The dystopian reality of 'inspiration porn'
Why have a Big Social Safety Net?
On Average Human Beings are Terrible about predicting
What they Need in The Future; and Horrible about Saving Money for a 'Rainy Day'.
1st Note: Not me; even without a Social Safety Net my 'Saved Bucks' Would Last for Years; as is at least.
2nd Note: Rainy Days do Happen; it's a Statistical Human Reality too in Terms of Health and Overall Well Being.
Americans Are Notorious For Their Huge Debt; as well as putting off Saving For Retirement; not nearly enough.
There is another associated Issue; Decreasing Levels of Empathy; A Kind of Slowly Declining Terminal Disease of
Love by a Social Animal Species, increasingly becoming 'the tools' they use; Look around, 'if you can'; 'this' isn't
Hard to see.
Studies Show these Factors through and through; And Charitable Giving is reduced in Numbers of Humans
Actually Giving to their Fellow Human. "The share of Americans who give money to charity fell from about
68.5% in 2002 to 53.1% in 2016". Given Reductions of Human Empathy Close to 30 Percent in the Last
few Decades in Empirical Studies; this isn't too Surprising.
Of course there is an Option; Arrange Stuff Where our Country is Run By a Dictator; and Become a 'Third
World Banana Republic' that Doesn't Care for their Citizens Who Fall and Need Help. Judging from the
"Climate" at hand that Mission, even if unwitting, seems well underway; slowly and surely faster.
The Average Man and or Woman on the Street; Surely has shown themselves to Be incapable of
Seeing Invisible Disabilities; like the ones Homeless Folks often Existentially Struggle with in Pain and
Misery every day.
Not everyone is Born/Bred into the Same Fortune; And Where Poverty of the Soul Exists, Chaos more
than Order becomes the Reality of what may look like a "Banana Republic," Here, sooner and sooner.
And there is a Bigger Issue; The increasingly Nomadic Family Unit That Raises Children has Dropped to Two
And even Single Parents so far away from Smaller Towns and Extended Families who Provided a Social Net
for Family Members in Need. People are increasingly not Getting Married; where folks go Solo Nomadic
too, in Chase of any kind of Subsistence at all through the Work Place of what may be viewed as an
Entire Country now.
It's simple; Take away the Social Safety Net and the Country Falls into Chaos; People who are Starving
and Have no Connections are much more likely to cause Serious Problems for the Rest of Society Now.
The only Connections some folks have is literally the Technology associated with the Government
and Private Industry too. Jobs Are going Away too; as increasingly the Tools We Create need Humans
Less to Create 'the God of Money'. Ha! What Good is a God that no one can afford to even create.
Speaking of that; people are becoming Much too busy to become the 'Archetype of Jesus'; the Story
Book Dude who Cross Culturally Matures in Faith of Love; Ascends and Transcends Group Think;
Becomes much more Understanding of the Differences of others; and Naturally Forgives all
their so-called Sins; Seeing Hope for all as Love Agape comes to literally be them Incarnate.
Let's Just put it this way; do the Most Love Consuming others with the least Harm; including
the Rest of Nature; and the 1 in 8 Animal and Plant Species that some Autistic Folks like "Greta Time
Cover Teen" Has already evolved to save; Quick 'Jesus Job' she's already done in Metaphor of course and
even more complete as she has a way of Non-Violently turning money tables over too; even when they
come driven by 'Orange'. Not Surprisingly, she is from a Scandinavian Country Where Folks still take
care of each other Willingly for the Most part at least by Government Rule in a Small Enough
Homogenous Country to get that Big Loving Social Safety Net covered, at least for now.
The Bottom Lines are this though; Humans are living way out of Balance With Nature;
Eating 'the Face of God' that i enjoy also naming the Rest of Nature; Specifically on Earth Now;
Taking and Hoarding so much more than Giving And Sharing; Nature Will Spit us out
if we don't get our stuff straight; there is no doubt about that as far as Science Sees at least too..
