Guns as the great equalizer
yes, it invalidates differences in physical ability, but it is naive to assume only the physically weaker party will hold the gun.
in this case, the more agressive party will be the "victor", with worse injuries and more chance for 'collateral damage' than without a gun.
so you'd rather just the bad guy have a gun?
I'd rather have every chance I could. life is sh***y there's all kinds of what ifs that can happen. if I went by them I'd killed myself long ago. but you're more likely to be mugged by a guy with a knife or bat or just his arms then a gun. There are tons of cases where the more aggressive party was not the victor. few bullets to the stomach and chest tend to change most peoples minds. well most people change their mind just from seeing a gun, more from seeing it pointed at them. most defense cases end with no shot being fired and never being reported.
could be as simple as flashing a gun when a mob of people approaches you.
there was a case where a guy was walking towards another guy who was sitting on his tail gate drinking a beer. the 2nd guy took out a handgun and put it on the tailgate, the first guy seeing this turned around.
but back to the point. its better to have every chance you can. that fire extinguisher under you counter can't put out all fires, but most people have one. what if the fire starts right next to it? its useless then, so probably shouldn't even bother having one and just let your house burn down without a fight right?
having a gun is a equalizer that can save your life in many cases. in others it won't matter. but it's likely in those cases nothing would matter. nearly everyone who carries a gun considers knows this, but we still carry for the cases it would help and save lives.
Actually, yes, i do.
If only the mugger has a gun, i'll just give in to him, i got a good insurance anyway; once he has what he wants, he'll leave me alone.
If the mugger has any reason to expect i carry a gun myself (whether i actually do or not is irrelevant on this point), he is significantly more likely to shoot me if i make a motion that could mean i'm about to draw it.
In the netherlands, gun violence is almost non-existent, it only occurs between rival gangs, where indeed both parties are armed.
Actually, yes, i do.
If only the mugger has a gun, i'll just give in to him, i got a good insurance anyway; once he has what he wants, he'll leave me alone.
If the mugger has any reason to expect i carry a gun myself (whether i actually do or not is irrelevant on this point), he is significantly more likely to shoot me if i make a motion that could mean i'm about to draw it.
In the netherlands, gun violence is almost non-existent, it only occurs between rival gangs, where indeed both parties are armed.
or he/she(like how you assume the criminal is a man) will just stab you and take your stuff. I'd rather not be a helpless victim with my life in the hands of everyone else to do as they please.
or he/she would just avoid you altogether. why risk his life for the chance you have money, plenty of other people they could mug that they are sure don't' have a gun. notice they don't mug cops, security, pi, military,etc. notice shootings dont' happen at nra conventions, police department's, gun shops. nope criminals are after easy targets. they don't target those they think can defend themselves. do they try to mug big strong guys or weak small guys?
pretty much non existent here too. we dont' even have gang stuff. cop said the gang had to drive 2-3 hours to another city for a gang fight. we do have muggings/robberies/small crimes. had a armor truck attacked year ago, and another few years before that. besides the main big left anti gun cities, crime in the us isn't that high. still I'd rather be able to defend myself.
also if the guy is half a foot away shoving a barrel in your gut, most smart people wouldn't draw. you draw when hes approaching you and tell him to stop that you're armed, when he then comes faster and shows his weapon you back up and shoot. again different situations. proper defense starts with paying attention to your surroundings. this can also prevent you being followed, kidnaped, harassed, hit in some stupid knock out game, or all kinds of things. you might also notice something else happening to another person and be able to help them. most people don't' do this though.
Have you ever heard of the term "mama grizzly"? It refers to a mother (and plenty of fathers) who, while never harming anything would, and does, turn into an aggressive bear when those she cares for are threatened. I believe that many people have that same instinct and, as the provider of care to others who rely on the care, won't let themselves be threatened or harmed, either. The worst thing for a threatening thug who thinks he or she is invincible is to meet up with a protector of others. For me, at least, that is when Messrs. .357-sig and 5.56×45mm NATO make their unscripted appearances.
So, yeah. It does include the will to harm a human being. But, when any such human being crosses the big, bright red line of legally and socially acceptable behavior by threatening others, I have no qualms about the resulting harm. And, as defensive gun use (DGU) statistics tell us, nary a shot need be fired in 99 percent of the cases to bring the point home. In the vast majority of threatening thugs, they see the business end of a firearm (suddenly, even a BB gun appears monstrously large), piss themselves, turn tail and run faster than Caitlyn Jenner in Montreal.
Now, when even 99 percent of threatening thugs live to see another day, don't you see the value in DGUs to protect yourself and others?
