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Most disliked political philosophy?
Statist 22%  22%  [ 14 ]
Left-wing 20%  20%  [ 13 ]
Right-wing 41%  41%  [ 26 ]
Classical Liberal 2%  2%  [ 1 ]
Anarchist 16%  16%  [ 10 ]
Total votes : 64


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01 Jun 2007, 11:36 am

I believe in the stated right-wing ideals... but also in the stated "classical liberal" ideals. Which I think is a place most people in the mainstream Republican party find themselves in today.

Modern liberalism-leftism, I'll agree, has become more of a religion than a political philosophy.

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01 Jun 2007, 11:57 am

JonnyBGoode wrote:
I believe in the stated right-wing ideals... but also in the stated "classical liberal" ideals. Which I think is a place most people in the mainstream Republican party find themselves in today.

Modern liberalism-leftism, I'll agree, has become more of a religion than a political philosophy.

Well, technically speaking the right-wing ideals and the "classical liberal" ideals have some similarities with the major differences being legislation on marriage, on flags, on drug use and basically all of the social issues. Really though, the philosophies are somewhat close as conservatives will often laud classical liberal thinkers and classical liberal thinkers and classical liberal thinkers will often work with conservatives. Even Reagan talked about the closeness of the two philosophies, however, what must be recognized is that they are still distinct philosophies as the classical liberals have their own distinct ideas and their major thinkers have separated themselves from truly being conservative. Really though, I don't think that quotes are necessary around the term classical liberal, it is a valid term that has been used by people of that group to describe their philosophy and basically is used to separate them from the American left.

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01 Jun 2007, 1:46 pm

Although I disagree with the GOP on their social agenda I really don't care because it doesn't effect me. All the issues like gay marriage, abortion, legalization ect. that I agree with in principal are trivial compared to the economy. Having the freedom to own your own business and not being subject to punitive regulations and excessive taxes and also having a strong economy where it is likely to survive is a great thing.

With the left wing often you are really just getting a different set of freedoms e.g. they might legalize marijuana but tobacco would be regulated and restricted even further. It's not really that they think you should be able to smoke whatever you want they just think pot is ok and tobacco isn't.


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01 Jun 2007, 2:08 pm

I tend to be opposed to almost all of the agenda of right-wing parties but often also disagree with the left-wing parties (sometimes: 'a plague on both your houses'). For example, I do think that since the rich did not become rich in a desert island, and since they are the ones that benefit financially the most from society, it is resonable that they should contribute the most, which puts me squarely against right-wing tax policy. However, I find many of the restrictions the left tends to put on businesses both unsustainable and counterproductive (the French 35-hour week is a prime example). Likewise I believe in a welfare state, but one which is a safety net and not a way of life. I believe a more-or -less balanced budget is important (which in the US would pit me against both Democrats and Republicans). In social issues, I strongly believe in personal freedom and respect for other people's private lives, but that doesn't mean that if problems are created, we should turn a blind eye (for example, looking at whether benefits encourage people in rich countries to have otherwise unwanted children just for the benefits - this is not the sort of thing the government should subsidise). I tend to have little sympathy for unions and the like (but no even remotely moral being could approve of what the unions are like where I originally come from), but I have no particular love for big corporations, particularly as they tend ot form cartels/monopolies and rip off everyone else (unfettered capitalism tends to lead to monopolies, if sane regulations don't rpotect consuemers, no one will).
I strongly dislike fanaticism - political debate should be rational, based on facts and policies (fat chance).

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02 Jun 2007, 11:33 am

How would "statist" and "classical liberal" be defined?


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02 Jun 2007, 1:18 pm

I do hate many things about the current political philosophies affecting the US. For instance, I hate neoconservatism for it's obsession with the Nazis and WWII and by comparing every conflict with it. I hate the American liberals for being anti-Bush for the sake of being anti-Bush on issues like the Dubai ports "scandal", and also for allowing people like Al Sharpton to be relevant. I hate libertarians for eating up whatever think tank research Big Oil, Big Tobacco, or Detroit puts out. Lastly, I hate social conservatives on so many issues that I can't summarize them all.


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02 Jun 2007, 5:21 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
How would "statist" and "classical liberal" be defined?


Statist is economically liberal due to a concern with the common man and distrust of the selfish corporation, and socially conservative because of the perceived corruption of values.

Classical liberal is economically conservative due to a distrust of government action and socially liberal due to a belief that people should make their own choices in regards to their beliefs.

I think I defined them somewhat well in the first post but if not I can be more obvious in my descriptors.


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24 Sep 2015, 4:14 pm

I hate neo-cons.


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24 Sep 2015, 4:24 pm

I picked anarchists because they are pie-in-the-sky types, but left-wingers are definitely a close second.

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04 Oct 2015, 5:48 am

I absolutely loath any collectivist ideology including the following...

Identity politics (predominantly interrelated with new social movements (NSM), the New Left and occasionally the far right) and it's formations of social constructionist "isms"



Progressive Liberalism

Cultural Marxism

Socialism (including Oligarchical collectivism, communism and collectivist-anarchism)

Religious Fundamentalism

Secular Humanism (I repudiate all humanism-isms but for me the secular one is the worst)

Post modernism

Trans-humanism (with the exemption of medical use)

Democracy (doesn't exist in my point of view)


Fascism (Eco-fundamentalism, Neo-Nazism etc)

Any form of Anarchism, Imperialism and Colonization

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04 Oct 2015, 6:42 am

Communism or any type of theocracy.

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04 Oct 2015, 9:25 am

I hate extremism. I like politician who can make policy best fitting the circumstances rather than a political maifesto.


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05 Oct 2015, 12:09 am

There are roughly three ideologies that I completely disdain. On the right , neoconservatism , and supremacism , be it racial , or religious , such as with Islamism , or Christian Reconstructionism. On the left , I tend to oppose anti-revisionist Communism. So basically I'm against all hard line totalitarianism. What I most favour however is eurocommunism , and also even more ideally Communalism. Yes , I know that many will regard me as being a left-wing extremist. :lol: But I do not mind. This is just the socio-political worldview I find to be most fitting , from my standpoint. And I've almost always held such intellectual sentiments , even from a young age.


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05 Oct 2015, 5:10 am

I hope one of them doesn't get me for saying this, but I dislike Nazis.


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05 Oct 2015, 8:15 am

Why wouldn't one dislike Nazis? The Nazi state was responsible for tens of millions of deaths via shootings or the gas chamber.

I don't care for anarchists, either. I'm not too thrilled with Tea Partiers (though they are much preferable to Nazis!). I don't tend to like nationalist-type, anti-immigration sorts of parties; they are reactionary, rather than solution-offerers.


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05 Oct 2015, 11:06 am

I hate statists (while I do not think the state is going away soon), Ancoms and Ancaps (because they are uncompromising and blindly ideological even though they tend to deny it), Neocons and nationalists (cuz they are just bigots) and left-wing greens (because they often attract SJWs and are for MORE state control).

Personally, I am somewhere between a mutualist and an agorist although I use the label Proudhonist.