I interpreted the title of this post not as a question, but more as THE title of the poem that followed, in the form of the OP's first post.
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed that It struck me as a sudden flow of conscious (subconscious?) thought. Pure and honest, unfettered by the bonds of overthinking or carefully choosing just the right words. It reminded me of the "beat" poets that I love so much. I used to write somewhat like that and wish I still could. Just open the faucet and let it flow. But alas, tho my well is not dry, the pump seems to have stopped working.
The Lucifer metaphor piqued an interest in me, as I have used his alter ego, Apollo, in some of my own writing. Ah yes, the old bringer of light and healing and music!
Best post I've read today
Joined: 6 Feb 2005
Age: 45
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If you can trust the hearsay on the Freemasonic view Lucifer is Yin and Yang, white on one side and black on the other. The unfinished pyramid with the glass headpiece with the eye of Horus can either be completed with which the eye (ie. spirit) leaves the world or it can transform the rest of the bricks to the same glassy/etheric 'stuff' that the headpiece is made of.
To follow that example would be like saying you love combustion - depends on whether it's you getting treated to driving some kind of high-end sports car on a race track or whether it's someone chasing after you with a tank.
If you biblical with it - depends on whether we're talking about the king of Tyre's belief that he is God or will outshine God in Isaiah 14 or whether we're talking about the 'gift of the morningstar' at the end of the letter to the church of Thyatira in the 2nd or 3rd chapter of Revelations.
Strangely from that perspective the biblical and Freemasonic sound like they're pretty close - the claims of Lucifer being Satan by the saying that Satan fell like a bolt of lightning, in the context of the Kabbalah, really puts all three points in this particular perspective: the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the ten sepphira and the 32 paths of wisdom. The climb from Malkuth to Kether and whether it's good or evil ultimately depends on the intentionality of the person attempting to climb it. In essence if I try to bring the two together (the best guess I can come up with albeit it might be completely and utterly wrong) 'Lucifer' is not a being or a thing but rather the impulse to climb toward God - whether it's the desire to go back to and love God or whether it's your own vainglory in thinking you're superior to him. The first is what's considered being a white magician, the later is being a sorcerer. One is chasing God's will to know it better and better, the later is to use God as if he were a raw material and find as many ways as you can to bend him to your own will.
That said I remember on a particular anti-new age video there was a Mason on tape saying he LOOOOOOVED Lucifer and talking about all of his wonderful traits - I don't think it's particularly wise to do that, for quite obvious reasons that the term is so badly fuzzed that almost no knows what it means. My take - 'Lucifer' is probably a word we're better off throwing out of our vocabulary just because it's been thoroughly and utterly trashed to the point that it simply doesn't work for communication. To even say 'Luciferian' means in most people's minds a group of people including Illuminati, Priory of Sion, who have Eyes Wide Shut parties every weekend, have infiltrated all the world governments, are engineering a massive world-wide collapse of the monetary systems via the financial centers from their Dr. Evil headquarters in the City of London, and who plan declare global martial law under one world government, one world religion, and one world currency. When that's the going value of the term - perhaps best to just leave it at it's new definition rather than try to reclaim it, otherwise you get dangerous confusions both ways, either people think you're one of 'those' or they get confused about a bunch of very nasty avarice-filled individuals trying to choke freedom out thinking "Oh! They're really just trying to get back to heaven! They're good guys/gals!".
As so scholarly presented by techstepgenr8tion Lucifer per the historical Lucifer and Lucifer per the mythological Lucifer is not Satan..
This is the same type of mass effect 'gossip' if you will..that led to myths about the human Jesus...
That Bill O'Reilly so eloquently along with this writing partner..are putting to rest now in his latest book...
Bill O'Reilly is Roman Catholic..and believes in the 'mysteries of God' if you will..
He is no fundamentalist @all...
But HAha!.. the 'religious right' pays no attention to these things..he is in the perfecKT position.. if you will.. to spread the actual 'Good News' that the 'gospel' brings...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
To follow that example would be like saying you love combustion - depends on whether it's you getting treated to driving some kind of high-end sports car on a race track or whether it's someone chasing after you with a tank.
