shouldn't think about ways of finding it - if we want to think about it we should - just that while we can at best sway opinions worldwide its still a superficial shift at best because that particular ounce of cure still doesn't effect the root of the problem.

and I am not sure what you are getting at there, lol seems a bit more complex then what I am trying to discuss here.


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30 Jul 2011, 4:54 pm

social darwanism is crap by the it should be manipulation and stepping on people darwanism. lol


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30 Jul 2011, 4:58 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
social darwanism is crap by the it should be manipulation and stepping on people darwanism. lol

Yeah, maybe in the animal kingdom, it works ... but humans are beyond that hopefully?


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30 Jul 2011, 4:58 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
and I am not sure what you are getting at there, lol seems a bit more complex then what I am trying to discuss here.

Lol, you asked a complex question. Its tough for me to water down my answer, particularly if its being scrutinized or probed.

Sweetleaf wrote:
social darwanism is crap by the it should be manipulation and stepping on people darwanism. lol

Animals of the same species contest to the point of murder over mating. Animals will kill each other over food. Animals also kill disabled animals of their kind (apes are particularly well documented for this as well as clan warfare and murder). Animal strength, health, and 'alpha'hood is also based on how much power they can wield in their relative/relevant environment.

So, aside from the fact that National Geographic and TLC/Discovery just make it seem a lot more wholesome and natural when its other animal species and not us - what's the difference?

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.

Last edited by techstepgenr8tion on 30 Jul 2011, 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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30 Jul 2011, 4:59 pm

donnie_darko wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
social darwanism is crap by the it should be manipulation and stepping on people darwanism. lol

Yeah, maybe in the animal kingdom, it works ... but humans are beyond that hopefully?

Humans have a more developed frontal lobe.......but I guess its easier for them not to put it to use.


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30 Jul 2011, 5:02 pm

donnie_darko wrote:
Yeah, maybe in the animal kingdom, it works ... but humans are beyond that hopefully?

You'll have to find me the magic dust that got sprinkled on our genes and where and at what point of history that it happened.

The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.


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30 Jul 2011, 5:02 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
and I am not sure what you are getting at there, lol seems a bit more complex then what I am trying to discuss here.

Lol, you asked a complex question. Its tough for me to water down my answer, particularly if its being scrutinized or probed.

Sweetleaf wrote:
social darwanism is crap by the it should be manipulation and stepping on people darwanism. lol

Animals of the same species contest to the point of murder over mating. Animals will kill each other over food. Animals also kill disabled animals of their kind (apes are particularly well documented for this as well as clan warfare and murder). Animal strength, health, and 'alpha'hood is also based on how much power they can wield in their relative/relevant environment.

So, aside from the fact that National Geographic and TLC/Discovery just make it seem a lot more wholesome and natural when its other animal species and not us - what's the difference?

Sorry I could not really understand all of your response..not sure what I can do about that exactly.
I know how things work in nature and how people try to claim that the way our society, government and economy operates some how fits that so its justified but first there are quite a few differences.........also humans have a more developed frontal lobe and should freaking use it.


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30 Jul 2011, 5:04 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Sorry I could not really understand all of your response..not sure what I can do about that exactly.
I know how things work in nature and how people try to claim that the way our society, government and economy operates some how fits that so its justified but first there are quite a few differences.........also humans have a more developed frontal lobe and should freaking use it.

And they will the day you can subordinate everyone's will to do what you believe they should. Until then we live in a vast biome of human animals that range from wanting to do the right thing to wanting to get theirs by any means to not wanting to be here or be human at all.

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30 Jul 2011, 5:05 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
Yeah, maybe in the animal kingdom, it works ... but humans are beyond that hopefully?

You'll have to find me the magic dust that got sprinkled on our genes and where and at what point of history that it happened.

hmmmm, probably when we developed writing.


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30 Jul 2011, 5:07 pm

donnie_darko wrote:
hmmmm, probably when we developed writing.

Which genes in which chromosomes do you think flipped from the discovery of writing? Would the deaf and blind who can't learn a language be less human than those who can?

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30 Jul 2011, 5:09 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
Sweetleaf wrote:
Sorry I could not really understand all of your response..not sure what I can do about that exactly.
I know how things work in nature and how people try to claim that the way our society, government and economy operates some how fits that so its justified but first there are quite a few differences.........also humans have a more developed frontal lobe and should freaking use it.

And they will the day you can subordinate everyone's will to do what you believe they should. Until then we live in a vast biome of human animals that range from wanting to do the right thing to wanting to get theirs by any means to not wanting to be here or be human at all.

What makes you think I am the type of person who just wants everyone to do what I think they should without question? I think its horrible that everyone is part of a damn machine that really only feeds the pigs on top while leaving the rest of us to cling to the illusion that things are the way they should be as they do not want to see the truth. that is what I am expressing I know chances are nothing will change in my life time......does not make it in easier to deal with how messed up things are but I do acknowledge that I am really only one person and my thoughts don't really matter.


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30 Jul 2011, 5:10 pm

techstepgenr8tion wrote:
donnie_darko wrote:
hmmmm, probably when we developed writing.

Which genes in which chromosomes do you think flipped from the discovery of writing? Would the deaf and blind who can't learn a language be less human than those who can?

I suspect brain circuits for temporal sequencing, dancing, dodging and throwing were commandeered to aid us in writing which is a talent that has been in use by humans for maybe 10,000 years. Our species has been around for about a 250,000 years. I doubt whether we have any particular genetic trait that produced our ability to read and write.
