ezbzbfcg2 wrote:
I think I see the point that the OP is trying to make. Not because I'm trying to defend God, but because of the emotional reactions some of the people here have to his non-existence.
I couldn't tell you for sure either way. I find it odd when religious types say flat out God is clearly real. I also find it odd how people here seem to get their rocks off proclaiming their lack of belief in God.
Kind of like two heads on the same serpent. Apparently, the topic of God is still emotional and controversial for many believers and disbelievers alike.
I do not have a strong position on the existence or non-existence of God. What bothers me is when some religious people ignore, deny or distort the truth about evolution because to accept what is demonstrably real conflicts with the way they interpret their holy book(s).
Why do these people spread falsehoods in the name of their God and try to dumb down everybody else's children in addition to brainwashing their own children with beliefs that are demonstrably false (e.g., that there are no transitional fossils, that there is no evidence for evolution, that intelligent design is just as much science as evolution, or that evolution is just as much religion as creationism).
Granted most of those who deny the fact of evolution do so because they are basing their opinion on bad information, I mean, really bad information, I mean, really really REALLY bad misinformation that sources they trust have told them they must either believe or go to hell if they don't. To me, those people are calling God (if He exists) a liar by saying what is demonstrably real is not real.
Augustine of Hippo wrote a long time ago (about 400 A.D.) about the dangers of Christians making ignorant assertions about the natural world that nonbelievers can easily see are false. His book was even titled
The Literal Interpretation of Genesis! He warned that doing so would push people away from Christ, not bring them closer. I know that is the case for me personally. I have much less respect for any church that denies what is demonstrably real in favor of a fairy tale whose claims that can be tested have been falsified.
"When you ride over sharps, you get flats!"--The Bicycling Guitarist, May 13, 2008