Countdown / up to the Day of the Lord (Daniel 8:14)

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20 Jun 2018, 9:51 am

Edward_Palamar wrote:
Fnord wrote:
This alleged "prophesy"
Before you become too accustomed to your lengthy hate posts, first learn to spell. Prophesy is the verb form; prophecy is the noun form. Had you given the matter proper attention you would not be steeped so in such error. The interpretation is for the numbers already given in the prophecy, and here again, had you read the material at hand, you would have known that. "Out of the abundance of the heart does the mouth speak." - the cleansing of Daniel 8:14 is something of which you stand in need, too.
Troll much? The proof will be seen when your "prophesy" fails to occur. No real Biblical prophet relied on numerology as a divinatory aid. No real Biblical prophet trolled for people to criticize. No real Biblical prophet knows the "Day of the Lord".
Matthew, the Publican wrote:
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." -- Matthew 24:36
Mark, the Evangelist wrote:
"But as for that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."[/b] -- Mark 13:32
Luke, the Physician wrote:
"It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority." -- Acts 1:7
Your claims are a feeble attempt to over-ride the Words of our Lord and replace them with words of your own. At best, you are merely a false prophet, Mr. Palamar.

Only this, and nothing more.


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21 Jun 2018, 8:02 pm

Fnord wrote:
Edward_Palamar wrote:
Fnord wrote:
This alleged "prophesy"
Before you become too accustomed to your lengthy hate posts, first learn to spell. Prophesy is the verb form; prophecy is the noun form. Had you given the matter proper attention you would not be steeped so in such error. The interpretation is for the numbers already given in the prophecy, and here again, had you read the material at hand, you would have known that. "Out of the abundance of the heart does the mouth speak." - the cleansing of Daniel 8:14 is something of which you stand in need, too.
Troll much? The proof will be seen when your "prophesy" fails to occur. No real Biblical prophet relied on numerology as a divinatory aid. No real Biblical prophet trolled for people to criticize. No real Biblical prophet knows the "Day of the Lord".
Matthew, the Publican wrote:
"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." -- Matthew 24:36
Mark, the Evangelist wrote:
"But as for that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."[/b] -- Mark 13:32
Luke, the Physician wrote:
"It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by His own authority." -- Acts 1:7
Your claims are a feeble attempt to over-ride the Words of our Lord and replace them with words of your own. At best, you are merely a false prophet, Mr. Palamar.

Only this, and nothing more.

Amen to that. The Bible uses numbers as a symbolic language that was understood by the people of that time and in that culture. To take a literal approach to ANY numerical calculations in Scripture is an epic fail. And don't forget Paul's admonition about false teachers.

I reserve the right to ignore the ignorant.

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22 Jun 2018, 1:51 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
I suspect this person will change the date once 12/29/2018 passes....perhaps to 9/9/2062?
There is no further reckoning of the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14 past Holy Family Saturday, December 29, 2018 A.D. The celebration of the Feastday of the Holy Family occurs within the octave just past the Feastday of the Nativity (December 25). As such there are other prophecies which indicate a major warning within the octave before this coming December 29th, which will put us at the next solstice.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)

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22 Jun 2018, 6:53 am

EzraS wrote:
Considering the mounting chronic server crashes, I'm not so sure WP will still be running by then.

Doing a comprehensive online study of the end times will take you to prophecies which indicate a total global black-out, not even batteries will function, and such grid failure seems quite logical.

Considering that it is our very Creator presenting His calling card, it follows that His followers have the upper hand in being able to see through the total darkness to come, only through the use of blessed candles and matches.

Why wouldn't the One Man Who is totally innocent of crime, unjustly condemned and murdered, having spent three days in a tomb, not then use said three days to mark the glory of His return?

There are those prophecies which describe mass disturbances, yet include peaceful, bucolic resolution.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)

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22 Jun 2018, 7:06 am

kraftiekortie wrote:
The world is going to end when it is good and ready to end.

The world is the environment given life by our Creator, loved and spared for our sakes; any soul the world has comes from that giving, loving, and sparing, it does not decide on its own.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)

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22 Jun 2018, 7:15 am

lostonearth35 wrote:
It says I can

No, it says "you may".

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)

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22 Jun 2018, 7:25 am

Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm a Lutheran, so I don't believe in any of that Millennialism or rapture crap anyhow.

And being a 'Lutheran', that's more than likely why you don't believe; St. Martin counted the Bible as the inerrant word of God, yet to call oneself a "Lutheran" rejects that, for St. Paul rebuked those who said, "I am of Paul", or "I am of Apollos", etc.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)


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22 Jun 2018, 8:08 am

Edward_Palamar wrote:
kraftiekortie wrote:
I suspect this person will change the date once 12/29/2018 passes....perhaps to 9/9/2062?
There is no further reckoning of the 2,300th day of Daniel 8:14 past Holy Family Saturday, December 29, 2018 A.D. The celebration of the Feastday of the Holy Family occurs within the octave just past the Feastday of the Nativity (December 25). As such there are other prophecies which indicate a major warning within the octave before this coming December 29th, which will put us at the next solstice.
Not only numerology, but astrology?! Dude, you are seriously digging your own pit to eternal damnation!

If this were Biblical times -- especially the time of Daniel (a real prophet) -- you would have been stoned to death by now for blasphemy, sorcery, and false prophesy.

As for that 'Feastday' you mentioned ... how do you like your crow?



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22 Jun 2018, 8:27 am

Edward_Palamar wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm a Lutheran, so I don't believe in any of that Millennialism or rapture crap anyhow.

And being a 'Lutheran', that's more than likely why you don't believe; St. Martin counted the Bible as the inerrant word of God, yet to call oneself a "Lutheran" rejects that, for St. Paul rebuked those who said, "I am of Paul", or "I am of Apollos", etc.

