Transcendentalism and Gnosticism.
Which were largely defined as a philosoply by immanuel kant, who heavily influenced the transcendentalists.
Kant was too involved with silly systems and perhaps a bit solipsistic. He thought everything was because of God so his reasoning became circular when really it was his mind that was about God so he projected it onto his reasoning skills.
Which were largely defined as a philosoply by immanuel kant, who heavily influenced the transcendentalists.
Then apparently you have never really gained skill of dance in mind and body balance;
for greatest all natural way of human transcendence to REAL 'Human Heaven'.
It is infinitely complex my friend; along with martial arts;
A person can live an infinite number of lifetimes
and never exhaust this FULLER human potential;
the human body is capable
of an infinite number
of both moves;
and senses;
in nuanced style;
no lessons required;
only moving heArt
and soUL expressed
as moving spiRit in
LIFE; abstract written
human language
is sign language for the
REAL deal; comprising
anywhere from 60 to
93 percent as non-
verbal language;
and free style dance
is used in human communication;
tens of thousands of years before
humans become trapped in a
a head of written word
sign language;
limiting the much
fullER greater potential
of human experience;
in both emotions and senses;
and whenever one hears esoteric
sounding folks talk about what
humans have forgotten in life;
IT is precisely
but I can talk comfortably about
it; as once I am a restricted robot-
like Zombie 'moving' human being
that has to watch
his wife walk
and copy IT;
to even go
in department stores
in social anxious skin;
IF, I can lead the frigging
dance in a top 100 dance
club in the U.S.; imagine
what someone who
really knows and
practices how
to free style
move from
in emotions
and senses can do too;
and yes, there are circuses
for folks like that too; but
I for one; do it for the FREE
transcendent experience
of REAL fullER mind
and body balance;
and not a life
trapped in
a little
of head..

And my head
for one; is
extra large;
but still nothing
like a Jonathan
Livingston Seagull;
at 230LBS in
of feather
air like
LAND; IT takes
me decades to
understand that
one day I will
be 'that' seagull
too; and flight
IS possible on
land; and much
cooler than
walking on
frigging water;
as this is real
magicK, baby;
myth of
human being..

And believe me; five years ago;
this would mean nothing to me either;
as it is a whole Universe of me;
left unexplored
So I totally understand if you
remain clueless about
anything I
am describing

But never the less, friend;
and I do have
the real life
and evidence
to prove it;
in many different
mediums of modern
technology PROOF..

The Art of TAI CHI
and KUNG FU only
i for one
do; as I
create it
as i and
GOD all
innately instinctually
and intuitively allows
all the time

I ONLY come here with
sign language to attempt
to describe it; but it takes
real life viewing to
get A
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !

