Raptor wrote:
Yes, a good amount of violence has been meted out in the name of Christianity but the bulk of that is in the past with little interest in reviving it.
To this day and in the foreseeable future it is still quite common in Islamic countries to behead, dismenmber, beat, and whip people in the name of Allah.
Part of that is an exaggeration of Islam, and some of it belongs to a culture that pre-exists Islam. For instance the Taliban's behavior can be traced back before Islam to tribal customs. There are many, many practitioners of Islam in the world who don't engage in or promote such actions.
It's a difficult comparison, since Christianity is more centrally structured - larger churches have centralized leadership - whereas Islam is not answerable to a central authority but to local authorities that do things their own ways, often following the older cultural mindsets of those regions. I can't claim to be an expert, but if you start reading about the subject you soon find that you can't accurately lump all Muslim behavior into a single statetment like yours.
Aside from that, there are elements of Christianity that even today get into some pretty crazy stuff. Look up Christian Identity (which may have influenced Timothy McVeigh). Also Warren Jeffs and his offshoot group. Charles Manson was trying to bring about Armageddon by creating scenarios staged to look like racial violence. Many of the Nazis who carried out atrocities during WWII were devout Christians. There have been claims of religious discrimination of soldiers carried out by Christian officers in the US military just in the past few years. Many of those cases are still being investigated.
I don't think modern Christianity can yet be fully exonerated as nonviolent and peaceful.