So, when discussing feminism and feminists, I've noticed several recurring themes that make said discussions difficult, and thought I'd explore them a little, as well as explaining a bit more where I'm coming from.
Firstly, we have the problem that the terms mean different things to different people, what with all the waves and schools and such, and that alone causes quite a bit of confusion and anger, as people like me who are exasperated with the privilege checking jargon spewing hashtag activist school of feminism so prevalent on the internet these days encounter people who think feminism is still only about equality for women and such, and don't umderstand why anyone might have a problem with it. These same people often discount or severely underestimate the size and influence of this form of feminism, again accusing people like myself who question it of being misogynists, of not knowing any "real" feminists, of conflating all feminists with true whack-jobs like Dworkin, etc, when really it's the most commonly encountered form online, and certainly the loudest.
Secondly, we have extreme defensiveness on the part of many feminists, attacking anyone who questions any aspect of feminism as sexist or uninformed, often conflating women with feminists in the process, when they are not at all the same thing. This intolerance to critique of any kind is one of my major issues with internet feminism, and identity politics generally, as fear of opposing arguments is not usually the sign of a solid belief system, and belies the rigid group-think that so often underlies such groups.
Thirdly, and this plays into the last item as well, is the inability and/or refusal of many feminists to realize that it's not some sort of manspiracy that's giving them a bad name, that it's nasty encounters with humorless people ranting about microagressions and Patriarchy and privilege every time someone inadvertently steps on whatever the latest landmine happens to be; it's exhausting, and not exactly persuasive, to say the least. I mean, it's one thing to try and be respectful of others and sensitive to social faux pas, it's quite another to have this byzantine set of rules regarding POC/WOC, LBGTQIA (seriously, they're going to run out of letters sooner or later), cis this and trans that, and being so damn serious about it all the time, I mean I couldn't make this stuff up, and people outside of that community can't believe it when I show them articles on Everydayfeminism, Feministing, or even Salon, all mainstream sites, not the extreme. If you're a straight equals rights kind of feminist and are sick of being lumped in with this craziness, you need to recognize that you're essentially being sabotaged from within, and make a point of distancing yourself from these people. I know, that sounds awfully reminiscent of telling Muslims that they must denounce radical Islam or else be suspected of sympathizing, but in this case it happens to be good advice; there is no more effective salesperson for the "other side" than an obnoxious person in your own ranks, and large portions of online feminism have slid unarguably into the obnoxious column. As a person with a number of unorthodox and unpopular beliefs, I completely understand how annoying it is to be expected to denounce people merely to be taken seriously, but it's an unfortunate reality of how politics works these days, as gun owning me remembers every time Ted Nugent opens his mouth, or mall ninjas take some ill advised selfies at the Chipotle.
Finally, I give you this, an article that actually showed up in my Facebook feed today because one of my feminist friends (yes, I have them, and know them IRL, I only really dislike things I encounter in person) liked and commented on it, that illustrates much of what I'm talking about concerning modern feminist and other identity politics.
Please read it before commenting.
Also, can someone explain to me why it's racist when your Republican uncle refers to colored people, but perfectly fine when lefty intellectual types say people of color? I've never quite gotten the distinction.
Your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer.
- Rick Sanchez