Are you for real? We Lutherans view the Bible in it's totality, we don't pick out verses that appear to support what we want to believe and blow off the rest.

I reserve the right to ignore the ignorant.

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22 Jun 2018, 8:55 am

Hollywood_Guy wrote:
I think all of it's awful crap.

The Biblical description is "great and dreadful" (Malachi 4:5).

Speaking of Martins, I had a dream on Marty King's birthday some years ago about a large ship at port in Erie. I was going to post a link to it but that was the old perspectives dot com.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)

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22 Jun 2018, 9:08 am

glebel1 wrote:
Christ himself said that no one can know the day of his return, so these people looking out for "signs and wonders" and predicting the end times are blowing off Scripture.

He actually said, regarding that passage of Scripture which you attempt to quote, that only the Father knew.

He also said at that time that it wasn't for His disciples to know in advance the times and seasons that the Father has set, as they were on a great mission.

He also said that the Holy Spirit would keep them up to date regarding those things.

The Book of Daniel was sealed (written) in such a way that it could not be unsealed (understood) until the end times.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)

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22 Jun 2018, 9:16 am

naturalplastic wrote:
So the original poster (like Harold Camping, and like the Millerites of 19th Century New England, and like all of the other Doomesdayers of the last 2000 years), is claiming to know something that scripture says that even Christ himself doesn't know!

That is an ad hominem attack with much solid evidence against it, but you would actually have to read and study the topic to have any grasp of what you think you understand.

Are we having a 'bad hair day'?

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)

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22 Jun 2018, 9:44 am

EzraS wrote:
Edward_Palamar wrote:
EzraS wrote:
But of that day and hour - Matthew 24:36
All of those things are addressed at the link provided.

The mission of the "Twelve" was great, and Jesus instructed them in that regard.

Successfully preaching the Gospel unto the nations, and now the time of the Gentiles (nations) is at time of fulfillment.

But as the Gospel song expresses, "that was then, this is now".

Paul Godfrey's "Daniel Unsealed - World History's Response to Biblical Prophecy" is excellent for showing this : here is a link to some further description and the link to the video :

http://risen-from-the-dead.forumotion.c ... -john-1613
I see that entire forum pretty much consists only of you as the admin (unless the few others there are you also).

1. So what did Jesus mean wen he said, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."?

2. Is there anyone with established credibility as a bible scholar or theologian et al who agrees with your conclusion?

How you choose to answer or evade answering questions 1 and 2, will establish your credibility or lack thereof.
The site, what you call "the entire forum" above, began as one of reparation, in response to the Fatima apparition/plea to do so, not solely in response to, but inclusive to response to the various modernists and cyberterrorists I encountered such as these vandalized entries : ... =306281384 ... =306312753

As to your first question, it was just addressed in a previous post, and it is answered more fully at the original link.

As for the second, if anyone gives it a fair hearing, the results are spectacular.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)


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22 Jun 2018, 10:29 am

Edward_Palamar wrote:
Kraichgauer wrote:
I'm a Lutheran, so I don't believe in any of that Millennialism or rapture crap anyhow.

And being a 'Lutheran', that's more than likely why you don't believe; St. Martin counted the Bible as the inerrant word of God, yet to call oneself a "Lutheran" rejects that, for St. Paul rebuked those who said, "I am of Paul", or "I am of Apollos", etc.

What glebel1 said.

-Bill, otherwise known as Kraichgauer

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22 Jun 2018, 10:47 am

SabbraCadabra wrote:
As interesting as I think it is to find "codes" or "secrets" in the Bible, I don't think it's actually possible to decipher an exact date for anything. Supernatural beings like to give predictions using codes and riddles; whether it is meant to intentionally throw us off, or whether they have a completely different concept of time, we can't know. Why would God use the rotation of one of His planets to keep track of time?

Jesus says that Sabbath was created for man, not man for the Sabbath.

And we learn in Theology that God does nothing out of necessity for He is All-Love.

Jesus also says that He has told us all things beforehand.

I substituted a prayer instead of supporting a grievance against the Holy Spirit; this was done in plain view during active session of the Court of Common Pleas five years ago; we were in the early stages of the counting.

But the matter is of no less importance today.

The answer to that prayer was/is the unsealing of the Book of Daniel.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)

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22 Jun 2018, 1:02 pm

naturalplastic wrote:
Edward_Palamar wrote:
EzraS wrote:
But of that day and hour - Matthew 24:36
All of those things are addressed at the link provided.

The mission of the "Twelve" was great, and Jesus instructed them in that regard.

Successfully preaching the Gospel unto the nations, and now the time of the Gentiles (nations) is at time of fulfillment.

But as the Gospel song expresses, "that was then, this is now".

Paul Godfrey's "Daniel Unsealed - World History's Response to Biblical Prophecy" is excellent for showing this : here is a link to some further description and the link to the video :

http://risen-from-the-dead.forumotion.c ... -john-1613
Why don't you just summarize it for us?
I had that in mind when addressing that question at previous times :

http://risen-from-the-dead.forumotion.c ... son-of-man

naturalplastic wrote:
So Matthew 24:36 is wrong?

naturalplastic wrote:
We can ignore it?

naturalplastic wrote:
And we can know what even "the Son" (Christ) can't know?
Here again, that is a misquote of Scripture. If you are using a version which specifically says "can't", please provide the name of that translation.

the resurrected prophet of the Most High,
St. John the Baptist, whom Jesus Christ calls "the Elias who was to come",
enjoying the rapture of Christ's love in the duty of Petrus Romanus (Peter the Roman),
your ultimate, penultimate authority.

the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven (Matt. 24:30)