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18 Jul 2020, 4:08 pm

Fnord wrote:
Jakki wrote:
Shame... the Catholic Church current has the image of gawd. Or at least his son.
No one knows what Jesus actually looked like, but it may be a safe bet that He did NOT look Nordic.
Jakki wrote:
The Shroud of Turin, has long since believed to be held as a genuine artifact...
... only by the "faithful", who believe that their belief is proof enough of the validity of their belief.

The first mention of the Shroud dates from 1353 or 1357, and the first certain record dates from 1390 when Bishop Pierre d'Arcis wrote a memorandum to Pope Clement VII, stating that the Shroud was a forgery and that the artist had confessed.  Of course, this evidence has been ignored by the "faithful".

If given the authority to do so, the Shroud would be one of the first such "holy" relics I would put to the torch.

:scratch: :hail:

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18 Jul 2020, 4:11 pm

The magic loincloth isn't real? What heresy is this?

I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.


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18 Jul 2020, 4:14 pm

Wolfram87 wrote:
The magic loincloth isn't real?  What heresy is this?
The same heresy expressed by the Gaza resident who tried to sell me the Holy Skillet from The Last Brunch.


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18 Jul 2020, 4:37 pm

Wait a minute , I bought that same skillet. Last week ?

Blasphemers. Heretics ..... shame shame. Shame.

Written with tongue firmly I placed in cheek .

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18 Jul 2020, 10:24 pm

Fnord wrote:
^ Except for those last two paragraphs, I actually understood what you were saying this time!

Thanks, For Trying to Understand.
The First Two Paragraphs are mine.
The Ascending, Transcending Experience
of 'Autotelic Flow', Where one Technically in 'Transient Hypo-Frontality',
according to Science, Transcends the Neo Cortex Out of the Illusion of Past And Future
In Ecstatic Peaks And Plateaus of 'Frission' in Human Higher Awareness in Conscious Being
is Just Another Way
of Describing Nirvana,
Bliss, Satori, Zen, Chi, Tao,
Prana, Kundalini Rising, and Many
Other Metaphors for the Kingdom
of Heaven Within that Science Does
Actually Measure in Brain Scans Now that
is Real as Humans Breathing; But Not All
Humans 'Breathe this Way' and Miss Out on
the Real Kingdom of Heaven Within, The only
way to Fully understand Heaven is to Experience It Within;
Meanwhile, Ignorance Waits for Heaven After A Dirt Nap (Death);
No Different Really than Minions Who Worship 'Orange Despicable
Leaders', Who Insist they can 'shoot someone on 5th Avenue', Just for the Hell of it;
Supporting Sending Other Folks to Hell Forever with Never Forgiveness and still be supported too;
Yes, No Different
than Lies of
Carrots And
Sticks in Church
Used to Subjugate and
And Control Folks to those
More flavored without Empathy,
Sympathy, And Compassion in other
Words, Humans with little to no 'Trump Soul';
With a Plentiful Helping of Ignorance That comes
From A Lack of Education Into More than Science too.

Interestingly, Folks In Eastern Countries Understand
every word i say; but of course they've been and stay in Heaven Within Now as a 'Staycation' in 'the Good Place'.

Hard to Understand Rocket Science, if One Never ACTUALLY Studies the Science; Applicable as Metaphor Here.

But Anyway, Technically, Every Single Word Is an Idol; Form for Essence; Without the Kingdom of Heaven Within
actually experienced; Every Word that applies to that in a Bible is Worthless; Just Empty Shells of Idols on a Page.

No Different than someone
Who 'Squawks' About The Teachings
of Jesus but never Actually applies those teachings
to every day interactions with other Human Beings.

Typical; And to Be Expected When folks Believe
they can just Recite one Recipe of Romans 10:9 And be a 'Trump Jerk' the rest of their life with a Free Ticket
to Dirt Nap Heaven; while they are living closer to Real Hell On Earth Within Now; Not Even Realizing where they are.

That/This, Goes nowhere but down, down, down, to the Basement Floor of All Human Potential and Civil Discourse.

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19 Jul 2020, 4:32 am

naturalplastic wrote:
For most of history humans lived in regional isolation. Didnt know what people looked like in distant lands. And they would believe tall tales told by travelers (like how there is a race of folks 2 thousand miles away who have no heads, and have their faces in their chests).

That is interesting how Christ does actually look Mediterranean in ancient Icons in Russia and in eastern Europe. Even in Mags' Catholic Poland he looks like that even though that is a characteristic of Eastern Orthodox iconography more than in Catholic iconography.
Ancient icons in Russia were often imported from Byzantium or copies of Byzantine icons.
The almost-uniformly-Roman-Catholic Poland of today is a byproduct of Hitler and Stalin. Historically, the region and the state were religiously diverse, with a lot of Catholic-Orthodox cultural exchange going both directions. As an example, the most famous Catholic depiction of Virgin Mary in Poland has obvious form of Byzantine Hodegetria:
Even today, Eastern Orthodox is the second-largest religion here, I find ignoring it in our discourses on Christianity mildly annoying.

naturalplastic wrote:
Back in the dark ages Ireland became a center of missionaries going out and converting barbarians to Christianity. It might be that countries that were converted by missionaries from Rome, or from Byzantium, imagine Christ to look Mediterranean. And it may not be a coincidence that in north west european countries (like Germany) that were Christianized by Irish monks - that "God" tends to look more Irish than Meditterranean. :lol: And that maybe where the US habit of painting Christ with that look came from. Just a guess.
Medieval Germany seems to depict Jesus as brown-haired:
Auburn-haired Christ appears more in art of the British Isles:

That's an interesting topic on History of Art.

Let's not confuse being normal with being mentally healthy.

<not moderating PPR stuff concerning East Europe>