Secular State: Yay, Nay, or Whatever?
At the risk of being labelled a Conspiricist...
For those who may claim that America was founded on "Christian Values", keep in mind that:
- Many of the Founding Fathers were slave-owners.
- The Declaration of Independence (DoE) declared that all MEN are created equal in 1776.
- The Constitution was ratified by Congress in 1791, without freeing slaves or giving women the right to vote, 15 years after the DoE.
- Slavery was made illegal in the U.S. in 1865 by the 13th Amendment, 89 years after the DoE.
- Women were granted the right to vote in the U.S. in 1920 by the 19th Amendment, 144 years after the DoE.
- The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (188 years after the DoE) outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and women.

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At the risk of being labelled a Conspiricist...
For those who may claim that America was founded on "Christian Values", keep in mind that:
- Many of the Founding Fathers were slave-owners.
- The Declaration of Independence (DoE) declared that all MEN are created equal in 1776.
- The Constitution was ratified by Congress in 1791, without freeing slaves or giving women the right to vote, 15 years after the DoE.
- Slavery was made illegal in the U.S. in 1865 by the 13th Amendment, 89 years after the DoE.
- Women were granted the right to vote in the U.S. in 1920 by the 19th Amendment, 144 years after the DoE.
- The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (188 years after the DoE) outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities and women.
Factually speaking, you'll get no argument from me.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
Religions and churches should not be part of the State in any way. Government should be religion neutral and not grant any religion or church a privileged status. That means churches should pay taxes just like any other group that does any kind of business.
Of course. I don't disagree with that.
I thought it more the other way: the state setting up common cultual practices for all to follow, strictly for its own cohesion, and strictly under the state, not above nor besides it. A bit like the Byzantine Church. In this case, granting exemptions from taxes is not applicable, since the clergy are basically civil servants -- it would be like taxing a government department. Giving this Church a privileged status is also not applicable, since it would have by right a complete monopoly on the citizens. Seceding from the Church would be perceived by the state (and done by the particulars) as a direct attack on the government.
Obviously, I don't think such a system could be made to work nowadays, but in theory, it can be a good idea.
I thought it more the other way: the state setting up common cultual practices for all to follow, strictly for its own cohesion, and strictly under the state, not above nor besides it. A bit like the Byzantine Church. In this case, granting exemptions from taxes is not applicable, since the clergy are basically civil servants -- it would be like taxing a government department. Giving this Church a privileged status is also not applicable, since it would have by right a complete monopoly on the citizens. Seceding from the Church would be perceived by the state (and done by the particulars) as a direct attack on the government.
That is the moral equivalent of a State religion. A religion does not have to be theistic. If the State mandates a religion that makes the State the Supreme Being it is still religion. Maximillian Robespierre, the master of Terror in the French Revolution wanted to do that. Fortunately he was overthrown and his head was removed swiftly.;

