I tend to be opposed to almost all of the agenda of right-wing parties but often also disagree with the left-wing parties (sometimes: 'a plague on both your houses'). For example, I do think that since the rich did not become rich in a desert island, and since they are the ones that benefit financially the most from society, it is resonable that they should contribute the most, which puts me squarely against right-wing tax policy. However, I find many of the restrictions the left tends to put on businesses both unsustainable and counterproductive (the French 35-hour week is a prime example). Likewise I believe in a welfare state, but one which is a safety net and not a way of life. I believe a more-or -less balanced budget is important (which in the US would pit me against both Democrats and Republicans). In social issues, I strongly believe in personal freedom and respect for other people's private lives, but that doesn't mean that if problems are created, we should turn a blind eye (for example, looking at whether benefits encourage people in rich countries to have otherwise unwanted children just for the benefits - this is not the sort of thing the government should subsidise). I tend to have little sympathy for unions and the like (but no even remotely moral being could approve of what the unions are like where I originally come from), but I have no particular love for big corporations, particularly as they tend ot form cartels/monopolies and rip off everyone else (unfettered capitalism tends to lead to monopolies, if sane regulations don't rpotect consuemers, no one will).
I strongly dislike fanaticism - political debate should be rational, based on facts and policies (fat chance).
I am the steppenwolf that never learned to dance. (Sedaka)
El hombre es una bestia famélica, envidiosa e insaciable. (Francisco Tario)
I'm male by the way (yes, I know my avatar is misleading).