Moviefan2k4 wrote:
TallyMan wrote:
I can understand your argument, but it is unworkable. Which external standard should humanity use? Each religion has its own god or gods and its own set of moral principles that each religion believes is given by their own god.
The key to this is accepting absolute truth, which many don't want because it means their beliefs are wrong. Some would protest with "Who are you to judge?", and my answer is "I'm not. This has nothing to do with me; I'm just a messenger. Take your problems to the source; He can handle it."
There is no such thing as absolute truth, there are only approximate truths. The only way of knowing that something is true is by means of having demonstrable evidence for it and last time I checked, there was no demonstrable evidence that any Gods exist.
Moviefan2k4 wrote:
Another argument against the external moral standards is how badly out of touch they are with modern society and how badly used/abused they are to inflict subjugation or even terror over other groups of mankind. The world is full of religious people who believe it is their moral duty to proselytize the unbelievers and even to kill them in the name of their external god given moral standard.
I've often said that the key to understanding different belief systems is looking at those who originally founded them, not the applications today. Just because different religious values are abused, that doesn't mean they should be discarded completely.
If you look at the bible, there are places where rape is condoned, where God commands the Israelites to commit genocide, slavery is acceptable etc. The very fact that we
can choose out of the bible the morality that we like and discard the things that we dislike indicates that the bible cannot be our ultimate source of morality. It has to come from something else.