Nambo wrote:
The word soul actually means "life as a breather", its talking about the living entity, not some mysterious creature that live inside you and retains your memories even when a damaged brain cannot do so.
this is true, as far as i know. the word for "soul" and the word for "breath" are the same word in Hebrew. the Jewish belief is that God metaphorically (or physically, if you will) breathed a soul into every human being. it doesnt count for grasshoppers and trees, i'm pretty sure. i dont think animals have a share in the World to Come.
the way i see it, death isnt the end. what do we live for, in that case? i believe that God gave us free will and the power to do what we want with our lives. we have a limited time to live, so we need to make our own choices about what to do with our puny human existences. afterwards - i see it as a chance to rest from all the work we put in throughout our lives, a kind of perpetual Sabbath day. (wow i'm such a religious person LOL)
anyway, i'm digging the discussion. it's not what i expected, but definitely interesting. i like hearing everyone's views.