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14 Jun 2013, 5:47 am

My take was she did not like any of them. Collectivists, Capitalists, and Psychopaths were just an example.

Any system has a downside, because it is rooted in human thought, and where that stands out clearly, Hickman, is the same as the likable Hannibal Lector.

He was helping Clarice find Buffalo Bill, because her drive to find and kill him was just as strong as his drive to make a woman suit. They were both trophy hunters.

In another time she would have been tending the fire, heating the irons, used to drive the devils out of sinners. She did the same things, but had to do so for the right reasons, but it was as personal as Hannibal and Bill.

Clarice was a study, she needed a cross or a badge to act on her desires to drive stakes through vampires.

In that way she was more of a hunter than Hannibal or Bill, taking on power, where they just considered their kills to be dumb and almost willing.

A guy named Lee who killed a lot of women said about the same, that any woman who would ride in his car, with a strange man, and he was, down a dirt road out of town, and never try to get away, or even fought when he strangled her, was there because she wanted to be there.

Clarice was not going to allow her own death, she was a hunter, and Hannibal held her in great respect. She inspired him to seek his own freedom, becoming not just a killer of oppertunity, but a killer with a plan.

I am a writer, and Character and Motive come before interaction.

Political and economic systems are just a front for people, and seeing the clones that run the collective, capitalist, they are the same, just wearing a different hat.

Rand had to work hard to find any character who had good qualities, and try as she did they still seem hollow. They were useful, but lacked the Character and Movive that would have made them real.

The Greeks claimed seven basic characters, and that made a weak story, a character with a flaw, now we have the material of epics.

Psychopaths and Sociopaths do share character traits with CEOs.

Bain Capital and The Bloods and Crips do share a lot of business methods.

That Hickman wanted the money for bible study, becoming a preacher, also fits Rands view of religion and the people drawn to it.

Clarice again, who wanted to hunt and kill people she did not know, which became pure to her because of what they might have done to someone else she did not know. Give her a cross and a sword, she would find something demonic to slay.

Hannibal found it, she had dedicated her life to protecting lamb chops.

It was religion, she would protect the weak and dumb from thinking.

There are only so many stories, characters, that get retold to new listeners.

Sub story she was raised Papist, instilled with guilt, and masterbated. She was drawn to that other girl and fell from grace at summer camp, grabbed by the Devil, and struggled from then on for redemption. Her biggest fight was within her own body, and she focused on things outside, right and wrong, to hold her desires in check.

Hannibal saw all this in her. She was out to slay her own deamon. She sought to counter balance her sins.

Now the male FBI man was a robot, so buttoned down if he had a feeling he would put a bullet in his head. The Rule Book was his identity.

Capitalism does have problems, it calls for an endless planet to pillage, collectives demand an equal and low standard of living for all.

In both you have to study the good features and flaws of the people.

Also that both economic systems demand that I work for them. This assumed ownership blocks human progress. Collectives want my labor, the lower the better, and Capital wants to tax my labor, after they have made a profit from it.

Acting in your own behalf is disliked by both.

Hickman did put his personal goals above all. He almost got away with it.

So a character with just as much drive, and less bodies, could do great things. The flaw is those who break away from the herd also seem to break away from good sense.

No matter the system, it comes back to the person, and their limits, which do seem like the male FBI man. Corporate Management is an identity more than a job.

Rand tried to describe it in her day. Seeing it for what it is, there is a big hole in the middle, we all walk around.


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14 Jun 2013, 7:58 am

Raptor wrote:
ArrantPariah wrote:
Butthurt about butthurt, are we?

You've got another butthurt thread about Ayn Rand going on.


You TURNED that one into an Ayn Rand butthurt thread. :shameonyou:


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14 Jun 2013, 10:17 am

/\ Nope, you mentioned her in the first post of that thread. For the left to mention the name of Ayn Rand is, in itself, butthurt.

