Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an Auto-Antonym

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A North Carolina man has been arrested in the shooting of a 7-year-old girl, Aaliyah Norris, police said Wednesday.
The Forest City Police Department said in a news release that when officers responded on Tuesday to a call of a child being shot, they found two people removing Aaliyah Norris from a car. Officers discovered she suffered a single gunshot wound to the head and said she is hospitalized in critical condition.
Through their investigation, police were able to identify Shaquille Marshon Francis, 26, as the suspect. Francis was arrested Wednesday without incident, and charged with assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury with intent to kill, discharging a weapon into occupied property inflicting serious bodily injury, and discharging a firearm within city limits.
Francis was released from jail on unrelated charges three hours before the alleged shooting of Norris, Forest City Police Chief Chris LeRoy said.
North Carolina girl, 7, dies in shooting; police say suspect freed from jail hours earlier
7-year-old girl dies after shooting in Forest City; chief says suspect got out of jail just hours before it happened
Another innocent black life lost.
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But... I get with the OP means. He means that there is an element of irony in using the phrase. Not that I am opposed to the cause of BLM. You cant say that police brutality is not an issue after seeing that footage from Minnesota.
But yes, back a couple of years ago when the events in Ferguson Missouri first spawned BLM, you would hear the phrase "Black Live Matter" on the news, just before you saw the face of some innocent young Black child who was "just killed in a drive by shooting between two gangs" in the next news story. You couldnt help but have cognitive dissonance. Who in America hasnt had the thought that if "Black Lives Matter" then who is gonna stop this wastage of Black lives by other Blacks in the inner city?
You bring that up as though that problem isn't a result of the past 400 years of devaluing black lives.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
The phrase Black Lives Matter abbreviated BLM in my humble opinion is a misnomer based on their stated goals. Maybe the term auto-antonym is not a perfect match but it is the closest I could come up with. The term borderlines a lie. Perhaps calling themselves BGLM might be more appropriate - Black Gang Lives Matter.
The recent goals they have espoused are:
* Eliminate the Police
* Do away with bail bonds
* Commute the sentences of non-violent offenders and free them from prisons and release them back out into the streets
These goals if implemented will lead to chaos, a dramatic increase in crime, especially in poor communities. It will put the gangs in charge - letting the murders, the rapist, the thieves, the drug dealers back into those communities. It does nothing for the many good black citizens trying to inch out a living and provide a better life for their children.
If Shaquille Marshon Francis had not been released from jail three hours earlier, the seven year old girl, Aaliyah Norris would not have been shot in the head and killed.
So if BLM was true to its moniker, they would do the exact opposite of those stated goals. They would insists on a strong police presence in their communities and task them to end gang violence and keep their citizens safe. No more innocent black lives lost - period.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
We are not really going to start using dead people as props like this, are we?
Well is Elija McClain a prop?
The vast numbers of blacks murdered in this country are not at the hands of the police, they are at the hands of the gangs. And many times they are at the hands of black gang members. Crime fuels these murders.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
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The recent goals they have espoused are:
* Eliminate the Police
* Do away with bail bonds
* Commute the sentences of non-violent offenders and free them from prisons and release them back out into the streets
These goals if implemented will lead to chaos, a dramatic increase in crime, especially in poor communities. It will put the gangs in charge - letting the murders, the rapist, the thieves, the drug dealers back into those communities. It does nothing for the many good black citizens trying to inch out a living and provide a better life for their children.
If Shaquille Marshon Francis had not been released from jail three hours earlier, the seven year old girl, Aaliyah Norris would not have been shot in the head and killed.
So if BLM was true to its moniker, they would do the exact opposite of those stated goals. They would insists on a strong police presence in their communities and task them to end gang violence and keep their citizens safe. No more innocent black lives lost - period.
Where are you getting these goals of supposedly getting rid of all law enforcement?
And also, what was he released from jail for? Do you know that they would have been evidence that he was about to kill someone? Would the world be a better place if people who committed what is only called an unrelated crime were never released? There is not enough evidence to even know if there would have been any positive effect if there was some tougher on crime stance that would have had other negative effects if it was implemented. Based on the information don't even know if what the police did may have contributed to him doing this, that the tough on crime practices of the area's police actually make the gangs more dangerous.