Diagnosed in 2015 with ASD Level 1 by the University of Utah Health Care Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic using the ADOS-2 Module 4 assessment instrument [11/30] -- Screened in 2014 with ASD by using the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre AQ (Adult) [43/50]; EQ-60 for adults [11/80]; FQ [43/135]; SQ (Adult) [130/150] self-reported screening inventories -- Assessed since 1978 with an estimated IQ [≈145] by several clinicians -- Contact on by private message (PM)
Well, a person having passed the driving exam can hardly claim ignorance, can they? So that leaves either stupidity, as you say, or some degree of disrepect for the law. Driving under the influence of either should be grounds for revoked license.
Evidently you've never shared the open road with other drivers........
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
The best and safest human equalizer is walking openly with a strong and confident walk.
And learning to defend oneself to gain that kind of confident walk, as humans are
animals and will always have anxiety, until they learn to handle themselves for
defense; and nah, guns do not trick the human instinct into believing that
as the body knows better innately and intuitively whats up with human nature.
But of course, not all are cut out or care to take the effort to make that happen,
so guns make an equalizer for them; but a much more potential dangerous one.
Yes, just keep in mind that with human health anything can pop-up, including
the suicide disease, like I had named type-two Trigeminal Neuralgia, or other
human disorders that are literally worse than death numbering more than mine.
If I owned a hand-gun, then, I will not likely be alive today. But yes, I prayed for
one then, heavily as I could; even tried to get one; but the strength is gone then.
Instead, I am strong confident, and walking tall; and I for one know the potential
danger of handguns as a quick fix suicide, as nah, getting a chain or rope and
hanging oneself is not as easy as pulling a frigging trigger, successful or not.
And yes, I am always noted as the happiest person in the room, almost all
my life, before I encounter a dentist drill in my eye and ear of pain 24-7,
during all waking hours.
Additionally, suicide rates among folks with Asperger's is calculated as high
as 23X the norm of folks out in the herd.
So buy a gun at YOUR OWN RISK.
My father works in law-enforcement for 46 years and never has to use one
on someone else.
Fortunately, I did not live with him, during my suicide disease, with his scores
of revolvers as a collection of fun or potential suicide, in my case.
Owning a gun is one of the most dangerous things a human can do; and research
proves this out, time and time again. It's just common sense; the trigger takes
away the normal human aversion that does not allow a person to kill another
of one's species. Even so-called lesser social animals have this instinct of
aversion without the separation of human empathy a trigger can provide.
That is for humans with empathy. Humans without empathy should be
regulated with licenses as well, as only metaphor and analogy of course.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
This is a good example of DGUs: ... Sy824I_gr4
This is a good example of slapstick humor: ... KoZJ3mp5Tk
Diagnosed in 2015 with ASD Level 1 by the University of Utah Health Care Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic using the ADOS-2 Module 4 assessment instrument [11/30] -- Screened in 2014 with ASD by using the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre AQ (Adult) [43/50]; EQ-60 for adults [11/80]; FQ [43/135]; SQ (Adult) [130/150] self-reported screening inventories -- Assessed since 1978 with an estimated IQ [≈145] by several clinicians -- Contact on by private message (PM)
One might argue ignorance over stupidity, although they aren't mutually exclusive. My point is that she probably wouldn't have carried it cocked if she'd known the first thing about guns, and my concern was more for the people unlucky enough to be in her general vicinity.
What about all the stupid but licensed people driving?
Guns were designed to put holes in things at distances greater than physical contact range, preferably with a degree of accuracy. Some are designed for more specific tasks (e.g. target shooting, hunting, killing people, etc..).
Type in "Gunz-r-bad" in this forum's search window and see all the gun control debates we've had here over the years. I've eventually added that to just about every one of them to mock the pre-school naivete of the anti-gun crowd as a whole. In all those debates, not once have the antis brought a valid argument to the table. Anything you could say in this thread has already been said, probably repeatedly, by others and duly shot down (no pun intended) by one of us that knows what we're talking about.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
thats your irrational problem not mine. suppose atleast you arent' saying muskets or cross bows(though many are afraid of crossbows too) >.>[/quote]
They may have good reason to be, with a steel string pulled back to say 175lbs of tension, if that goes off at the wrong time it can slice your fingers right off, makes me wonder how they ever shot crossbows during the Middle Ages under battle conditions.
Anyone who thinks guns should be banned or heavily restricted, especially those in Europe who agree with this are some of the most statist, servile sheep imaginable. It is everyone's inherent natural right to defend themselves in any way they want, which no government should be able to take away. For a state to come and say you can't do that, is one of the sure signs of being a slave. Gun control also worked really well in Nazi Germany and Maoist China, as well as with Pol Pot in Cambodia, and what followed were genocides.
Last edited by spiritnja on 09 Jun 2015, 10:22 am, edited 2 times in total.
