I'm willing to put in as much effort as mar00 did to back up his DV stats, that is a 5 second google search. It's all out there for those who care. I'm not going to convince mar00 of anything, no matter what I say. He will probably rediscover the anti-feminist movement in his late 30s/40s after being shafted by the divorce courts or imprisoned for some false allegation of rape/child molestation. Real life experience always overrides dry statistics. Not sure about you Cornflake, but I get the feeling you are on the same wavelength. So yeah, why waste my time.
Crom is a grim, gloomy and unforgiving god, ever watching from atop his mountain in dark clouds and obscuring mists, ready to pass disapproving judgment on any and all. But he is said to value courage and tenacity in mortals, even if they ultimately fail.