thechadmaster wrote:
Pro-Israel all the way. lets build a protective dome around all of Israels rightful land, then turn the rest of the mid east into a parking lot.
I'd rather just build a dome around the both of them, and check back in a century or so to see what happened. This is the most overblown conflict in history, if you ask me. The last intifadeh had roughly the same casualties as the Troubles in Northern Ireland, and far fewer than any of the conflicts happening all around it. The conflict between the PKK and Turkey along the eastern Turkish border, which began at roughly the same time, claimed more lives and hardly anyone is familiar with it because it's relegated to a tiny, pictureless article on page 27 of the news rather than the front page.
There's no logic to the amount of attention paid to it. People say it threatens world peace, but again, that's really only because of the attention paid to it! It's a self-fulfilling prophecy in that way, no other substance behind it really. There are no rivers of blood there - only rivers of ink, everywhere. It would take almost 1000 years, at present rates, for this conflict to equal, say, the Rwandan genocide. And it would take Rwanda 1000 years of genocide to equal the amount of ink spilled on behalf of Israel and Palestine.
The reason for the obsession I think is mainly emotional, hysterical, and religious. That conflict would rapidly abate in the absence of global interest in it. We do neither of them favours by yabbering on about it all the time and taking sides, like its a sports rivalry.