The afterlife, perse, doesn't exist in the way most people think. Yes, there are such things as spirits and other realms, personal experience there. I was a paranormal investigator and saw many 'unexplainable' things, and occurrences you'd only read about! Ghosts do exist, for they are the spiritual energy you have left over. For there is a difference between spiritual energy and the soul itself. The more violent the death, the more of an energy left behind.
There isn't a heaven in the way they imagine. There is another realm, yes. And yes, I believe it is a fear of death coping mechanism that others have created the 'Heaven'. There are dark spirits and normal spirits, and positive; negative and positive and all the in-between — it's all pure energy.
I have died twice (frostbite and drowning) and come back to life in this current life. I've known others who have died and come back, too. There is a Light one can go into. It is the Light that connects us to what you'd call the creator. For it isn't a being, it's pure energy and consciousness. Intelligent, even. We are all connected, to you, to me, to everything. One day you'll understand when it is your time.
Consciousness is a 'state of mind' that we have the capability to experience during life, because we are connected. Life doesn't stop after death. Death is just something that happens to your 'physical' body/vessel. Beyond that, we still exist. Our soul travels on and our spiritual energy joins the rest of the ether. We are pure energy. Many of us get reborn into new bodies. Some of us have lived before. We comeback to learn what we need to until we have fully grasped what we are here to do.
The Why? That is what I am figuring out in this life and it's my life pursuit. I have a strong feeling of wanting to return to the 'source' but in due time...
120 aloof, 94 rigid and 109 pragmatic
Aspie score: 174 of 200
Neurotypical score: 29 of 200
AQ: 40