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I thought it more the other way: the state setting up common cultual practices for all to follow, strictly for its own cohesion, and strictly under the state, not above nor besides it. A bit like the Byzantine Church. In this case, granting exemptions from taxes is not applicable, since the clergy are basically civil servants -- it would be like taxing a government department. Giving this Church a privileged status is also not applicable, since it would have by right a complete monopoly on the citizens. Seceding from the Church would be perceived by the state (and done by the particulars) as a direct attack on the government.
That is the moral equivalent of a State religion. A religion does not have to be theistic. If the State mandates a religion that makes the State the Supreme Being it is still religion. Maximillian Robespierre, the master of Terror in the French Revolution wanted to do that. Fortunately he was overthrown and his head was removed swiftly.;
I'm sure you've heard of the myths that had grown up around the late Kim Jung Ill, about how he had been born on a holy mountain, and did not ever defecate or urinate. School children sang his praises for creating rainbows. The god of an absolutist, theoretically atheist state.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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I thought it more the other way: the state setting up common cultual practices for all to follow, strictly for its own cohesion, and strictly under the state, not above nor besides it. A bit like the Byzantine Church. In this case, granting exemptions from taxes is not applicable, since the clergy are basically civil servants -- it would be like taxing a government department. Giving this Church a privileged status is also not applicable, since it would have by right a complete monopoly on the citizens. Seceding from the Church would be perceived by the state (and done by the particulars) as a direct attack on the government.
That is the moral equivalent of a State religion. A religion does not have to be theistic. If the State mandates a religion that makes the State the Supreme Being it is still religion. Maximillian Robespierre, the master of Terror in the French Revolution wanted to do that. Fortunately he was overthrown and his head was removed swiftly.;
I'm sure you've heard of the myths that had grown up around the late Kim Jung Ill, about how he had been born on a holy mountain, and did not ever defecate or urinate. School children sang his praises for creating rainbows. The god of an absolutist, theoretically atheist state.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
State opposition to (theistic) religion as a diversion from their own power hardly constitutes an "atheist state", nor can it be equivocated with secular government in general.
Atheist government is oxymoronic, as atheism by definition denotes not a belief but a lack of it.
It's no more a dogma for governance than non-feminism or non-capitalism- meaningless except for what it is not.
"Such is the Frailty
of the human Heart, that very few Men, who have no Property, have any Judgment of their own.
They talk and vote as they are directed by Some Man of Property, who has attached their Minds
to his Interest."

Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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I thought it more the other way: the state setting up common cultual practices for all to follow, strictly for its own cohesion, and strictly under the state, not above nor besides it. A bit like the Byzantine Church. In this case, granting exemptions from taxes is not applicable, since the clergy are basically civil servants -- it would be like taxing a government department. Giving this Church a privileged status is also not applicable, since it would have by right a complete monopoly on the citizens. Seceding from the Church would be perceived by the state (and done by the particulars) as a direct attack on the government.
That is the moral equivalent of a State religion. A religion does not have to be theistic. If the State mandates a religion that makes the State the Supreme Being it is still religion. Maximillian Robespierre, the master of Terror in the French Revolution wanted to do that. Fortunately he was overthrown and his head was removed swiftly.;
I'm sure you've heard of the myths that had grown up around the late Kim Jung Ill, about how he had been born on a holy mountain, and did not ever defecate or urinate. School children sang his praises for creating rainbows. The god of an absolutist, theoretically atheist state.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
State opposition to (theistic) religion as a diversion from their own power hardly constitutes an "atheist state", nor can it be equivocated with secular government in general.
Atheist government is oxymoronic, as atheism by definition denotes not a belief but a lack of it.
It's no more a dogma for governance than non-feminism or non-capitalism- meaningless except for what it is not.
-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer
That is the moral equivalent of a State religion. A religion does not have to be theistic. If the State mandates a religion that makes the State the Supreme Being it is still religion. Maximillian Robespierre, the master of Terror in the French Revolution wanted to do that. Fortunately he was overthrown and his head was removed swiftly.;
The problem here, however, is the oppressive nature of the regime, not the unsound relationship between state and religion. It could theoretically be done better than what the French did: in the case Greek and Roman civic cults, for example.
I don't like the word "religion". I think it is very loosely defined and used without any rigour. I try to avoid it as much as possible, even when speaking of Christianity and the other "world religions", which is why I said "cultual practice" and "Church".
I don't like the word "religion". I think it is very loosely defined and used without any rigour. I try to avoid it as much as possible, even when speaking of Christianity and the other "world religions", which is why I said "cultual practice" and "Church".
Religion is any sort of steady and repeated practice or custom. Consider the sentence He practiced piano religiously. That means he practiced regularly. Religion is not necessarily bound to the worship of deities and spirits. Budhists practice a religion and they do not worship a god.
I think there are good things we can take away from religion and some things that should never be part of government.
With so many of the founders being free masons, there has to be some roll for religion. Free masonry requires a belief in God, but it doesn't specify which god.
What I dislike is when the government favors one religion.