i have never given much thought to the death penalty. i am not interested really in how people treat each other. i do not feel a part of the human race in most ways, and i see their activities as a collection of behaviors that i do not really understand.
my understanding of human behavior is similar (in resolution) to my understanding of the social structures of bee hives or flocks of gazelles or prides of lions.
they do as they do whether i approve morally or not. surplus cubs may be killed by the father, and worker bees are born to be slaves, and gazelles abandon anyone who is a bit slower.
i think that the tendency of animals that live in groups (social animals) to turn on and kill members of their own species if they feel threatened by them in any way, is an instinct that is pandemic through all species.
in early human history before effective incarceration practices were developed, if someone was discovered to have killed another person in the tribe without justification (self defense being the only consideration), then they would have to have been eliminated to ensure the safety of the local environment, just like a lion that has developed a taste for human flesh must be dispatched. there must have been much less moral apprehension in exacting the verdict in those days
these days, it is possible to enclose them so that they pose no further threat.
is it still without moral apprehension that one is chosen to be killed?
is there the possibility of rehabilitation? who knows. 100,000 years ago, one could not take the chance, and there would be no opportunity for redemption.
if a rogue has been seen to be a rogue, but now seems not like a rogue, then it is not certain that he is not still a rogue.
i am talking about incontrovertibly convicted killers only (except self defense killers).
i do not have the hugeness of soul that i would need to decide the correct course of action pertinent to punishment, so i would never endorse a death penalty (if the person is safely ensconced in a secure location).
i do not think that anyone in a calm state of mind has the authority to decide the fate of another life.
if the entire earth's stock of appropriate professionals suddenly agreed to try to build a real living mosquito, they would never achieve that aim even if they had access to unlimited supplies of money.
but people (like me (i am a person)) just splat them when they land on their bodies.
so to unthinkingly swat a mosquito despite the fact that earths people can not create a replacement, is like snuffing out a life of a criminal who is an individual in a way that no one else will ever be.
do i live with a damaged conscience? or do i live with an itchy bite?