KimD wrote:
Jacoby wrote:
yeah that's nonsense Ivana is literally campaigning for Trump to be president
all his ex's seem to think he's swell guy, not something you say about Bubba
If you don't think that Trump has legally tied and bound all of his exes not to spout anything derogatory about him, you're an easy mark for anyone and everyone who wants to pull one over on you.
I can't stand Hillary, but Trump can't even
pretend to be an adult; the rest of the world is already laughing at us for letting him get this far. I really wish we could have a do-over, but I'm not sure that our general population has learned enough from this fiasco to do anything differently. No matter who wins in November, we're screwed.
Trump's ex's enthusiastically support him and speak the world of him
lets talk to some Clinton mistresses see what they have to say
Trump is the candidate that opposes globalism, the elitists can't understand why the working class so hates their living standards stagnating and falling for 40 years while the 1% has EXPLODED in wealth.
Trump is not perfect, he is most definitely a showman but he is the nominee and this is the only chance we've ever gotten at voting for candidate that puts the American people first. Not Wall Street, not the Beltway, not Silicon Valley, not Saudi Arabia, not Isreael, not basically everyone else but us. Our country is ROTTING and a significant part of the reason for that is Bill Clinton who signed NAFTA. Hillary was for TPP before she was against it, Obama is for it and Bill signed NAFTA so do you believe her?
Trump is easily the better candidate, he will bring sorely needed change and independent thought to Washington
Like I said, you're an easy mark; you've not only swallowed the bait, but the hook is stuck in your throat. If you think that bashing Hillary is going to make me think you're right about Trump being any better, you're wrong again. On the one hand, you have sh!t; on the other, you have feces. THEY BOTH REEK.