They may have good reason to be, with a steel string pulled back to say 175lbs of tension, if that goes off at the wrong time it can slice your fingers right off, makes me wonder how they ever shot crossbows during the Middle Ages under battle conditions.
The reason 'Middle-Agers' do not usually slice their
fingers off using heavily tensioned steel strings
on cross bows, in battle conditions is:
Practice. Lots of Practice and muscle memory;
The reason monkeys don't usually fall out trees;
And humans often stumble on sidewalks.
Practice does lead to a perfection of practice..
Or without practice, NOT..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
Here you openly advocate gun control.
Licensing: Which is usually non-existing for ownership alone.
Testing: Which can be abused to prevent more and more people from legal gun ownership by raising the bar to absurd levels.
A violent crime conviction can come from being in a fist fight that someone else started. It can also come from a domestic disturbance where no actual violence occurred.
You seem to forget that there are already tens of millions (or more) of guns already in circulation in the US alone......
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
It depends on the individual how well they will fare when the time comes.
So you admit it's not really an equalizer.
The will to harm a human being is still a factor.
It's a tool that makes a good equalizer. Nothing more or less.....
Numbers and statistics do lie if rendered by a liar. A foot from the keyboard I'm using right now lies in a drawer a loaded .40 caliber Glock with 14 rounds in it.
Why am I not killing myself?
Why are not all the other gun owners I know not killing themselves?
I only personally know one (1) person that used a gun to kill himself. Trust me, if not for the gun he would have chosen and pursued another method within the minute.....
Data isn't the plural of anecdote.
Data is only as good as the person compiling it and thier intent. There is no law of nature that states that anyone gathering data is automatically honest or even competent just by virtue of them collecting data.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
Yes, true, the associated tools of the trade are always important.
But 'these folks' likely have thicker bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles
and skin too. Even science shows that humans who MOVE for a living
in foraging ways, per modern science have living bones that are as
dense and thick as our so-called pre-historic ancestors.
Classical evolution works slow.
Negative Epigenetics, in just one lifetime, works much faster.
When I am a book WORM, in middle school, I am a human worm.
Now that I move to live, I leg press 930LBS on a parallel leg press
machine with hands raised to air, 14 times slowly like no other human
can do on Youtube. My advantage is, I know the secret of my ancestors
to move 'invisibly' in 360 degrees; not just in straight lines of 20% of human
potential, and that my friend is why my much younger counterpart marines
at my gym leg press half as much as I do on the same machine, even the
guys who can leg press 1000LBS on a vertical leg press machine, with just
4 plates vs. my 20 plates on parallel leg press machine; as trial and evidence.
Seriously, when I am young, I am more of a 'worm' than any personal photo I have
seen on this website to date, of any male here. And yes, there are some 'wimpy'
looking dudes in the photos. But the thing is, positive epigenetics is not just a
mind thingy; it most definitely can be a mind and body balance thingy, in just one
lifetime, where human reverts back to the much higher human potential of the strength
of a chimp who can rip the face off of a human being, with ease and bare hand strength.
I do ballet style dance mixed with soft Kung FU of my own style of martial arts; and
by the time I finish leg pressing that half-a-ton that no on can do half as much on;
never an eye meets mine. But that is warrior land, not side-walk talk, where humans
have almost totally forgotten what they even are, as walking tall Lions on the Savannah..
Lesson learned for me. And there is nothing like fearless to make a life super cool, as can be..
Smiles. I am NOT BRAGGING; I am just providing the human and now scientific evidenced proof
in how human beings become real super heroes of flesh and blood steel;
with nary the need for a frigging gun, with piercing eyes of blue of cold hot strength..
Seriously, I used to be terrified to walk in a dark bar room parking lot. People walk away
from me, now, instead; it's just human nature; No escape; but truly what can be found again..
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
The current U.S. population (according the U.S. Census Bureau) is about 321,043,946. The U.S. number of firearms per 100 residents (according to the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies Small Arms Survey in Geneva) is 88.8. There are estimated, therefore, to be 285,087,024 firearms in private ownership in the United States.
Diagnosed in 2015 with ASD Level 1 by the University of Utah Health Care Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinic using the ADOS-2 Module 4 assessment instrument [11/30] -- Screened in 2014 with ASD by using the University of Cambridge Autism Research Centre AQ (Adult) [43/50]; EQ-60 for adults [11/80]; FQ [43/135]; SQ (Adult) [130/150] self-reported screening inventories -- Assessed since 1978 with an estimated IQ [≈145] by several clinicians -- Contact on by private message (PM)
A transfer bar in a revolver is only a passive safety. If loaded, you can still pull the trigger at any time and that gun will go bang. The lady in question was probably just an idiot. Idiots abound and are just one of the perils of life. Hopefully they kill themselves without taking out anyone else in the process.
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
- Thomas Jefferson
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