If you biblical with it - depends on whether we're talking about the king of Tyre's belief that he is God or will outshine God in Isaiah 14 or whether we're talking about the 'gift of the morningstar' at the end of the letter to the church of Thyatira in the 2nd or 3rd chapter of Revelations.
Strangely from that perspective the biblical and Freemasonic sound like they're pretty close - the claims of Lucifer being Satan by the saying that Satan fell like a bolt of lightning, in the context of the Kabbalah, really puts all three points in this particular perspective: the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is the ten sepphira and the 32 paths of wisdom. The climb from Malkuth to Kether and whether it's good or evil ultimately depends on the intentionality of the person attempting to climb it. In essence if I try to bring the two together (the best guess I can come up with albeit it might be completely and utterly wrong) 'Lucifer' is not a being or a thing but rather the impulse to climb toward God - whether it's the desire to go back to and love God or whether it's your own vainglory in thinking you're superior to him. The first is what's considered being a white magician, the later is being a sorcerer. One is chasing God's will to know it better and better, the later is to use God as if he were a raw material and find as many ways as you can to bend him to your own will.
That said I remember on a particular anti-new age video there was a Mason on tape saying he LOOOOOOVED Lucifer and talking about all of his wonderful traits - I don't think it's particularly wise to do that, for quite obvious reasons that the term is so badly fuzzed that almost no knows what it means. My take - 'Lucifer' is probably a word we're better off throwing out of our vocabulary just because it's been thoroughly and utterly trashed to the point that it simply doesn't work for communication. To even say 'Luciferian' means in most people's minds a group of people including Illuminati, Priory of Sion, who have Eyes Wide Shut parties every weekend, have infiltrated all the world governments, are engineering a massive world-wide collapse of the monetary systems via the financial centers from their Dr. Evil headquarters in the City of London, and who plan declare global martial law under one world government, one world religion, and one world currency. When that's the going value of the term - perhaps best to just leave it at it's new definition rather than try to reclaim it, otherwise you get dangerous confusions both ways, either people think you're one of 'those' or they get confused about a bunch of very nasty avarice-filled individuals trying to choke freedom out thinking "Oh! They're really just trying to get back to heaven! They're good guys/gals!".
Thank you so much techstepgenr8tion...your years of scholarly study of religions have provided one of the best overviews and analyses of these issues that I have read to date..
I will refer back to your writing here..for some time to come..to present the ideas in a way..that may appeal to the layman..if you will...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Joined: 6 Feb 2005
Age: 45
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Location: 28th Path of Tzaddi
Lol, I kinda cheated somewhat - Mark Passio was a big help, the rest was just a couple oddities in the bible where 'son of the morning' and 'morning star' stands out rather boldly.
I never would have been able to get this far in a year if I weren't standing on the shoulders of giants who are standing on the shoulders of giants themselves. Gotta love the internet and Kindle as well.
Kind Regards.
First of all...
Kind regards to you as well...
I lost my emotions completely as a result of experiencing a type of atypical trigeminal neuralgia form waking to sleeping for 60 months as well as total human exhaustion and about 10 other syndromes and auto immune issues...
IN effect I was dead..as far as my value as a human being in real life...
This Neuralgia is also commonly termed as the suicide disease..
In my case there was no drug that could come close to easing the pain...
It was my challenge to rewire my brain..to accommodate the pain if you will...
A little over 6 months ago I had little to no ability to write in this type of poetic..lyrical way..if you will...
My punctuation and grammar was 'perfect'...I graduated 11 out of a class of 380 in high school..graduated with three degrees out of college..Heath Science..Anthropology..Social Sciences Interdisciplinary..at close to honors grades..a triple major is not that common if you will..either...
But and a big BUT..is I did not speak until after age 4..there was no diagnosis for Hyperlexia at that time..nor was there a diagnosis for the Gilberg type Asperger's syndrome that I checked every box for diagnosis then..and later diagnosed with PDD NOS at 47 as the US DSM classification allows no language delay for that time at DSMIV analysis...