Anyway; i'm Financially Independent with 'Free Money' Pouring In from Retirement and
Early at that from Two Government Sources with a Very Expensive Health Care Plan now
Costing me over 10,000 Dollars; with the Government Footing about 66 Percent of the
cost still; but True it is the Cadillac of Cadillac of Plans as i can visit any Doctor i Like
and end up with at most a very reasonable Bill; Get Any Illness i like; which i am not
at least planning on doing; but Oh God those rainy Days do Happen; for now, Yes,
me and my Wife Remain Dry.
i don't want to fill up the Space here on "Rainy Day Invisible Disabilities" that are the
worse known to Humankind that are totally invisible to the Casual and Ignorant
Observer of what all of the Human Condition may come to be; for the otherwise
Strapping Young Dude on the Side of the Road with a hand-out for a morsel of
Food; where you cannot See the Dentist Drill in his Eye or whatever the invisible
Disability he may have still standing Straight; True, Trust me now or not when
i say a person could practically be the Archetype of 'Jesus'; yes, for all practical
intents and purposes and be legally and medically totally permanently disabled
and you would think he looks like the healthiest person you ever saw; surely for his 'advanced age'...
People are Ignorant about Invisible Disabilities for Duh; obvious reasons; That's just another reason
why we need smarter People in charge of making the rules and Helping People in Society than the 'Average
Joe the Plumber' who lost his Job to an Invisible Disability begging you for some food on the Side of the Road';
Where he really is no Different than 'Jesus' if he came back to life for real; as of course when one attains that 'Jesus
Archetype Thingie', there is no separation; all of Nature is Brother, Sister, Parent and Child as Family God; Hell no;
Not Father God; that's the God of the Old Testament of Selfish Hoarding Silo Grain Territorial Greed for Blood Sport.
Anyway; it's wonderful being me; i've learned to be my own Soul Mate and overcome all my Permanently and Totally
Disabling Conditions; that does not make any money; but still i surely can and will do Heaven for Real as those Do who overcome all obstacles when money is no issue at all. It all worked out for me; but let's just say i understand how to read and follow instructions on paper work; lots of folks do not; the people who need help often just don't have what it takes; most often as a consequence directly related to their Disabilities or other Struggles of Life; That Really Blows; not fair.
Yes; We Can and Will have a Third World Country Where Folks do Back Alley Abortions Again; People Who are Different
Get Strung up and Killed; Where Women Have no Rights; all Directed by a Dictator too; Where Disabled; And Old And otherwise less Folks Fortunate Starve to death if they do not rob what's left first; Be Careful; Be Very Very careful; for what
you wish for; for others may be what you really get; nothing but pain and misery more; even more than you may imagine.
Lots of folks ignorant enough are taking us that way as i speak; but not likely fast enough before i go away....
Meanwhile; i Dance and Sing; Don't make a Penny; But it's always Heaven now; every thing is paid for;
my 'God' is No longer Money or Stuff; Greed, Hoarding, Jealousy, Envy; Just Nothing more than Naked Pride; i just
Dance And Sing no Different than Snoopy Joy Forever now Eternally Just For Free; i'm a famous ArTHuR haha; but
only a Legend of Public Dance, Currently i am Celebrating 12,450.5 Miles in 75 Months; Half the Distance Around
the Globe; do keep in 'mind' i am totally and permanently Disabled with Asperger's Syndrome; And Bi-Polar
Disorder with a Literal Prescription for Dance from a Psychiatrist to remedy Emotional Regulation and
Sensory Integration; There are no Jobs that Pay You for a continuous Spiraling Dance; And in a Twitter
World Now in Reality; no Target Audience for a 7.5 Million Word Longest Long Form 'Bible' Poem completed
in the same 75 Months of Public Dance; Both ongoing; at 59.5 now; by the Day i reach 66 on 6.6.26; chances are
i will Public Dance Circle the Globe in Distance at the Equator of 24,901 Miles; but only the Eternal Now i enjoy will
Pray tale..
No one rags me about this; hehe; at least not to my 240 Pound Face who still Leg Presses 15,020 Pounds at age
59.5, 8 Reps; got enough proof on YouTube for that Great Feat; for all the Permanently Medically Disabled Folks for
making Money; who make the Best of what they can and will still do; When You don't Speak until age 4; You use Fluid Intelligence to excel; to adapt to struggle always and succeed as excellence sees no Obstacles but can and will do;
even if no money comes at all; F it; the God of Money; is what i do now; God of Love Within Pays all my intrinsic Rewards.
My Soul Flies Free; unfettered Wings; from the Drain of 'the Big Green Machine'.. ... yway-98291 ... 8366838418
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
You're not forced to do anything,
If you don't want to pay taxes, go live in the woods and eat bugs. If you don't want to pay for social infrastructure, then you shouldn't benefit from it.
Oh, and if you're "Christian," and you hate the poor, you're not actually "Christian."
"If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced."
-XFG (no longer a moderator)

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If you don't want to pay taxes, go live in the woods and eat bugs. If you don't want to pay for social infrastructure, then you shouldn't benefit from it.
Oh, and if you're "Christian," and you hate the poor, you're not actually "Christian."
I don’t hate the poor. I hate poverty. I despise people who sell others on hopelessness and fear. But self-imposed victimhood is a thing, too, and I don’t care for it at all.
Which...interesting that you bring up what makes someone Christian. To love someone is to DO SOMETHING to help them. For the Mother Theresas out there, suffering is a virtue, a desired state of being, something everyone should aspire to. That’s not love. That’s hate. It’s not my place to judge, but I really do wonder if Mother Theresa really was a Christian.

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Here's another dystopian piece of inspiration porn. The inspirational story does nothing to address the underlying poverty.
Young Runner Wins Gold Medals With Homemade ‘Nike’ Shoes Made of Bandages
The days are long, but the years are short
If you don't want to pay taxes, go live in the woods and eat bugs. If you don't want to pay for social infrastructure, then you shouldn't benefit from it.
Oh, and if you're "Christian," and you hate the poor, you're not actually "Christian."
I don’t hate the poor. I hate poverty. I despise people who sell others on hopelessness and fear. But self-imposed victimhood is a thing, too, and I don’t care for it at all.
Which...interesting that you bring up what makes someone Christian. To love someone is to DO SOMETHING to help them. For the Mother Theresas out there, suffering is a virtue, a desired state of being, something everyone should aspire to. That’s not love. That’s hate. It’s not my place to judge, but I really do wonder if Mother Theresa really was a Christian.
OK, what you just said about Mother Teresa is f****d up on so many levels. She did a LOT more to help the poor and starving than people like YOU ever will! So STFU with the sanctimonious BS!
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.

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Mother Theresa was a sick, sad person. Heck, Kenneth Copeland is a known scammer and does more for the needy than Mama T ever did.
Damn right. She loved poor people so much she blew through millions of dollars to keep them poor and starving. I don’t have Mama T money, so no...I lack the ability to oppress the poor on the same level.
You first.
Mama T’s “houses of the dying” didn’t distinguish between curable/incurable diseases, so she likely caused a lot of unnecessary deaths. She received millions in donations but couldn’t be bothered to keep enough doctors around. Needles weren’t sterilized before they were reused. She refused to give patients who WERE dying painkillers to ease their suffering. She GLORIFIED suffering and possibly forced deathbed conversions. I’m all about bringing more Christians into the faith. But a forced conversion is not a conversion, and those poor dying people were nothing to the Vatican than numbers. Mama T’s main contribution was to function as a means for well-off people to feel less guilty for not actually caring.
I make absolutely no bones whatsoever that I’m only in it for myself. I don’t care what you think about me. But I do value truth and honesty. Mama T was anything but honest. She was canonized pretty much because her facilities were neat and clean by appearance, she actively spread what I refer to as the “Gospel of Guilt,” and put more dead Catholic people on the Vatican roll. So you’re right. I’ll never help people stay poor and suffer anywhere close to how Mama T did.
And why are you telling ME to shut up first about being 'sanctimonious'? Unlike the 'real' self-rightous Chtistians like yourself I DON'T pretend to be morally surperior than everyone else, because I accepted a long time ago that all humans are inherintly evil, and that includes me.
So the jokes on you.
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.

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I on the other hand think more positively on the nature of humans, and while mostly undecided in terms of religion, I don't think I can take seriously a Christian who is against helping the needy. It is like those people who only do charitable things so that they can brag about it and say how godly they are.
If you believe that someone can blow through millions of dollars to keep people poor and starving, then you should believe in government programs that help people, and not the individualistic donations that could make you feel good in the moment, but really don't do much change. Unless you are just going to yell at someone to get a job while you have no idea of their circumstances, and does not work in the cases where children are having to sell lemonade to try and save their friend's life, or somehow be able to be paid and see their baby going through chemotherapy. The onus should not be on an individual to save someone's life, as a society we should decide to help people when they need it.
Here in Australia, there is a friend family that had a baby a year ago, and the baby had a lot of problems breathing and stuff. For her to live she has needed a tube up her nose, and special machines to help. This family is certainly on the poor side, and most certainly would not have been able to afford the treatments, but in here in Australia we have Medicare for all, so they have managed to financially survive while she recently turned a year old. In America she would probably be dead. There did not need to be some big inspiration porn story of making a call out to the community to chip in money to keep the baby alive, public funding had it covered. And just on top of it my mum has also given a lot of support to the family in terms of helping with the kids and even getting groceries. It isn't like having government funding for things will overwrite the chance to show how you can care for people you know.
On some last notes of Christianity, Jesus did not supposedly tell someone that there is more of a chance for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than a rich man getting into heaven, because he believed that his followers should just hoard their wealth. Neither throw the money changers out of the temples because he thought it should instead all go to the church. It sounds might rich to say that guilt is not something that should be felt, when your churches literally have big symbols of your messiah sacrificing himself, I thought the entire thing was supposed to be about feeling bad for that having to happen?
Not saying that having one's beliefs around guilt is healthy, just think we should care about other people.
Just for fun, a little sacrilege.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall

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My outlook is mostly positive. I don't ignore the fact that there are negative people, of course. I'm well aware that evil people exist. It's just I view evil as abnormal. And I feel like if it's abnormal, it's irrelevant. If something evil happens to me, I want to erase it from my life as quickly as possible.
That's just it. Mama T was horrible. But she was free to do as she wished, as were her supporters. Religious guilt is a feature of her religion and that of her supporters.
But you know what? If I don't like Mama T, I DON'T HAVE TO GIVE HER MONEY. Citizens of nations ARE obligated to support their government. I have no problem with that, except unlike legit charity work, whether Mama T or otherwise, I have no say in specifically what it is I'm supporting. Maybe I dislike funding certain things I find immoral, or maybe I just want to pay for military or emergency services/law enforcement. For social kinds of services, there are those who would know better how to help. So let THEM be in charge and go straight to them directly if you want to help the needy. Just don't compel EVERYONE all at once to support things they don't trust or believe in.
Ok??? But who decides what constitutes "needs"? Does a program or service actually lift someone out of poverty, get them mental health services, incarcerate/rehabilitate them for criminal behavior? Redistribution of wealth protects the poor, sure. But who protects the wealthy? If you disincentivize innovation and productive work, pretty soon there won't be a tax base to draw from to support the "needy." Then what happens? socialist countries the tendency was suspicion and resentment. As resources are depleted, people turn on each other. In the USA, there's an ongoing battle over who's the neediest, and that's not looking to change any time soon. Take me, for instance. I don't have a large income. But I do have large student loans. I'm on a repayment plan that bases repayment on income, which means at the moment I pay NOTHING. If I can just stay poor for 20 years total, the loan will be forgiven.
Which works fine for me right now, but I DON'T WANT TO STAY POOR. Being poor sucks. But as my income increases, so will my obligation to repay these loans. So...basically it feels like I'm being penalized for wanting to work hard and make more money. It's better just to stay poor.
I have no intention of remaining trapped, so as soon as I reasonably can I want to increase my income and get myself free of my debts. It's EASIER, though, to accept poverty and avoid success since that might mean more hardship in the immediate future. In my case, as it is for many others, poverty is a result of being punished for wanting to do the right thing. But I have no doubt I can beat it, so my long-range goal is to position myself in such a way to get past it and win. All it would take is one teaching gig and three good years and this would all go away. It's stupid NOT to, but people more often than not settle for ongoing monthly payments. If I'd been smarter, I'd have pursued my loan repayment much more aggressively as soon as I left college. But you live, you learn.
Sure. But I also think there's more growth when people are allowed to show people in need that they are valuable. I'd rather see people come out of the woodwork to help me through a tough spell because they WANT to and have all the resources to help rather than doing they are obligated to do. That's great that people can come together and help others that they love. There's nothing wrong with that. But when you hold people to paying for things they don't believe in, I see that as a problem.
Be careful with scriptural context. A lot of people misquote the Bible because out of an unhealthy obsession with guilt. It is IMPOSSIBLE for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, and thus impossible for a rich man to enter into heaven. Jesus is making an important theological point. The disciples believed that wealth was a sign of God's approval and blessing, which is true. However, the thinking was that ONLY those who can demonstrate God's approval and blessing in material wealth could be assured a place in the Kingdom. When Jesus said it's impossible for a rich man to enter heaven, that would have caused His disciples a lot of distress since, because they VOLUNTARILY gave up everything to follow Jesus, they had no such blessing as the wealthy. So if it's impossible for a rich man to get into heaven, it's impossible for ANY person to get into heaven. That was Jesus' point. Only God can make it possible for anyone to go to heaven, since God is all-powerful and COULD make it such that a camel could miraculously pass through the eye of a needle if He wanted to. It's a statement of the nature of the soul and God's desire to save all and has nothing to do with material possessions or physical well-being.
It all WAS going to the temple/church. The money exchangers were tasked with making sure that worshipers had what they needed to make their required temple contributions. In return, they could charge what they wanted for their service. They were being dishonest and unfair, though, and it amounted to a scam. Same thing with sacrificial animals. If you were unable to bring from your own flock, someone could sell you an animal that would suffice. That person would profit from that trade. Nothing wrong with that. But...again, if the prices are unreasonably high and people can't afford to meet their obligation, that's abusive, and it was theft Jesus accused them of.
We don't have symbols like that at my church. Our Jesus was buried, rose from the tomb, and ascended into heaven. Catholics seem to prefer their savior to stay bleeding on the cross. There is nothing about any victim that is worthy of anything, especially not worship. Victims need compassion, mercy, and justice. They do NOT deserve admiration. And those who perpetually and purposefully place themselves squarely at the mercy of everyone else IMO are the lowest sort of scum there is. I certainly wouldn't worship a God who only exists at my mercy.
But a God who conquers death and sin? A God who takes everything that really is wrong with me (no, I'm not perfect), my thinking, my actions, my feelings, my desires, and transforms them into something amazing? The Jesus of the Crucifix is a false god, forever bleeding for voracious cannibals and vampires. That Jesus is a god of death. I worship the God of life.
Guilt serves a useful purpose. It reminds you that you have harmed yourself and that you should make more of an effort to love yourself as God loves you.
Caring for others arises out of love. It's perfectly reasonable to love other people. If you love yourself, you WILL love others because the well-being of others reinforces your own. You WANT a paid, professional military and police force to protect you from invaders and criminals. And police and military love you enough to put their very lives on the line. The very least we owe these people is to take care of them and their families. Jesus commanded us to love each other as you love yourself. That means you can't love others UNLESS you love yourself first.
Objective good recognizes that we will see each other as valuable and will WANT to take care of each other. In order to do that, we have to assess the value of others in terms of the value they bring to our own lives as individuals. I don't think most people do this consciously, but think about it. Why do people cry at funerals? The faithful know that their loved one is in a better place, so why mourn? It's not for the dead we mourn, but for ourselves and the selfish loss we experience when that person is no longer with us. Without the personal values of the individual, there is no such thing as love that can even be expressed outwardly towards another person. Some people see themselves in the faces of the poor--"that could have been me." Some people see their own children among the orphans--"MY children will never live like that." That is where compassion and mercy takes root, blossoms, and bears fruit in the kindness of some towards the needs of others.
Sometimes it can be confusing when we allow ourselves to imagine that our values OUGHT to be shared by ALL. If true, then that means you are also committed to ideals that YOU would consider objectionable or immoral. That would mean you would be compelled to give up food until every last hungry mouth has a piece of bread. And because you are unable to make that happen, you would eventually die. People don't tend to feel guilty about eating their breakfast, so what's really going on here? People put themselves first before they decide on tangential items such as feeding the poor. But because we don't like to see it that way, we tend to demand people back our particular cause whether they want to or not. The seas are rising. It's getting hot. Children with distended bellies in Africa are dying every day. Earthquakes and hurricanes in Haiti. War breaks out in Uganda or Syria. Protests in Venezuela and Hong Kong. Nuclear disaster in Japan. North Korea nukes a mountain or fires a rocket. Black lives matter. Women in pink hats. And if you don't get behind these people, they'll come after you (Antifa). That's what happens when you are so blinded by your own cause you can't see any possible reason why someone might be opposed to joining you. You'll turn to force every single time.
Why not just seek out like-minded people, bring awareness to the situation for those waiting in the shadows who'd want to support you, and then act? Why does someone have to pass a law or raise a tax that EVERYONE is responsible for? Wouldn't it be more effective if everyone on board was not only passionate but WILLING to make the world a better place? And then you wouldn't have millions of people who have to pay for your ticket grumbling about it and trying to undermine you. If you fail, funding should be the last thing you think about. You should ask why you failed. Was it because you made a mistake, or was it because there's something fundamentally wrong with what you're doing and it's just a dumb idea anyway? It seems sometimes nobody is ready or willing to even consider that. But by all means let's make sure EVERYONE (who doesn't want to) has to pay for it!
Should you care for other people? Sure. I already laid out why it's objectively ideal to do so. But without the will of the individual, it's not love, or empathy, or sharing. It's bitterness and resentment. Win people over with what they value, not by legislation, and you'll have something that's maximally, objectively good that truly will benefit all.
If You Can't 'Beat 'em' Entertain 'em'..
Celebrating a New Liturgical Year as Catholics Are Currently Celebrating as Advent Comes Real; I'll Park this 'Hear' for
at Least one Part of the 'New Testament' That Clearly Says Folks Who Wander Villages with No Money in their Pockets just
Celebrating the Kingdom of Heaven at Hand should be Fed Free Just For Sharing This Love Free as a Great Work of Life.
It's what i do; it F in works. The Heaven Spreading Part at least as empirical Data in Thousands of
Smiling Faces i Bring with my Dance And Song Most Definitely Works for 'Here i am Lord', hehe; sure i sing it too; why not!
5 "Jesus sent out the twelve apostles with these instructions: “Don’t go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans, 6but only to the people of Israel—God’s lost sheep. 7Go and announce to them that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.d 8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure those with leprosy, and cast out demons. Give as freely as you have received!
9 “Don’t take any money in your money belts—no gold, silver, or even copper coins. 10Don’t carry a traveler’s bag with a change of clothes and sandals or even a walking stick. Don’t hesitate to accept hospitality, because those who work deserve to be fed.
That's me Singing in the Back of the Church by the way; no special Equipment; no Choir Practice; just picking up a song
once a week in Church; i'm too busy to practice Singing; Dance Speaks Louder than Song ever will; the Oldest Human Language of War, Peace and Love. i understand there is a 'Christian Musician in the Choir Here'. i challenge you
to a Christian Music Sing-off with Just Your Naked Voice; Where A True Spirit of Love will never be hidden.
My Wife was nice enough to iPhone it to share it with you; hehe; whoever you are.
HAha; i Christmas Harder Than 'You' WiLL imagine. There are Countless Folks Who Wrote
the so-called Antiquated Bible. The Contradictions Inside are Myriad; YeS in deed.
You'll Find Gentile, Jew, Servant, Free, Woman or Man No more by Paul.
And then if you Look a bit behind the Verse above you'll find Go to Israel
Save the Lost Sheep; 'Screw' the Rest of the UniVerse for a 'King of Love' that small.
There is the Christian Described by Paul who should not associate with the Adulterer in Church.
There is the Thief on the Other Cross that Jesus forgave by the Book too;
while he was wondering why God had Forsaken God as Literally taken as Jesus as God.
Oh Yeah; and if you go a bit below in 'Matthew' you'll find what Leaders of Cults most often do; and that
is Put people Against their Family; Only holding What the Cult Leader has to say as 'Gospel Fact'; No New Story in deed.
It is also Clear as Hell that 'Trump' Wrote the Part of Revelation that sends His Enemies to more than Just a Firing; Yes,
Eternal Hell; That 'Bad Cop Jesus' ends up being worse than 'the Modern Father of all Lies' in that Book then;
Either that or Jesus is an F in Liar when he says Love Your Enemies as Yourself; It takes a whole lot of M out of
S And M to want to Volunteer to go to Hell first; including Turning the Other Cheek And Dying By whatever Sword
You Use, including Hell; of course unless you Wrote the Part about Bringing a Sword Not Peace; at least as some folks
take the Bible as Literal as God's ALL of God's So-called Words; Such a Small God that Book is; truly pitiful in deed.
Let's Face it; Both Republicans Who Value Status and Power over Love And Giving
Wrote the Bible as Well as Democrats Who Value Love and Giving Over Status and Power.
Hahaha; i grin big when someone threatens to send me to Hell from a Gospel 'Living' Pulpit;
i already know where they are it is clear in the Tone of who they are through and through As Soul.
I'll be Waiting for 'Your' Version of a Christian Song Whoever You are. i read Souls in the Tones of Songs.
Oh By The Way; There is no escaping Discernment when it comes from Light that has Been the Dark.
Other than that the Catholic Church Gives a whole lot; But the Catholic Church Still drives folks
closer to Suicide and all the Misery and Suffering that goes along with that; for the Children who are
Still Forced to Hear about Stories of Hell and that it is a Sin to Be Born Frigging Different and BeHave that way.
We need a new Bible; one that everyone should write of their own.
The other one is Soiled with the Blood of Ignorance Still With Face
Palms growing Higher and Higher as they Grow now even taller.
i don't make many Friends were i am from where 85 Percent
of Folks voted for the 'Bad Cop Jesus' incarnate as 'Trump';
True; the Universe is still Bigger than those who still Wish to Rule 'Israel' With A Book.
Reality is more Than few a People and one Barren Dirt Patch.
On top of that no Christian Church Would Welcome a Five Foot
one Slight Brown Dude With Dirty Bare Feet Sandals on the Soft Ball
Team unless they looked like they could hit a Home Run; That's all i
Had to do to become Friends with the Christians Around 'Here'; Look Like
A Southern Baptist SoftBall Player still Luke Warm and Cold unless they are on the Gospel Singing Team..
Anyway; Still Waiting For The 'Real Grinch' to come Down From the Mountain With Free 'Santa hand-out' Gifts
As Welfare Dances And Sings for all the Folks in Whoville To Smile While Eating their Hotel California Roast Beast..
PS.. It's a Secret; Don't tale anyone now;
i'm still on my way down to the Valley now..
And note: There is A Song Above About 'The Good Cop Jesus' and the 'BaD one' too.
It's Warmer where the Good Cop Jesus lives; at least Within for Real the Kingdom of Heaven lives still as Love;
Giving and Sharing Freely; Doing the Least Harm to others possible; i understand the Latest Gift from the
"Bad Cop Jesus" is to take away 'Free Food' From Poor Whoville People; 700,000 or so in Number so they
may not be able to Afford Christmas Dinner for Empty American Stomachs still to come.
Disgusting; just Grinch Disgusting; in deed Deplorable at Best.
Let's not Forget; Yes, Forgive too; as Even the Story Book Grinch, at least, Came Down From Hell..
Once again; the Refrain i Dance and Sing; Better to Entertain 'em than Send 'em to Hell; there is already no distance....
That part will never
be mistaken in the
"Dance And Song" 'they' do or do not do.
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
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I can't even. No, you are saying that you would rather babies dying or families ending up bankrupt, and happy stories of helping, rather than people getting what they need. Or perhaps only the cute causes get attention. The cute and popular kid gets the treatment, while the ugly unpopular kid does not get any help.
How about rather than people showing others are valuable, and having an entire system? Because the system, the government, is made by people, and everyone part of it gets to decide how to look after others. But I guess the rightwing religious groups are the ones the ones all trying to punish people that did nothing wrong, like happening to be gay.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall
I can't even. No, you are saying that you would rather babies dying or families ending up bankrupt, and happy stories of helping, rather than people getting what they need. Or perhaps only the cute causes get attention. The cute and popular kid gets the treatment, while the ugly unpopular kid does not get any help.
How about rather than people showing others are valuable, and having an entire system? Because the system, the government, is made by people, and everyone part of it gets to decide how to look after others. But I guess the rightwing religious groups are the ones the ones all trying to punish people that did nothing wrong, like happening to be gay.
I agree 100%. People like this are the ones who are giving American Christians such a bad rep before the rest of the world. In some ways I feel that they are actually more prone to corruption than the notorious Catholic Church. Like Baptists and the whole slavery thing...
♡ The Hearts teach us to feel pleasure and pain.
◇ The Diamonds teach us to enjoy that we gain.
♧ The Clubs teach us to work the goals we aim.
♤ The Spades teach us to conquer all we claim.

Joined: 4 Jan 2008
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I can't even. No, you are saying that you would rather babies dying or families ending up bankrupt, and happy stories of helping, rather than people getting what they need. *Or perhaps only the cute causes get attention. The cute and popular kid gets the treatment, while the ugly unpopular kid does not get any help.
