I would like to live forever. I dont' feel that way in the normal instinctive sense of trying to delay death as much as possible, but I like the prospect of how much I could learn in such a time span. I'd like to have enough time to learn every human language, every programming language, and become a specialist in every possible field. I am greedy, I crave knowledge.
I would get to witness the apocalypse, which I actually think I'd want. The way it is now, I feel like I'm watching a movie with the last half of it missing. I want to see how the story of humanity ends.
I don't think such a hope is impossible. This body would give out long before then, but given how we're learning more and more about the human mind all the time, it isn't beyond hope that in 60 years, my memories might be transferrable to a machine. I'd be happier as a computer anyway. Computers are so much more logical than human beings.