My language was described and praised by some as perfect in grammar and punctuation but on the other hand it was also described as unfeeling and computer like by others who were not on the autism spectrum..or the broader autism phenotype if you will that comprises about 15 percent of the general population..
My challenge also is to regain emotion and win over 'Alexithymia'..that presents itself as studied in about 85 percent of Autism Spectrum cases..I used Music and poetic writing to beat this beast of emotional discord...
And yes I beat IT..in the course of the last 6 months through a rigorous routing of 'right brain' activity..the proof of that is on my blogs and in my writing as easily analyzed in the record of what I provide in the 13 websites of artistic and creation activity..creativity if you will...only for those who have the type of balanced 'left brain and right brain' intellect that I now possess...
In reality I am twice as smart as I ever was in high school...
At 53...
And in physical reality I am about 40% stronger at 53 than I was when I was 23...18 or any age in my life...
This is a documented fact at the military installation that I used to serve as Athletic Director there as a civil service worker..I bought approximately 1 million dollars of Nautilus equipment for the most excellent gym at any 'small military base' in the country..with government 'end of the year' money if you will..
I can challenge any Marine in feats of strength as I lift the maximum weight possible on 70% of Nautilus specific designed machines that number over 40 in one work out...
I can curl 210 Lbs. and leg press over 500LBS..
In effect this little program of creative energy..has made me 'superman'..and no I'm not even kidding about that..It now a documented fact..and I don't mean the mythological superman either..just a human being that can do things that science cannot explain...nor witnessed before..where I live...in analogy...
I was the last kid picked on sports teams when I was a kid..and 5 years ago..I could not raise my arms above my head without almost passing out..or even make it around the block in my neighborhood..without getting dizzy..
My doctors now refer to me as a 'documented' miracle..if you will...
My writing is part of the creation activity or creativity process..and now as another documented fact since i started using this tool for creativity..with all the out of the box devices in language to create my own method of communication..I now score an 11 on the AQ empathy test for autism as opposed to 44 or 45 a little over 6 months ago..
When I was working with the general public i scored 36...In effect I cured the reciprocal social communication difficulties associated with the autism spectrum disorder I am diagnosed with and one of the most severe cases my psychiatrist had ever encountered..as he stated my condition was the most difficult one he faced to date...as my emotions were almost completely 'dead'...
Hopefully that will provide a little more insight into who I AM...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
In the brief snatches of sense I have got from your postings, you have talked of cages and freeing people from their cages. I think that is admirable.
However, two things:
1 The door to everyone's cage is always open, but if they furnish it with an illusory widescreen tv, and their own wallpaper, you've got to have a little sympathy if they're not ready to leave their perceptual prison just yet.
2 Everything will go where it's supposed to go. Time and the world we create is not an alternative, it's just a delay. No matter what anybody does, we're on course. I suppose that's the happiest news of all.
Everything which moves us towards reuninon with God and promotes true union is cutting down on this delay. And the opposite of this, increasing the delay, could be said to be the opposite of God. Thus, the world could be used as a hell and a denial of God, or a tool to actually get closer to the inevitable.
But whatever way you peg it, a perceptual dream can be no more than that.
Interesting I find value in every person's writing no matter what their educational background..style of writing..or length of writing is..
But I am fortunate in this way...as I am gifted in a hyperlexic way if you will..
ONly about 10 percent of the autism spectrum has tHIS gift..for me it is extreme...
I read 10 to 15 times faster than the average human being and type about 130 words per minute...so my experience of reality is 'lightening' speed per reading and writing in analogy if you will...
I am addressing not only you and not only the others who post here..but the other Autistic people who would never post here but 'religiously' read what is written here as they are more predisposed to reading rather than writing if you will...
As a documented example..I can provide..I did an analysis on the major factor behind the modern increase of rampage killings and since last December at the time of that post...over 48 thousand people have viewed that post..
