DentArthurDent wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Just because a thing may be "possible" does not mean that it "must" be real.
There is an infinitesimal possibility that the Earth will spontaneously compress itself into a black hole. This does not mean that the event will actually occur.
People need to learn the difference between probability and reality.
Now, for those who "know" that the universe is not infinite, please cite valid data that defines the size of the universe. Thank you.
Yes, but surely if something is possible then in an infinite universe does that not mean it is infinitely probable and in fact there will be infinite occurrences of that thing no matter how "improbable" we deem it to be?
infinity is unable to be conceived of in any respect.
there is infinity within infinitesimal-ity.
in the smallest conceivable volume of space (sub-sub atomic particular packets of energy) there is an infinite number of points.
so if there are an infinite number of points in 1 cubic centimeter, then how many points are there in 1 cubic light year?
it is not thinkable about.
the fact that something is not impossible is akin to saying that "zero" does not exist, and can not be a quantity ascribed to the likelyhood of any possibility.
but a probability of either 1(which really means infinitely large) or zero are the only states of existence of any possibility.
either it is happening or it is not (at this time in this space in this dimension).
the idea of partial probability is only a crude yardstick that human brains use to chart what they can not foretell with clairvoyance. nothing is only partially possible or probable. it's probability is either 1 or zero.
but it is all in the "either" isn't it. what is the probability of the probability being zero? derrr, .0143276?.
so in the idea that is "nothing is impossible" where one assumes that everything is therefore possible, and to goes on to conclude that "given an infinite chances to occur, even the most unlikely thing will happen an infinite times", the notion of infinity is being used as a variable or an argument in a fallacious equation as in infinity*x=infinity.
so just hypothesising that a circumstance exists that has a 50% chance of occurring, and it will remain having a 50% chance of occurring "FOREVER", then it will never occur because it's chances of occurring will never be 100%, so it therefore has 0% chance of happening. only these 2 states actually are real, and any kind of combination of the 2 are impossible to all but fallacious types of conjecture.