why hell?
One thing that I find interesting concering Heaven and Hell:
surely I’m not the only one who finds eternal peace and happiness (Heaven) as disturbing as eternal pain and suffering (Hell)? It’d drive me insane…and this is from a human who hasn’t known anything other than a fleeting amount of internal happiness in my entire life. Personally, I couldn't choose one over the other; they're both insane and maddening in their extreme views.
I never could understand this when the Priests were speaking of Heaven and Hell in school. I never questioned them due to my inability to speak. Where's the balance?

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surely I’m not the only one who finds eternal peace and happiness (Heaven) as disturbing as eternal pain and suffering (Hell)? It’d drive me insane…and this is from a human who hasn’t known anything other than a fleeting amount of internal happiness in my entire life. Personally, I couldn't choose one over the other; they're both insane and maddening in their extreme views.
I never could understand this when the Priests were speaking of Heaven and Hell in school. I never questioned them due to my inability to speak. Where's the balance?
I think the way I am able to visualize it - I've rolled so I know how you could be put in a psychological state where all that just seems to be resolved, you feel like your completely free to be, and while its something I'd never do again just because of the physical aftermath it was still just an important perspective lesson in my life. If there was that kind of state after death it would be, like for many here their 'NT'ness is just scooped out and nonexistent the need to strive for various things seems like its very flesh oriented and if there were a higher power I'd think no matter what happens - whether your in heaven or hell - that the whole striving engine would be shut down just because, there's no genetic breeding race to win and no working for or needing any degree of social dominance or prestige - that's strictly a flesh thing.
hmm heaven.
where you go work for the big man,
who wants to work doing something for someone else for eternity? not what you want to do mind you, but whats assigned you.
what? have everything you ever wanted? how drool, there would be nothing to strive for.
what? live in heaven only desiring the love and to love and be loved by the one and only god?
do you have any idea how many people are standing in line at his door just for some one on one time? you would be nothing more then a flea in a long line of fleas.
what? roads and city's made of gold and diamonds? hell it would all be worthless there would be so much of it.
what? sit around and do nothing forever? how boring.
perhaps your heaven is swinging from the tree's and eating figs and wearing a big fig leaf chasing the girls or being chased by the boys hoping to get laid, oh wait, sex is a sin and of the flesh and your dead, right? so thats out of the question.
I asked so many ministers and priests what heaven was and what the point of it was and what made it so wonderful to be in and go to and they all said the same thing, just to be next to god and his love, they had no real idea or conception past that them selves, or that it has to be better then hell, blah, if I had to goto hell at least I might be able to have kinky sex forever, give me the challenge of the sciences, its much preferred and more realistic..
No, I just expect you to back up your claims. You may, however, plausibly argue that I am holding myself and Christianity generally to a lower burden of proof, in which case I will gladly respond to your valid criticisms, and seek to examine the issues in greater depth. You probably have a point about the malleability of statistics, but a statement in your post was essentially one relating to statistics without providing details.
You probably have a fair point about atheists being a persecuted minority, particularly in America. Here in Australia not so much, and I am not certain of Britain. Have you heard of the relatively recent release of Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion"? There was an interesting article in the Age (an Australian newspaper) about a resurgent reinvigorated atheist movement. Of course atheism is very diverse, and you may have mixed feelings upon reading such words.
My greater concern was not so much the lack of statistics
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
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Foxman, I'm so sorry you were beaten up for the stupidest of reasons.
I can't remember who did the study, but it was in the newspapers a while back that the most religious people were the most generous.
I am enjoying the discussion, especially the posts from our friend down under.
Myself, after my eldest son became a universalist and sent me all sorts of exegesis and translations, I reluctantly took up the study of hell, my least favorite doctrine, and read multiple books from many perspectives and finally sided with John Stott, a prominent protestant writer, who is a, uh-oh, I just lost the noun and it may take me days to find it again. Exterminationist? doesn't sound right. Someone who believes those who have accepted the salvation Jesus provides and subsequently worked toward God's Kingdom will go to heaven or whatever heaven is a metaphor for, and those who reject God will die and be destroyed.
The boys who beat up Foxman were not working toward the Kingdom of God. If they were, they would have loved, helped, and respected him.
I can't remember who did the study, but it was in the newspapers a while back that the most religious people were the most generous.
I am enjoying the discussion, especially the posts from our friend down under.
Myself, after my eldest son became a universalist and sent me all sorts of exegesis and translations, I reluctantly took up the study of hell, my least favorite doctrine, and read multiple books from many perspectives and finally sided with John Stott, a prominent protestant writer, who is a, uh-oh, I just lost the noun and it may take me days to find it again. Exterminationist? doesn't sound right. Someone who believes those who have accepted the salvation Jesus provides and subsequently worked toward God's Kingdom will go to heaven or whatever heaven is a metaphor for, and those who reject God will die and be destroyed.
The boys who beat up Foxman were not working toward the Kingdom of God. If they were, they would have loved, helped, and respected him.
First off, for everyone, I'm a girl. This is confusing, I know, a female with Foxman as a first name, but oh well. I now just expect everone who hasn't met me to assume that I'm male^.^
Secondly, this is exactly what bothers me about dual afterlife conceptions. Why, simply because I don't believe in a concept for which there is no concrete proof...should I "die and be destroyed?" I am an extremely moral person, I don't need a book to tell me how to behave correctly, and be kind to others. Why do people desire to believe that I, and millions of others who reject the notion of a higher power (billions if one takes into account belief in the "wrong" god) will be punished so terribly? This sentiment seems not so terribly charitable to me...
So here's this yhvh dude all alone and unhappy. He decides to do a creation, of angels.