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I was going through one of my rent AMORC monographs and they hit on something that I thought was an illustrative poem on contemplation by Jan Van Ruysbroeck. It really caught my attention in just how well he explained the situation and how-to of mystic awakening. Unfortunately it wasn't something I could find online, I just found it referenced that it was an excerpt from Jan's Book of the Twelve Beguines which does look like a great read.
If you want something that leans slightly dualist or at least plays on the boarder between dualism and monism you may want to check out some of the old Christian mystics as a lot of them seem to apply a heavy dose of Platonist logic but still uphold certain angles of sin and grace. Jan looks like a great read, also Carl Von Eckartshausen's Cloud Upon the Sanctuary and a lot of the stuff by by both Dionysus the Areopagite and Pseudodionysus gets plenty of acclaim. Miguel Molinos also wrote a mystic prayer manual ('the Spiritual Guide') during the times of the Spanish inquisition but it goes somewhat without saying that most authors chopped it to pieces to take the so-called heretical content out. Jacob Boehme of course is famous for his writings and I hear Emanuel Swedenborg's name dropped constantly also (which is another author I'm meaning to read more of).
Also, something you really might want to check into - Martinism. It's a Christian mystic/magical order that's heavily linked to Christian chivalry and the like. Most known author of the 'Unknown Philosophers' was second man seen to be in it's line of of creation (the second 'Martin' of Martinism) Louise-Claude de Saint Martin. A really good modern Martinist book, of enough renown to have been owned and studied by the last to Catholic Popes, is Meditations on the Tarot - A Journey into Christian Hermeticism (by Unknown Author, who is actually Valentin Tomberg writing something intended as a post-mortem passing on of what he learned in his life, translated by Robert Powell).
I suppose I can't help bringing up classical Christian mysticism as well as Martinism on the topic because when you start getting into Emerson, Thoreau, Blake, etc.. you're getting into something very same-ish. It's a place where what one might think of as dominantly Eastern features of things like Hinduism and Buddhism find their way into Christianity and Judaism by way of Plato, Pythagoras, etc.. and technically speaking when you walk backward some of the chafing that the bible has gotten over the years from the religious establishment trying to jam a square peg into a round hole the amount of sense the results make over dead letter wagon-circling is a night and day.
Don't know how much you're reading or not reading these days but definitely if you ever have the chance try on MOTT. Aside from Manly P Hall's Secret Teachings I'd have to say MOTT is the other book that IMHO is right up there in terms of eye-opening power.
The loneliest part of life: it's not just that no one is on your cloud, few can even see your cloud.
I was going through one of my rent AMORC monographs and they hit on something that I thought was an illustrative poem on contemplation by Jan Van Ruysbroeck. It really caught my attention in just how well he explained the situation and how-to of mystic awakening. Unfortunately it wasn't something I could find online, I just found it referenced that it was an excerpt from Jan's Book of the Twelve Beguines which does look like a great read.
If you want something that leans slightly dualist or at least plays on the boarder between dualism and monism you may want to check out some of the old Christian mystics as a lot of them seem to apply a heavy dose of Platonist logic but still uphold certain angles of sin and grace. Jan looks like a great read, also Carl Von Eckartshausen's Cloud Upon the Sanctuary and a lot of the stuff by by both Dionysus the Areopagite and Pseudodionysus gets plenty of acclaim. Miguel Molinos also wrote a mystic prayer manual ('the Spiritual Guide') during the times of the Spanish inquisition but it goes somewhat without saying that most authors chopped it to pieces to take the so-called heretical content out. Jacob Boehme of course is famous for his writings and I hear Emanuel Swedenborg's name dropped constantly also (which is another author I'm meaning to read more of).
Also, something you really might want to check into - Martinism. It's a Christian mystic/magical order that's heavily linked to Christian chivalry and the like. Most known author of the 'Unknown Philosophers' was second man seen to be in it's line of of creation (the second 'Martin' of Martinism) Louise-Claude de Saint Martin. A really good modern Martinist book, of enough renown to have been owned and studied by the last to Catholic Popes, is Meditations on the Tarot - A Journey into Christian Hermeticism (by Unknown Author, who is actually Valentin Tomberg writing something intended as a post-mortem passing on of what he learned in his life, translated by Robert Powell).
I suppose I can't help bringing up classical Christian mysticism as well as Martinism on the topic because when you start getting into Emerson, Thoreau, Blake, etc.. you're getting into something very same-ish. It's a place where what one might think of as dominantly Eastern features of things like Hinduism and Buddhism find their way into Christianity and Judaism by way of Plato, Pythagoras, etc.. and technically speaking when you walk backward some of the chafing that the bible has gotten over the years from the religious establishment trying to jam a square peg into a round hole the amount of sense the results make over dead letter wagon-circling is a night and day.
Don't know how much you're reading or not reading these days but definitely if you ever have the chance try on MOTT. Aside from Manly P Hall's Secret Teachings I'd have to say MOTT is the other book that IMHO is right up there in terms of eye-opening power.
I'll keep this post in mind for Transcendental Tuesdays. I appreciate all the suggestions, Techstep.

Joined: 6 Feb 2005
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What's Transcendental Tuesdays?
I got the idea from the Tuesdays trend, as in "throw back" or "transformation" Tuesdays but I wanted my own thing, something that reflects what I am interested in, so I chose transcendental. Sometimes people go with Thursdays but I focus on Tuesday because I was born on a Tuesday so I am biased to pick it over Thursday.
It's just a day to study and meditate on transcendence.