Would Americans elect any of the following as President?

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Do you think Americans would elect any of the following as President in the future?
Other {Please Specify} 32%  32%  [ 7 ]
A Hispanic President 41%  41%  [ 9 ]
A Female President 23%  23%  [ 5 ]
An Openly Gay President 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
An Asian-American President 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
A Native American President 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
A Blind President 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
A Deaf President 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
A Jewish President 5%  5%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 22


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03 Feb 2013, 8:04 pm

I'd probably elect any of these except the openly gay president.

Hey, you asked the question. Be prepared for answers you might not like.


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03 Feb 2013, 11:09 pm

noxnocturne wrote:
I'd probably elect any of these except the openly gay president.


Out of curiosity, why not?



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04 Feb 2013, 12:18 am

GGPViper wrote:
John_Browning wrote:
I won't be surprised if we have at least 2 east Indian (one female) presidents this century.

This is early 2013. That's not exactly a bold claim.

There's still 21 more presidential elections this century and east Indians are one of the smaller, "other" minorities in this country.

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04 Feb 2013, 4:02 pm

Stargazer43 wrote:
Probably not a blind or deaf president. Blind because people wouldn't perceive him as a capable leader (truth is, it can be hard to grasp many things if you can't see them...imagine trying to analyze the economy without being able to read the reports or see the charts/graphs), deaf because he wouldn't be able to debate or have televised statements.

Blind people can read. They've been reading since 1824 when Louis Braille invented his alphabet. And newer inventions, like screen reading software have made printed material even more accessible (although it has impeded Braille literacy with a corresponding effect on economic prospects).

As for deaf people, there are plenty of deaf orators out there. And a cursory bit of research has turned up at least three Deaf (capital "D") people elected to national legislatures: Wilma Newhoudt-Druchen (ZAF), Dimitra Arapoglou (GRE) and Helene Jarmer (AUT).

Perhaps for the ultimate example, look at an Alabama state quarter sometime. Though deafblind, Helen Keller did pretty well for herself as a political commentator and activist.



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04 Feb 2013, 4:38 pm

I responded by how I think the country would vote, not my own prejudices.

Myself- I would vote for anyone qualified regardless religion, lack of religion, gender, or ethnicity,or whether or no they are gay.

With the possible religous exception of a candidate openly embracing Scientology (no scientolgoy is not 'exploitive like every religion'- its a criminal organization). Gay doesnt bother me. But deaf and blind do.

Not sure why. But blind people have risen to social prominence via the one area of music. I can imagine a political version of Stevie Wonder as a leader. So maybe I could deal with blind. But a deaf presidnet is hard for me envision.

So any of the above except deaf- including an iffy nod to the blind.


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05 Feb 2013, 6:37 pm

I voted "other." I'm afraid of them voting for an openly Catholic president. JFK was "Catholic." Ricky is Catholic.


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06 Feb 2013, 5:32 am

Americans nearly elected a Mormon recently.

My main concern regarding that: If said Mormon were elected, would the US be controlled by church brass from a conference room in Utah?

Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men?


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13 Nov 2016, 10:20 am

The republicans will make sure of it that no such people will ever be elected. My mother told me last month something about how Obama couldn't do things because of the republicans. I hate them. :x


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13 Nov 2016, 10:45 am

PM wrote:
Americans nearly elected a Mormon recently.

My main concern regarding that: If said Mormon were elected, would the US be controlled by church brass from a conference room in Utah?

I know this post was made three years ago, but...

It was a big deal that when a Roman Catholic (JFK) won in 1960. Mormons are so far-out theologically that Protestants and Catholics are united in hating them even more than they hate each other (kinda like how Shiites and Sunnies hate the Druze even more than they hate each other). But in the last election a Mormon almost won. And the guy he lost to was a Black guy with a Muslim sounding name.

In this past election a woman got most of the popular vote. During the primary season one party almost nominated a Jewish guy. Only one of the three biggest candidates was a straight white north European ancestry male.He was the one who ended with most of electorial votes in the General. But even that guy was a fringe "non standard" candidate in other ways (like in his lack of public service experience). So I suppose that if we all put our partisan passions aside for a moment that we Americans can be proud that so many nonstandard candidates are now being allowed a shot at the oval office.

Or ...maybe not.

The old 1920's quip by Will Rogers that "we are taught that anyone can grow up to become President. And now I am beginning to think that its true!" is more timely than ever ("anyone" in both the good, and in the bad sense :lol: ).