For every person posting here there are hundreds of autistic and non-autsitic people reading...
I live in a state of pure bliss and this is no exaggeration IT IS also documented by licensed therapists..
All there is left for me is to share what I have learned to attain this level of bliss...
So while I apologize that you may not find value in what i write..my target audience is much larger than you...
In fact it numbers in the thousands as already over 24K readers have read just one of my blogs..and now I have 13 websites..where I express creativity...since 6 months ago...
I couldn't use my eyes fully until about 6 weeks ago..so my potential from this point is almost unlimited as my health is almost better than perfect now..if there is or could be such a health condition...but again this is a medically documented fact...fiction is not my thing...analogy I enjoy with a parable like method of communication to communicate much greater meaning in my words than ever meets most 'common' eyes if you will..
Well ALL THAT said..I have been reading what you write here...along with literally hundreds of other thousands of words I read along the span of a few days...and i find you an exceptional human being...per your analyses of your spiritual leanings...
But..again I find value in everything I read...
And better yet in every human being...
So in other words...
I PRACTICE WHAT I PREACH...that's just an analogy..or a metaphor...
Also to attempt to be completely clear I agree with yOUR statement except for one point...
Dreams make perceptions..Perceptions do not make dreams...
Think about that one for a little while if you will..
But you can not think it..You Must dream IT wide awake..if you will or ever possibly can...
There is a power and passion in dreams that exceeds any human power that science can come close to understanding...
Unless you have actually experienced this power of dreams and actually lived It's effects...
You cannot possibly know..per my perception..That perceptual dreams extend out farther than the Universe per analogy of effecKT...
As you do not KNow my perception..either in dreams..or in what you might describe as reality....
You are on the right path ...but just a little 'arrogant'..i think...
As a person on the 'right' path would never suggest that another person's true will..has nothing but highest value to you and they...if you will..as yOURS..
I share this with you to potentially help you make the next step...IT is up to you to respect what I say or dismiss It..completely if you will..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Last edited by aghogday on 06 Oct 2013, 9:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
I never would have been able to get this far in a year if I weren't standing on the shoulders of giants who are standing on the shoulders of giants themselves. Gotta love the internet and Kindle as well. :)
Well I get..I get to stand on your shoulders now...
That's how lots of love works...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
I must say I thoroughly enjoyed that :D It struck me as a sudden flow of conscious (subconscious?) thought. Pure and honest, unfettered by the bonds of overthinking or carefully choosing just the right words. It reminded me of the "beat" poets that I love so much. I used to write somewhat like that and wish I still could. Just open the faucet and let it flow. But alas, tho my well is not dry, the pump seems to have stopped working.
The Lucifer metaphor piqued an interest in me, as I have used his alter ego, Apollo, in some of my own writing. Ah yes, the old bringer of light and healing and music!
Best post I've read today :D
Thanks for the great compliment...
I am a member of an international poetry club and the type of poetic communication that is communicated there arises to much higher levels of beauty..and exceeds my level in ability to understand metaphors..
I always wanted to create..and hearing international poets compliment this person..me..who was referred to as a computer in communication style just a little over 6 moths ago is also the best compliment I could hope to receive in this life among many others I have recently received now that I am more fully a member of the human race..if you will...
I also Know a few other autistic people who have made great strides in eliminating barriers in understanding language for emotion..through poetic writing...
And my psychiatrist refers to my methods of overcoming the severe case of alexithymia I had as literal genius... if you will...
All I wanted to do was to be able to love all others again as I did when I was a child and actually feel that love radiating outside my being...
That was the ultimate gift higher than any material gift that I can imagine..
As I am financially independent and all the money in the world could not cure the condition...
Of having no soul...
Otherwise knows as the inability to express and feel love.
Thanks again..and yes I know there are many more 'people' in the listening audience that truly appreciate my "NEW" style of communicaton2..smiles..:)
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
However there is one line you penned in which I THINK I 'get' what your trying to do.
When you said "curing autism would be a STaRt." Or something like that.
