RoadRatt wrote:
If you can green light a weapon like the AR-15, you green light all the activities that come from being able to get your hands on one, that includes massacres.
Actually, I do NOT condone somebody going off the deep end with an assault rifle and killing a bunch of people. The guns are not the issue here. What is at issue here is a fundemental flaw in our society where somebody would even consider such a thing in the first place. Conversely, you can ban anything that can be used by people to kill or otherwise harm other people, but until you try to find out what is causing people to consider such an option. Yes, our society is failing, but until you address the actual issues, not on the tools used to commit such atrocities, our society will continue to fail, it will cease to become a democracy, and become an authoritarian regime.
RoadRatt wrote:
I believe in freedom. That includes the 2nd amendment. The 2nd amendment doesn't give a person the right to own a weapon meant for the battlefield like the AR-15. Try to spin it however you want, the AR-15 is a battlefield weapon and should not be in the hands of civilians. Along the lines of freedom. I feel that it is my right as a human being not to be shot by some piece of crap who can get his hands on a weapon like the AR-15. I'm sure I'm not the only person that feels that way about it.
Our government in the U.S. is corrupt, the NRA owns many of our politicians who do their bidding and keep legislation that would slow sales of weapons or ban their use here. 85% of Americans are for sensible gun laws, that includes gun owners, but can't even get their voices heard due to the corruption in the U.S. congress.
One of the reasons why we have a Second amendment is so we can safeguard against tyranny, whether by the invasion of another nation's forces, or from within. This worked from the days of the Brown Bess and the Kentucky Rifle, to the days of the Winchester Repeater, and the 1906 Springfield to the M1, (all of these, save for the Kentuck Rifle were designed for the battlefield, and all of them have seen battlefield action) and it works the same today.
Yes our government is corrupt, but don't blame the NRA, blame the special interest groups, PAC's, and lobbying. --While the NRA does engage in this, there are other much more odious groups that you should be paying attention to. Corporations, churches, and the continued fiasco of Wall Street, (remember back around 2008-9 at the height of the recession when our new president said that there would be no 'Golden Parachute' for Wall Street?) are what actually own our politicians.
If we ban AR-15's you will not be safe from them, as you might still get shot by a piece of crap with an M-16. Only in this scenario, the piece if crap may also be wearing a National Guard uniform.
One of our country's founding fathers said, 'Those who would trade Liberty for Safety deserve neither Liberty or Safety.'
When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!