This is all I'm going to say about it, lest I once again be officially charged with Imageing

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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14 Jun 2013, 10:38 am

/\/\/\ If the two of you keep this up I might just make an image of Ayn Rand as a Sith Lord with the same caption. :shameonyou:


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14 Jun 2013, 11:10 am

Misslizard wrote:
Raptor wrote:
Misslizard wrote:
Nothing against Vikings,my daughter looks like a Viking.

Does she have horns?

:lol: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yes,she does.And a spear also. :lol:
If you had to talk to her on the phone,you would agree.

You know the call is terminated when the Fat Lady hangs up.



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14 Jun 2013, 3:12 pm

Inventor wrote:
Capitalism does have problems, it calls for an endless planet to pillage, collectives demand an equal and low standard of living for all.

But it's also how people apply it. Like, wouldn't something like drug trafficking by considered capitalism? And it is possible to be an eco-capitalist.

"Of all God's creatures, there is only one that cannot be made slave of the leash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with the cat it would improve the man, but it would deteriorate the cat." - Mark Twain


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15 Jun 2013, 5:18 am

Afganistan, The Taliban cut opium production to zero, we invaded. Production is now higer than ever before.

Timber companies own all the trees, Archer Danials Midland the farmland, GMO seed all production, and oil, what is under you feet, but owned by people with friends in Congress.

Capitalism has to capture a market, and exploit it.

The end is when the market can no longer expand, create profit, then wages get cut, a pound now weighs twelve ounces, and a hundred trillion dollars demands to gain 10% a year.

All fish stocks are over fished, the soil is exploited, which also happened to collectivists.

The problem is human character. If they can steal a pound of grain from the future, that will cost the future a pound every year forever, they will take that pound.

Both systems are set up to exploit what exists, and to control it.

Preserving, increasing for the future, is never involved.


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15 Jun 2013, 8:05 am

The only flat out positive political opinion I ever heard from Rand was back in 1964. She endorsed Barry Goldwater in 1964. I voted for Goldwater and he was the last major party candidate I ever voted for. I have been independent of parties since then.



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15 Jun 2013, 1:19 pm

ruveyn wrote:
The only flat out positive political opinion I ever heard from Rand was back in 1964. She endorsed Barry Goldwater in 1964. I voted for Goldwater and he was the last major party candidate I ever voted for. I have been independent of parties since then.


If the only independent candidate was on the far left,would you vote for him/her?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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15 Jun 2013, 9:26 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
The only flat out positive political opinion I ever heard from Rand was back in 1964. She endorsed Barry Goldwater in 1964. I voted for Goldwater and he was the last major party candidate I ever voted for. I have been independent of parties since then.


If the only independent candidate was on the far left,would you vote for him/her?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

According to this country's left there is no left in this country, only "normal" :roll: people and the far right.

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson


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15 Jun 2013, 9:59 pm

Kraichgauer wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
The only flat out positive political opinion I ever heard from Rand was back in 1964. She endorsed Barry Goldwater in 1964. I voted for Goldwater and he was the last major party candidate I ever voted for. I have been independent of parties since then.


If the only independent candidate was on the far left,would you vote for him/her?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Positively not. I would make a write-in vote for C'thulu. Why settle for the lesser of evils?



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15 Jun 2013, 11:46 pm

ruveyn wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
The only flat out positive political opinion I ever heard from Rand was back in 1964. She endorsed Barry Goldwater in 1964. I voted for Goldwater and he was the last major party candidate I ever voted for. I have been independent of parties since then.


If the only independent candidate was on the far left,would you vote for him/her?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

Positively not. I would make a write-in vote for C'thulu. Why settle for the lesser of evils?


So the candidate has to be to the right?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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15 Jun 2013, 11:48 pm

Raptor wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
ruveyn wrote:
The only flat out positive political opinion I ever heard from Rand was back in 1964. She endorsed Barry Goldwater in 1964. I voted for Goldwater and he was the last major party candidate I ever voted for. I have been independent of parties since then.


If the only independent candidate was on the far left,would you vote for him/her?

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

According to this country's left there is no left in this country, only "normal" :roll: people and the far right.

