AspenL wrote:
Why can't people just recognize their addiction? If your watching porn day in and day out it is a problem and a problem that faces a lot of teens. Teens can easily access these sites and get their addiction started. Easiest way is to ban it. No one needs it, it is not a necessity.
I agree addiction is bad. It also have negative consequences to teens. But not all use turns to addiction and not all teens watch it. The same problem exists with alcohol, but there are a vast number of people that enjoy it.
The problem with banning something is it does not prevent it from being made or distributed--whether that is porn or alcohol. But once it is illegal, there can be greater negative consequences and you create a black market. Then you can have a very bad issue of exploiting the workers in that trade. Those women and men can be in very real danger because of that. How do you balance the risk of porn addiction (which would still continue under a ban, so the problem has not been solved) against the exploitation of people.