Joker wrote:
Oodain wrote:
Joker wrote:
:lol: I find it funny that a atheist would care enough to debate the existince of God whom they dont belive exsists in the first place
it affects their lives even if he doesnt exist in force of organized religion having an influence.

WOW that almost sounds like a conspiracy theory to me if one doesnt belive in God why not contribute to things like math science ect the religious will never go away neither will radical atheists hell bent on ridding the world of religion
to debate the existence of a god is impossible from a human viewpoint both for religous and non religious people, why should a decision then be based on religion and not reason?
the gay marriage debate is one of these areas,
i think i speak for most non-believers when i say we dont care much about peoples personal belief, only the effect on society.
nor do i think most non-believers would laugh gleefully at the demise of religon or spirituality itself, i for one love much of the architecture religion drives people to make, but do i think this justifies church taxes? (no)
how any of this sounds like a conspiracy theory is beyond me as it is visible in many debates around the globe in full public view.
//through chaos comes complexity//
the scent of the tamarillo is pungent and powerfull,
woe be to the nose who nears it.