Tempus Fugit wrote:
I'll ask the same question here that I asked in another thread, since the OP article doesn't address it.
What specific charges will be made against Trump that will put him in prison?
And I mean the actual specific charges listed in US law.
Can anyone properly answer that?
Or is all the talk about prison just a fantasy?
Well, we do not know the full extent of the charges - in addition to those already mentioned above - that Trump might face once he leaves office in January 2021. This may be due to the following:
1. While not fully immune, it is very difficult to prosecute an incumbent president, so even if law enforcement already *has* sufficient evidence to prosecute Trump for specific crimes, they will likely wait until after his departure to press such charges.
1. A full examination of Trump's activities - including potentially illegal activities - while at the White House will likely only be possible once the new administration is in place. As of now, those in the administration with knowledge of such activities would likely be fired and/or face legal repercussions if they spoke out while Trump was still in office.
2. By not filing any charges now - and not suggesting what charges might be filed later - Trump is left with fewer options when it comes to pardoning himself.