rvacountrysinger wrote:
Globalism is based off assumptions from population control as well as using a systematic approach of mind manipulation. Starting with our education system, if they can convince youth that they are merely sophisticated animals and products of a random natural selection prompted by an evolutionary cycle, it is a way to control and brainwash the masses. This leads to a very selfish mentality, where people are convinced all their motives are the result of animal needs. When in reality, it is because of our fallen human nature, which happened after Adam and Eve in the garden. God created us in His image. Satan is the father of all lies, and the biggest lie that ever came from the mouth of Satan is that we were not created, but that we "evolved".
If you truly believe God made everything in 6 days then I have a question for you: define a day in the biblical sense. The only thing I ever see in Genesis is it was day, then night to define the day. OK, but is there any length to the day and the night? I've never seen any measurement of time in Genesis. Remember, this is YHWH, he is omnipotent and omnipresent. He can manipulate time any way he wants.
Given those assumptions, creationism and evolution can live harmoniously.
I believe that God made everything according to its own kind, whether it was 6 days, or 6 thousand years, I do not know. Evolution is a way to stamp out our Creator, God. It is used to control people. The very thing the atheists accuse Christianity of doing- evolution has done ten fold. Even the most die hard evolutionary scientists are questioning the validity of the Big Bang Theory.