The different cases you put the letters are supposed to take the reader into different levels of meaning- I suppose. And indeed one could say that 'curing' autism is more like "shooting the stars"(ie unattainable) than like a "start". Or...maybe its somehow both- a 'star' AND a 'start' (unattainable and yet something to strive for)- like star for a mariner to steer by- not for an astronaut to visit.
So you're trying to combine the visual with the verbal.
But- like octobertiger said- try to remember that brevity is the soul of wit.
You're driving without a poetic license.
You need some supervised hours on the road with Walt Whitman before you can be allowed to operate a free verse vehicle on your own!
Well as stated I am doing this for love.. I don't need the money..so I suppose I don't need a license..and my style is owned by only me..so I need no license anyway..
I AM my own supervisor if you will..hehehaha...
IT IS REally a beautiful way of life..as far as 'seyes'me...
And International poets like my style..which is also a documented fact...so that's more than a six month new poetic individual could ever hope for I suppose...if i was even trying to impress anyone but my wife with what I do...as far as that poetry stuff..goes if you will..you know the mushy stuff and all...that makes some women tingle....
That's all I really wanted to do for 7 years now anyway...love my wife again..the real love if you will...
I already had everything else anyone could wish for as far as material success goes...
I KNOWNow for sure...ALL THERE IS IS LOVE....
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Last edited by aghogday on 06 Oct 2013, 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
When you said "curing autism would be a STaRt." Or something like that.
The different cases you put the letters are supposed to take the reader into different levels of meaning- I suppose. And indeed one could say that 'curing' autism is more like "shooting the stars"(ie unattainable) than like a "start". Or...maybe its somehow both- a 'star' AND a 'start' (unattainable and yet something to strive for)- like star for a mariner to steer by- not for an astronaut to visit.
So you're trying to combine the visual with the verbal.
But- like octobertiger said- try to remember that brevity is the soul of wit.
Just a word of advice that took me close to 53 years to learn natural plastic..and take it with a grain of sand if you will..is try to learn to not think so much...
It's very liberating just to be...
The expression of my words are no more or less than the liberty that is TRUE LIBERTY...IF YOU WILL..it has no boundaries..but BE....
I am not trying to impress anyone..I am just being completely honest as the being I AM...
What comes with that flows..It is not analyzed by an ego if you will...
That is where the bliss comes in....
If you could be there..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Last edited by aghogday on 06 Oct 2013, 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
IF this is the way the universe functions, your will has to overcome the will of the masses to make any changes beyond that of the self...
Believing the world was flat didn't make it so.
we don't know that for a fact...that is the problem with consensual reality... it might have been... however... I agree with you... hence the use of the word "IF"
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.
IF this is the way the universe functions, your will has to overcome the will of the masses to make any changes beyond that of the self...
I disagree...
Even one word from another individual can provide healing power..It is dependent on the observer and 'whatever' the source of the energy may be that is the healer...
However..this lies within the realm of complex human emotion..and without that..a person will likely never understand what I am indicating here...
As no two people share the exact same perceptions of life..as currently understood by science...
So in effect every person experiences...
A different Universe as the observer who influences the reality that IS...
By creating an illusion of their own reality...if one wills...
And there is every opportunity for every connection in life..to influence another connection in life to change the course of each person's construct of human reality..varying from individual to invidiual..with the emotional connections being what bonds people together..and creates real change in the world..the human kind..if one wills..step by step...on a 'golden spiral journey'...
I would like to change the frame of reference... the universe is observable and repeatable... each person lays their own interpretation upon what is... they view the universe through the warped lens of their own perceptions and experiences... This does not change what is, only what we perceive...
As such, you make assertions without quantifiable proof. Energies and changes that cannot... or rather, if exist, have not been measured and quantified... and that's the thing... if it cannot be measured, it does not exist.
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.
You're driving without a poetic license.
You need some supervised hours on the road with Walt Whitman before you can be allowed to operate a free verse vehicle on your own!
Yeah. I'm done. Don't bother messaging and expecting a response - i've left WP permanently.