LKL wrote:
You basically said, 'Anyone who disagrees with me is a freedom-hating (bad) person' in your prior post. Now you're implying that I'm either stupid or lazy because I don't start my own business.
Firstly, there is more than one type of freedom. Not being able to quit your job and start your own business, because your family would lose medical coverage, is not freedom. Just for example..
I am implying that you are taking away my freedom because you want me to pay taxes to support your beliefs. If you have faith in how the government spends your money, that's fine. But don't demand that I need to pay for somebody else's healthcare, government employee salaries & pensions, your food stamps etc.
If you knew anything about microeconomics (my college major) you would know that the free market approach creates way more jobs. Your chances of having a higher paying job under a libertarian government are much greater than the manipulated government employed job market we have now.
LKL wrote:
As for why I rely on other people for anything, it's because I'm a member of a social species in a complex social environment in which no one can be an expert at everything one needs to have done in order to get through the average week or the average year.
In a libertarian environment, you're free to perform your own appendectomy sans a general anesthetic if you lack health insurance and can't pay for a doctor. Why do you rely on other so much to perform necessary medical procedures? You're free to draw your own blood and run your own medical tests using your own $30K chemistry analyzer. Are you too stupid and lazy to do those things?
Or maybe you don't do them because it would be unnecessarily painful, and have far less positive outcomes, than if you let the experts do it. Maybe you don't do it because some people are good at things like drawing blood and running lab tests, and other people are good at starting businesses.
Again, under a libertarian government there wouldn't be all of the government employees being payed, and we wouldn't have to pay nearly as many stupid taxes. Money would be getting circulated in the economy much more than it is now. Your chances of being able to afford your own healthcare would be much greater than they are today. I'm not saying that we don't need some government, but the size of our government is beyond a police state now.
And that's what your implying; your twisted view of a libertarian government is no government at all. We need reduced government. Taxes are killing businesses and keeping them from hiring and growing. Government spending is around 50% of GDP. Do you even know what that means?
LKL wrote:
What I wonder is why you think that one type of person is somehow morally superior to the other.
You don't know me. It's very ignorant of you to make such a statement that I think "one type of person is more superior than the other" I don't even know what you mean by that comment.
I'm an aspie male. My chances of starting a business are slim. I want the most private sector jobs for America as possible.