Feminists whats your opinion on men that have been victims

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08 Sep 2012, 4:55 pm

This is just facetious


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08 Sep 2012, 4:57 pm

Vexcalibur wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
What's your opinion on men traumatized in abusive relationships?
What a bout the menz!!???

What do you expect to be the feminist answer to your question?

TM wrote:
As a person in favor of complete gender equality, I believe the men who have been victims should have gotten angry and beaten their partner with a phone book. Little known fact, phone books do not leave marks, thus making it very hard to press assault charges.

Still not able to remember the two letters in your acronym nickname.
Most likely that men have feelings too and to show that they care about men as well, while striving for equality and to prove that they do not hate men. Also that they are aware men are also vulnerable to becoming victims.

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08 Sep 2012, 5:03 pm

AspieOtaku wrote:
Vexcalibur wrote:
AspieOtaku wrote:
What's your opinion on men traumatized in abusive relationships?
What a bout the menz!!???

What do you expect to be the feminist answer to your question?

TM wrote:
As a person in favor of complete gender equality, I believe the men who have been victims should have gotten angry and beaten their partner with a phone book. Little known fact, phone books do not leave marks, thus making it very hard to press assault charges.

Still not able to remember the two letters in your acronym nickname.
Most likely that men have feelings too and to show that they care about men as well, while striving for equality and to prove that they do not hate men. Also that they are aware men are also vulnerable to becoming victims.

I would assume so as well, and, while I laud your efforts, I doubt it will have much of an effect on the folks who already have their minds made up about "feminists."

Most likely response:

Feminist: "I am a feminist and I believe that abusing men is terrible and male victims deserve sympathy and support."

Bitter Virgin: "U r a feminst and femints hate the males n want dem al ded!! ! u r a liar huurr durr."

Good luck, though.

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08 Sep 2012, 5:41 pm

TM wrote:
As a person in favor of complete gender equality, I believe the men who have been victims should have gotten angry and beaten their partner with a phone book. Little known fact, phone books do not leave marks, thus making it very hard to press assault charges.

This is incorrect. Anything that causes tissue damage will leave a mark.


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08 Sep 2012, 5:44 pm

Hopper wrote:
Right. I'll kindly allow, despite the context that suggested otherwise, you meant 'partner' as someone of either gender. That would still include women.

I didn't know 'wife' was common usage in gay relationships. Granted, 'lover' is itself indeterminate.

Universality will be useful when there is equality. There is not equality. Saying, from within the society we have right now, "I should be allowed to hit a woman as I would a man" (which you didn't outright say, but you did quote approvingly back at me as an example of universal morality) is to be violently misogynistic. Even with a slight disclaimer, saying "when there is true equality, I should be allowed to hit a woman as I would a man" is f***ing weird. In the context, it is not a simple statement, but comes with a hell of a lot of misogyny, as though the speaker can't wait til it's legitimate to start smacking women around if they annoy him - indeed, as though the speaker would get a kick he just can't from hitting men in the same context.

Similarly, those white people who are obsessed with wanting to say 'n*gger'. 'But it's just a word' - well then, why obsess over that word?

mod edit: personal attack removed

Yes. Yes we do. And they're f***ing brilliant. Your loss.

Don't forget Puddingmouse. She and I discuss 2nd wave vs. 3rd wave feminism while we paint each other's toenails. :lol:

edit: trying to drag this back to the OP: The way that men suffer from abuse is different from the way that women suffer from abuse, because most of the abusers of men are smaller than them and most of the abusers of women are larger than them. This leads to more social stigma in the former case, because men are reluctant to report even valid complaints, and to more physical damage in the latter case, because their partners are more capable of causing harm.
Unfortunately, I do still see a lot of jokes about abuse of both genders; just like rape, this isn't a topic that should perceived as 'funny' unless you're mocking the abuser or the abuse itself.


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08 Sep 2012, 6:03 pm

LKL wrote:
Hopper wrote:
Right. I'll kindly allow, despite the context that suggested otherwise, you meant 'partner' as someone of either gender. That would still include women.

I didn't know 'wife' was common usage in gay relationships. Granted, 'lover' is itself indeterminate.

Universality will be useful when there is equality. There is not equality. Saying, from within the society we have right now, "I should be allowed to hit a woman as I would a man" (which you didn't outright say, but you did quote approvingly back at me as an example of universal morality) is to be violently misogynistic. Even with a slight disclaimer, saying "when there is true equality, I should be allowed to hit a woman as I would a man" is f***ing weird. In the context, it is not a simple statement, but comes with a hell of a lot of misogyny, as though the speaker can't wait til it's legitimate to start smacking women around if they annoy him - indeed, as though the speaker would get a kick he just can't from hitting men in the same context.

Similarly, those white people who are obsessed with wanting to say 'n*gger'. 'But it's just a word' - well then, why obsess over that word?

mod edit: personal attack removed

Yes. Yes we do. And they're f***ing brilliant. Your loss.

