kraftiekortie wrote:
How would the world have been better if the Germans won World War One?
A mutual peace where neither side is punished to end s bloody pointless war would have been better for all. Germans could never won, they were attacked by too many powers. Ww1 was a war of fsmilies, all the leaders were cousins.
While the German leader had grand dreams is econicmially combined europe(EU) I don't think he had and plans of ruling over all Europe. Like hitler, he wanted to work with England to to the United economy. The central powers were th victims in ww1 not th aggressors. They were attacked and tried to defend themselves while facing s two front war against the rest of the global powers, and they werent really great military powers.
To be punished terribly for defending themselves created resentment towards th west that enabled the rise of the nazis. It also made the west feel bad and let hitter get away with everything up until Poland. It's why hitter made the French surrender on the same train the Germans did in ww1. It was revenge and Germans were more run up for revenge for the wrong doing of ww1.
kraftiekortie wrote:
But we would have been under the domination of the German Empire!
Yes, better than the Nazis.....but not palatable, either.
German empire had no interst in ruling England or the USA. We were more then happy to take their money in exchange for weapons, we selfishly contributed and wanted more blood shed so we could make more money. You can't supply both sides in a long bloody war and not expect backlash eventually.
German empire was quite small and new at the time compared to the French and British empires. Realty is is they'd won't the allies would have just been fined for supporting terrorism. Or more likely a straight peace acknowledging Serbias wrong doing.