How could an intelligent person still believe in evolution?
it is evident to the logical mind.
the "theory" of evolution is not a mathematical one, it is a justifiable and empirical set of logical observations whether or not one has witnessed it in progress.
it revolves around the concept of the "survival of the fittest"
genetic inheritance has been proven, and genetic mutation has been proven.
instead of stating at the primordial soup, i will just describe a snapshot of the process.
if the environment within which a set of flourishing organisms changes to their detriment, then the importance of genetic mutations comes into play.
some organisms will be better suited to the new environment than others, and their rate of transmission of their genes (containing the inherited "mutation" of the original common gene and who's serendipitous effect was to improve their coping ability) will ensure that their progeny is better suited to thrive within the new environment. and they will all have that genetic "mutation" which is then not able to be called a "mutation".
we see it everywhere.
examples are flowering plants. in the beginning, plants propagated by spores blown in the wind, and their chances of fertilizing another plant was random and dependent of the wind direction.
but some insects liked the taste of them (this is very simplistic), and they learned to visit those plants, and they therefore introduced an element of "deliberation" to those plant's spores dispersal and propagation.
so as more plants thrived that were attractive to insects and not reliant on the whims of the breezes, successive mutations that were beneficial ones (rare for a mutation) that took root were superior in attracting insects, and .....blah...blah...etc.....
that is what the "competition" element" is.
none of those plants is aware of anything, and they do not consciously "compete", but they do compete in a circumstantial way.
but as many plants evolve to be ever more attractive to insects (due to the propagation rate of desirable mutations) then other plants go through the same process, and eventually flowers come into play.
specializations start to appear because insects also dovetailed in their evolutionary reaction to this into various types, which were symbiotic, and so colors start to become important.
but none of this is planned. it is all just the path of least resistance for all organism's ancestry that has built all kingdoms of life as we know it.
it is a logically incontrovertible observation.
another few examples but just summary ones:
antibiotics become ineffective after a while due to evolution.
there is a formula that one can apply to a pathogen to determine the structure of the new antibiotic to deal with it.
but if it is not 100% effective, then the logarithmic progression of organisms that can survive it become the new scourge.
it's always a battle between us and the diseases.
when we think we have everything covered to our highest intellectual degree, then something will slip through and cause the extinction of us.
if only we did not fight the battle at the start with such biological weapons as antibiotics, then ...who knows?
it is the concentration of crowding of humans close together that puts them all at so much risk eventually.
anyway that's all.
someones ringing my phone.