While he is setting up the angelic design parameters he knows, because he is omniscient, thatt they will fail in service. And even though he is obviously capable of doing so by way of his omnipotence (Enzyte I think) he does not alter the design or build specifications.
He makes one angel "the most beautiful" as if that was going to do something useful. Then when that most beautiful one (Callista? A is Flockheart?) thinks he is God's equal, God, being also very kind and reasonable, banishes him and his allies to a place of eternal punishment.
Then yhvh creates again, Once again he designs his works to fail the test. And somehow the beautiful one is let loose in a most imperfect garden (I mean: would you have placed a temptation into your Eden?)
When man fails (it was us babes who done it) yhvh turns him out of the garden, makes him work, makes pregnency painfl, and gives us bo and tooth decay. Oh and we can go to hell to.
And then he determines that due to man's crash, the critters must bite the big one too and so they give up speech in order to eat each other.
Much later he comes to his son with a deal: "Listen up kid, yer agonna go down there and tell em how to live." "Oh goodie dad,and they will be saved!" "No, they will kill you, and still go to hell."
Who is John Galt?
Still Moofy after all these years
It is by will alone that I set my mind in motion
cynicism occurs immediately upon pressing your brain's start button
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Mz Foxman
Some people look at hell this way: God says to the one who does not want Him, "Your will be done." and since apart from God there is no life, the person has chosen their own destruction.
Frankly, I don't think about hell much at all. Mostly I think about what would God want me to do in this situation I am in. Right now I am having a lot of fun sending books to three Christian schools in Rwanda that are providing free education to farmer's kids. And sending fruit tree seeds to a man who will grow them so I can plant them at the schools when I go next January. You want to come with me?
Some people look at hell this way: God says to the one who does not want Him, "Your will be done." and since apart from God there is no life, the person has chosen their own destruction.
Frankly, I don't think about hell much at all. Mostly I think about what would God want me to do in this situation I am in. Right now I am having a lot of fun sending books to three Christian schools in Rwanda that are providing free education to farmer's kids. And sending fruit tree seeds to a man who will grow them so I can plant them at the schools when I go next January. You want to come with me?
Hmmm, is that concept of Hell drawn from C. S. Lewis perchance? Noble work. I would be interested in accompanying you.
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
where you go work for the big man,
who wants to work doing something for someone else for eternity? not what you want to do mind you, but whats assigned you.
what? have everything you ever wanted? how drool, there would be nothing to strive for.
what? live in heaven only desiring the love and to love and be loved by the one and only god?
do you have any idea how many people are standing in line at his door just for some one on one time? you would be nothing more then a flea in a long line of fleas.
what? roads and city's made of gold and diamonds? hell it would all be worthless there would be so much of it.
what? sit around and do nothing forever? how boring.
perhaps your heaven is swinging from the tree's and eating figs and wearing a big fig leaf chasing the girls or being chased by the boys hoping to get laid, oh wait, sex is a sin and of the flesh and your dead, right? so thats out of the question.
I asked so many ministers and priests what heaven was and what the point of it was and what made it so wonderful to be in and go to and they all said the same thing, just to be next to god and his love, they had no real idea or conception past that them selves, or that it has to be better then hell, blah, if I had to goto hell at least I might be able to have kinky sex forever, give me the challenge of the sciences, its much preferred and more realistic..
Thank you for your thoughts, and there would be little point in making hell like that; perhaps the Islamic paradise or some of the abodes of the Devas with those Apsaras in Hinduism were what you were thinking of (I hope that part does not offend anyone). Your response is similar to that of Oisin/Ossian son of Fionn Mac Cumhail from the Fenian cycle; after his time with Niamh of the Golden Hair in Tir N'an Og he returned to find centuries had passed and Patricius Duccatus (St Patrick had arrived. What was the use of Heaven without fighting of battles and wooing of beautiful women (hence cerain Celtic and Norse conceptions of the Afterlife)? He would rather join his companions in the Fianna and die as he had lived. The challenge of the science indeed is worthwhile. Immortality might have advantages in terms of accumulating knowledge, though sometimes the conception of eternity is of timelessness rather than infinite time; I am not sure what consequences this would have for the means of acquiring knowledge. It is probable that Hell would afford few opportunities for scientific exploration, though some things about the nature of your surroundings might be deduced in the course of sufficient time...
You are like children playing in the market-place saying, "We piped for you and you would not dance, we wailed a dirge for you and you would not weep."
And no, I don't read any skeptic literature. Just a lot of skiffy. And JSTOR if you count that.
Some people look at hell this way: God says to the one who does not want Him, "Your will be done." and since apart from God there is no life, the person has chosen their own destruction.
Frankly, I don't think about hell much at all. Mostly I think about what would God want me to do in this situation I am in. Right now I am having a lot of fun sending books to three Christian schools in Rwanda that are providing free education to farmer's kids. And sending fruit tree seeds to a man who will grow them so I can plant them at the schools when I go next January. You want to come with me?
What are the schools teaching, exactly? I find that I disagree very strongly with the "teaching" incorporated by many Christian programs, particularly in Africa. Most of concern to me is the lack of womens health teaching, particularly around the topic of contraception.
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These are first through third graders. They are learning English, French, Ikinyarwanda, printing letters, math, Bible, and if they are using my books: ecology, environment, animals, astronomy, how things are manufactured, geography, the peoples of the world and their cultures, art, folk tales, careers, volcanoes, how to conduct simple science experiments, horticulture, silvaculture, anatomy, black scientists and explorers and inventors, etc. I try to make sure all the books are totally peopled by blacks or include blacks in a societally equal manner.