Don't forget Puddingmouse. She and I discuss 2nd wave vs. 3rd wave feminism while we paint each other's toenails. :lol:

edit: trying to drag this back to the OP: The way that men suffer from abuse is different from the way that women suffer from abuse, because most of the abusers of men are smaller than them and most of the abusers of women are larger than them. This leads to more social stigma in the former case, because men are reluctant to report even valid complaints, and to more physical damage in the latter case, because their partners are more capable of causing harm.
Unfortunately, I do still see a lot of jokes about abuse of both genders; just like rape, this isn't a topic that should perceived as 'funny' unless you're mocking the abuser or the abuse itself.
I dont find my experience or anyone elses experience as a victim as funny. :cry:

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09 Sep 2012, 3:07 am


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09 Sep 2012, 4:16 am

AspieOtaku wrote:
What's your opinion on men traumatized in abusive relationships?

i hope they receive the help and support they may need. i would never abuse somebody physically emotionally or sexually, but i know that men can be victims. i have seen it/heard it/know about it. i'd like to see our culture change so that we are no longer sweeping it under the rug.

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09 Sep 2012, 4:25 am

TM wrote:
So, saying its Ok to defend yourself with violence against violence is apparantly violent misogyny to you people.

Actually, this does seem quite common with some people - the idea that you should never hit a woman, not even in self-defence or to restrain someone forcefully or someone who is openly being violent. I do think these sorts of people don't live in the real world, as a minority of women exploit that (and the general chivalrous idea that all women are weak beings) in order to cause men harm. That's how domestic violence committed by wives happens.


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09 Sep 2012, 4:30 am

Tequila wrote:
TM wrote:
So, saying its Ok to defend yourself with violence against violence is apparantly violent misogyny to you people.

Actually, this does seem quite common with some people - the idea that you should never hit a woman, not even in self-defence or to restrain someone forcefully or someone who is openly being violent. I do think these sorts of people don't live in the real world, as a minority of women exploit that (and the general chivalrous idea that all women are weak beings) in order to cause men harm. That's how domestic violence committed by wives happens.

it isn't self defense if the attack is no longer occurring. he was talking about actively attacking someone if they were victimised in the past. there is an important distinction there.

anyway, if it is self-defense there is also no need to hide the evidence by using a phone book. so it does not appear he was actually speaking of self-defense in his example.

i think people should use whatever force is necessary to get away or to stop the attack. but making a conscious decision to attack the perpetrator after-the-fact does not qualify.

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09 Sep 2012, 4:33 am

hyperlexian wrote:
anyway, if it is self-defense there is also no need to hide the evidence by using a phone book. so it does not appear he was actually speaking of self-defense in his example.

A woman is a lot more likely to be believed in a domestic violence situation by police than the man, especially if she's a good social manipulator and he isn't.


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09 Sep 2012, 4:42 am

Tequila wrote:
hyperlexian wrote:
anyway, if it is self-defense there is also no need to hide the evidence by using a phone book. so it does not appear he was actually speaking of self-defense in his example.

A woman is a lot more likely to be believed in a domestic violence situation by police than the man, especially if she's a good social manipulator and he isn't.

so the fear of not being believed should lead to a new crime and intentional hiding of evidence? that is a twisted take on it. it's probably better to try to leave, or get counselling. or both. i don't think it's a very good strategy to take it up a notch and to potentially try to kill the person.

also, he clarified that he wasn't just talking about male-female relationships. he was also talking about male-male ones.

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09 Sep 2012, 4:45 am

hyperlexian wrote:
it's probably better to try to leave



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09 Sep 2012, 4:48 am

i think it's heinous that so many women do get off scot-free in these situations. i some statistics that showed that women were responsible for a great deal of abuse in relationships, and i think there needs to be a change in how these matters are approached and understood by our legal systems (ok, our whole society actually needs to shift the attitude).

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09 Sep 2012, 4:53 am

hyperlexian wrote:
i think it's heinous that so many women do get off scot-free in these situations.

This is a big problem not only in Britain but throughout the Western world in that criminal behaviour that is perceived to be committed by a "weaker" person (like women) get treated disproportionately with kid gloves and don't get punished properly.


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09 Sep 2012, 4:56 am

Anyone that has been a victim of any kind of abuse should try to find a way to get out of there as fast as possible in whatever way they can.

Little known fact(yes I have those as well): The first report of a case of domestic violence from a woman in Spain happened a couple of years ago as far as I know.
This males report was overlooked when he contacted the authorities.
He then went on to contact all the media possible to talk about his outrage and he made quite a lot of money complaining about the treatment he received as well as raising awareness for how this cases are oftenly overlooked.
All media agreed that this needed to be changed and police officers have started being a lot more careful on all cases of domestic violence regardless of the gender.
This is what needs to happen everywhere.