Your story while getting an emotional reaction because it shows the picture of a little girl that was killed and a picture of a "scary black man", but it hardly gives a look at what caused these gang wars in the first place and what could have been done differently to prevent it. Until you have something actually says how things could have been different other than that he was arrested for some sort of unrelated charge, you are just making a statement that police should just be a lot harder, to suspected gang members or just black men in general.
Do you think that the officers that arrested him to go to jail in the first place should have forced their knee into his neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds?
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The vast numbers of blacks murdered in this country are not at the hands of the police, they are at the hands of the gangs. And many times they are at the hands of black gang members. Crime fuels these murders.
And what do you think fuels the crime? Could it be poverty and things like systematic racism that can see them harassed by the police by the police for their ethnicity and turns them against the police from a young age?
I used the Elija story because I happened to be watching it while I read your post, and I wanted to back up my point that if you used one person as a prop I could get more. I think that it is reductionist and not helpful to an actual conversation rather than trying to be manipulative.
Generally gangs are actually a symptom of a problem in an area, rather than simply a problem that must be squashed by more police brutality. If more black people are being killed from them, then that should be evidence that there are some deep problems in those communities, and if the aggressive police force put into those areas have not already helped, then they might even be a problem as part of a larger problem. Instead of just trying to follow the narrative put out by Fox or even the police that have been increasingly been shown to be flawed in transparency with the likes of the thing blue line, saying that BLM does not care about improving the lives of black people, you should listen to some of their testimonies in how they are harassed by cops, and what that does to them.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall
Innit kinda funny how whenever black people protest, being targets of violence, someone inevitably pops up with "but what about black on black crime!" but that's the *only* time they ever bring it up - and even then they don't actually want to talk about the systemic racism that created the situation in the first place, its just meant to push the idea that "black people just are in fact more violent".
Do you know why there's "so much" black on black crime? Because neighborhoods are still highly segregated, and people commit crimes on those who live around them. Black people tend to live around mostly other black people. By design. White people tend to live around mostly other white people. By design. Diversity and exceptions do exist, but not a whole lot. It makes gerrymandering a LOT easier.
As eager as people are to whip out black on black crime, white people commit crimes against white people, at nearly the same rate as black on black crime. Wanna know what is not the same rate? Like note even close? PoC are several times more likely to be charged for a crime, despite the crime being committed equally as often by whites.
Ideas like "black people are just more likely to be criminals / violent / dangerous" are necessary for the narrative to hold true - otherwise it might seem a little racist. Just like historically, black people were portrayed as sneaky ignorant troublemakers in order to justify arresting them for simply existing. They even invented a law to make it easier. "Loitering". So when a black person was standing in line to vote, they could just say "well, everyone knows black people are sneaky ignorant troublemakers, so clearly he's not here to vote, he's here to start trouble!" That's why there are more caricature drawings and blackface portrayals of black people - so white people could make sure they looked as stupid as possible, to make it seem more plausible to people in general black people were in fact just plain stupid. That's the whole point of whitewashing history. Don't let the real people speak, they might tell the truth - we'll tell it for them, so we can tell whatever version we want. It was also beneficial to treat them like they were stupid, because as long as they convinced black people themselves that they were in fact just hopelessly stupid, it might keep them from doing something dangerous, like learn things. Their worst nightmare was an educated black man, because that would totally dispel the whole "blacks are just stupid animals" narrative.
Black on black crime is just the latest misleading smear designed to maintain the illusion that black people are "naturally violent" or something. The narrative NEEDS them to be "naturally violent" to justify the treatment they receive.

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An update to the Elijah McClain case, where the DA has washed the police of any responsibility for any responsibility for the murder of this self stated introvert that said he was "different".
I have not seen it anywhere as a diagnosis, but him apparently being an introvert describing himself as different, sounds like the kind of person who had difficulty with social cues that he was likely neurodivergent and possibly autistic. It sure makes me afraid of the cases where as an introverted person I often have music or something on my phone and in my ears when I am walking, and don't know how I could be seen as strange and not know how to react.
