Good article on the rude awakening in for Trump on repealing most of Obamacare while keeping the kids stay on till 26 and can't deny for pre-existing conditions rules. Of course, if you do that, and require prices to always be affordable, then people will game the system and buy health insurance only when they're sick and not have it when they're healthy, causing the insurance market to collapse.
The reason why Trump and the GOP are so vague about their replacement, beyond what in Obamacare they will keep and "let them sell insurance across state lines", is because they don't have a viable solution. As the author here states, if you want to guarantee affordable health care for all, you are going to have to have rules and subsidies, no ifs ands or buts about it:
Of course, if you want to scrap guaranteed issue, scrap community rating, scrap the individual mandate and scrap the subsidies, as Republicans, propose, then you end up where the country was in 2008—with a market system that inevitable gives way to an insurance spiral in which steadily rising premiums cause a steadily rising percentage of Americans without health insurance.
There are no easy solutions here, no free lunches. You can’t have all the good parts of an unregulated insurance market (freedom to buy what you want, when you want, with market pricing) without the bad parts (steadily rising premiums and insurance that is unaffordable for people who are old and sick). ... /#comments
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin