YourMum wrote:
you're missing the point that you can't be objective if you've already decided which approach you're going to take on the world.
Which works best and has better standard and methodology for "the search of truth" than the rest. I never said that was fully objective, I know absolute objectivity isn't possible, and that doesn't discredit the scientific method.
The birth of Zeus is not as valid as the Theory of Relativity and viceversa. You (I pressume) would rather go to a doctor to treat a serious illness than a shaman healer.
If A is a better system and aproximation of reality than B, then A is more useful and B is discarded for such things.
Says who? It really seems to me that you've already made up your mind about both science and religion.
Religion: Absolute certainty
Science: Falsifiability.
There is nothing more to say about this.
It adapts at the same rate with equal affect from the tides of time.
It does in order to survive, but not entirely (the catholic church accepts evolution but still has an issue with homosexuality)
You're setting standards by which to dismiss religion. Religion itself, evidently, does not subscribe to these standards.
A standard: scientific empiricism for knowledge, so yeah, religion doesn't suscribe to it.