How can the word of authority be trusted when these things are happening?
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The recent goals they have espoused are:
* Eliminate the Police
* Do away with bail bonds
* Commute the sentences of non-violent offenders and free them from prisons and release them back out into the streets
These goals if implemented will lead to chaos, a dramatic increase in crime, especially in poor communities. It will put the gangs in charge - letting the murders, the rapist, the thieves, the drug dealers back into those communities. It does nothing for the many good black citizens trying to inch out a living and provide a better life for their children.
If Shaquille Marshon Francis had not been released from jail three hours earlier, the seven year old girl, Aaliyah Norris would not have been shot in the head and killed.
So if BLM was true to its moniker, they would do the exact opposite of those stated goals. They would insists on a strong police presence in their communities and task them to end gang violence and keep their citizens safe. No more innocent black lives lost - period.
What those groups are advocating for is to break the cycle that leads to kids going from school to prison. Drug dealers don't want their kids to have to become drug dealers, shooters don't want their kids to kids to grow up to be shooters.
People don't get involved in that s**t because they want to, they do it because they don't have other options. Once someone has a criminal record that's often used to exclude them from legitimate employment, which leads to further involvement in the only trades where work is available for men with that sort of background.
When 'criminal mentality' is used as a stereotype (a stereotype that had it's origins in the fact that if one freed themselves they had legally 'stolen' themselves) that's used to dehumanize and normalize this sort of abuse. As long as you can justify othering a group you can blame them collectively for for their circumstances. Basically it's bullying on a grand scale (among things it is). I thought you were opposed to bullies jimmy.
The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.
They have a name for Nazis that were only Nazis because of economic anxiety or similar issues. They're called Nazis.
Look at the link in this thread from 9:46 AM today. A woman in New York City in the photo is holding up a sign that says ABOLISH THE POLICE.
So if you look at the list of demands from the protestors occupying the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) in Seattle, the first on their list is:
The Seattle Police Department and attached court system are beyond reform. We do not request reform, we demand abolition. We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus. This means 100% of funding, including existing pensions for Seattle Police. At an equal level of priority we also demand that the city disallow the operations of ICE in the city of Seattle.
This photo is of demonstrators in Brooklyn, New York on 2 June 2020.
The New York Times ran an article on 12 June that was titled "Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police".
Earlier you asked the question, "We are not really going to start using dead people as props like this, are we?" But isn't that what George Floyd is being used as. He is being used as a prop.
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
I have not seen it anywhere as a diagnosis, but him apparently being an introvert describing himself as different, sounds like the kind of person who had difficulty with social cues that he was likely neurodivergent and possibly autistic. It sure makes me afraid of the cases where as an introverted person I often have music or something on my phone and in my ears when I am walking, and don't know how I could be seen as strange and not know how to react.
How can the word of authority be trusted when these things are happening?
Elijah McClain may well have been an Aspie.

McClain worked as a massage therapist, and taught himself to play both the guitar and the violin. According to the Sentinel, he often spent his lunch breaks at local animal shelters, putting on concerts for cats and dogs because he believed music would help soothe their anxiety. Those who knew him describe him as gentle: “I don’t even think he would set a mouse trap if there was a rodent problem,” his friend, Eric Behrens, told the Sentinel.
One of his massage clients was April Young, who told the Sentinel: “He had a child-like spirit … He lived in his own little world. He was never into, like, fitting in. He just was who he was.”
“He was the sweetest, purest person I have ever met,” another of his friends and former clients, Marna Arnett, added. “He was definitely a light in a whole lot of darkness.” Arnett believes that, in addition to helping manage a chronic chill that McClain attributed to his anemia, wearing a mask helped him manage his social anxiety. “He would hide behind that mask,” Arnett said. “It was protection for him, too. It made him more comfortable being in the outside world.”
Source: What We Know About the Killing of Elijah McClain
Author of Practical Preparations for a Coronavirus Pandemic.
A very unique plan. As Dr. Paul Thompson wrote, "This is the very best paper on the virus I have ever seen."
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