How about rather than people showing others are valuable, and having an entire system? Because the system, the government, is made by people, and everyone part of it gets to decide how to look after others. But I guess the rightwing religious groups are the ones the ones all trying to punish people that did nothing wrong, like happening to be gay.
I agree 100%. People like this are the ones who are giving American Christians such a bad rep before the rest of the world. In some ways I feel that they are actually more prone to corruption than the notorious Catholic Church. Like Baptists and the whole slavery thing...
People are going to hate Christians same as they will hate any religious or even irreligious group. Trust me, nobody waits on excuses to hate people. I don't really care what hateful people think.
Beautiful strawman you're making there.
Ok, let's talk about people getting what they need. Who decides what people's needs even ARE? If everyone is entitled to having ALL needs met, then we should all quit our jobs right now. EVERYONE should quit their jobs. No work. Sit at home, do nothing, wait for the government to show up. Question: If nobody is working/producing, where is all the "stuff" that people need coming from?
Well, maybe everyone should work, but everyone does equal work for equal hours for equal pay. Question: For every need that's provided that's work-intensive, how do you manage keeping the right amount of something that requires more labor and at the same time mitigate a surplus that results in waste? I suppose you could train more laborers for the heavy stuff and pull those from the lighter stuff. But then they have to be trained, and if they'd rather do the easy stuff and not handle the harder stuff, then you risk having an abundance of faulty products that might even be dangerous for the general public. Likewise, if you move a more advanced person to a lower job to "give someone a chance," how are you going to motivate that person to do quality work when he feels its beneath him? Y'know, because that guy "needs" that job.
Or maybe you could use the whole "from each according to ability" route. But then if you force someone to work, then that's outright slavery, right? And you still don't solve the problem of what constitutes need. What ends up happening is a society adopts an "all people are created equal" mentality with some people being "more equal" than others. You HAVE to have advanced labor, so you force your smarter, stronger people to work just so a few can stay alive without doing anything. Meanwhile, what about those who have good ideas and are capable leaders? Screw 'em. People with great ideas belong in the ivory towers, not among the unwashed masses.
Again, what constitutes need, and how do you decide who gets what?
From what or whom are these things coming from?
If people who WANT to help are actually allowed to help, I think you're going to get much more satisfying results. People aren't forced to do things they don't want to do, people are allowed to figure out what they want to support and give accordingly, and people get to decide REASONABLY what exactly the needs are and how to help.
Suppose someone has a broken arm and can't afford to have the bone set and cast. Ok, that person is needy. So if we have to collectively spread resources evenly, then we just give everyone with a problem Tylenol. Ok, Tylenol is good. But Tylenol isn't going to make bones grow back together. But if someone can KEEP his money over time, he has more to help out the one guy who needs a cast. EVERYONE has some kind of problem at some point or another, but if you pay equal attention to all needs, then that means treating broken bones and headaches and labor all the same way. Somehow I doubt treating a woman in labor with Tylenol is exactly going to help much. But if people can give to a program SPECIFICALLY set up to help women in labor who can't afford healthcare otherwise, she can get exactly the care she needs for herself and her newborn.
Who says that's going to happen? That's why private individuals get people they trust to make the right decisions to provide unbiased care from available resources. If someone is mismanaging money or being unfair, it's quite simple. At best they get fired, at worst they get prosecuted. See how easy this is?
But as it is, we actually have the opposite problem. The cute and popular kids are set to NOT get the treatment while everyone else has to somehow prove that they are ugly and unpopular enough to get help at all.
My wife once applied for an assistance program and was subsequently denied help. At first they made told her it was because she didn't fill out this form, or she had to get her last n-number of pay stubs, and then they needed birth certificates, and...omg you missed the deadline. Please fill out this form... And finally she got everything right and the lady said, "If you'd taken off your wedding ring, said you didn't know who the father of your kids was, and if you'd been black, you'd have gotten assistance."
But they do that. So please help me understand how that's better than well-run, independently-funded charities who can make up their OWN rules and extend help to people who really do have needs and will do so without unreasonable demands and prejudices? Indeed, without the help of charities I couldn't even keep my kids in a decent school. Remove government agencies regulating charities to death and you'd have something far better than the status quo.