Not from my experience. I thought it was the Republicans who was trying to purge their party of "RINO's." That is, moderates are not "normal."

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer


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17 Jun 2013, 8:08 am

The Repugnicans don't want any normal people around.


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17 Jun 2013, 8:45 am

Kraichgauer wrote:

Not from my experience. I thought it was the Republicans who was trying to purge their party of "RINO's." That is, moderates are not "normal."

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

"normal" is not the right word. From the standpoint of the Ultra Conservatives any moderate pragmatic person is clearly subversive.


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17 Jun 2013, 9:28 pm

Inventor wrote:
My take was she did not like any of them. Collectivists, Capitalists, and Psychopaths were just an example.

Any system has a downside, because it is rooted in human thought, and where that stands out clearly, Hickman, is the same as the likable Hannibal Lector.

He was helping Clarice find Buffalo Bill, because her drive to find and kill him was just as strong as his drive to make a woman suit. They were both trophy hunters.

In another time she would have been tending the fire, heating the irons, used to drive the devils out of sinners. She did the same things, but had to do so for the right reasons, but it was as personal as Hannibal and Bill.

Clarice was a study, she needed a cross or a badge to act on her desires to drive stakes through vampires.

In that way she was more of a hunter than Hannibal or Bill, taking on power, where they just considered their kills to be dumb and almost willing.

A guy named Lee who killed a lot of women said about the same, that any woman who would ride in his car, with a strange man, and he was, down a dirt road out of town, and never try to get away, or even fought when he strangled her, was there because she wanted to be there.

Clarice was not going to allow her own death, she was a hunter, and Hannibal held her in great respect. She inspired him to seek his own freedom, becoming not just a killer of oppertunity, but a killer with a plan.

I am a writer, and Character and Motive come before interaction.

Political and economic systems are just a front for people, and seeing the clones that run the collective, capitalist, they are the same, just wearing a different hat.

Rand had to work hard to find any character who had good qualities, and try as she did they still seem hollow. They were useful, but lacked the Character and Movive that would have made them real.

The Greeks claimed seven basic characters, and that made a weak story, a character with a flaw, now we have the material of epics.

Psychopaths and Sociopaths do share character traits with CEOs.

Bain Capital and The Bloods and Crips do share a lot of business methods.

That Hickman wanted the money for bible study, becoming a preacher, also fits Rands view of religion and the people drawn to it.

Clarice again, who wanted to hunt and kill people she did not know, which became pure to her because of what they might have done to someone else she did not know. Give her a cross and a sword, she would find something demonic to slay.

Hannibal found it, she had dedicated her life to protecting lamb chops.

It was religion, she would protect the weak and dumb from thinking.

There are only so many stories, characters, that get retold to new listeners.

Sub story she was raised Papist, instilled with guilt, and masterbated. She was drawn to that other girl and fell from grace at summer camp, grabbed by the Devil, and struggled from then on for redemption. Her biggest fight was within her own body, and she focused on things outside, right and wrong, to hold her desires in check.

Hannibal saw all this in her. She was out to slay her own deamon. She sought to counter balance her sins.

Now the male FBI man was a robot, so buttoned down if he had a feeling he would put a bullet in his head. The Rule Book was his identity.

Capitalism does have problems, it calls for an endless planet to pillage, collectives demand an equal and low standard of living for all.

In both you have to study the good features and flaws of the people.

Also that both economic systems demand that I work for them. This assumed ownership blocks human progress. Collectives want my labor, the lower the better, and Capital wants to tax my labor, after they have made a profit from it.

Acting in your own behalf is disliked by both.

Hickman did put his personal goals above all. He almost got away with it.

So a character with just as much drive, and less bodies, could do great things. The flaw is those who break away from the herd also seem to break away from good sense.

No matter the system, it comes back to the person, and their limits, which do seem like the male FBI man. Corporate Management is an identity more than a job.

Rand tried to describe it in her day. Seeing it for what it is, there is a big hole in the middle, we all walk around.

What inventor said ! !!