cyberdad wrote:
Back to the thread
As predicted....MAGAs creating carnage in NY, set a fire in the street and one even spat directly in the face of an officer.
“Count The Vote” chants were replaced with anti-police sentiments, inexplicable outbursts at outdoor diners and the setting of rubbish fires.
The confrontations resulted in the arrests of 60 people
Let's see: "MAGAs", as you refer to anyone who doesn't share your opinions, are trying to stop the vote counting (except in Arizona and Nevada, both on the opposite side of the country to the reported events), with the left being the ones who wish it to continue...
So, to look at your "evidence" of "MAGAs" creating carnage:
cyberdad wrote:
Earlier “Count The Vote” chants were replaced with anti-police sentiments, inexplicable outbursts at outdoor diners and the setting of rubbish fires.
So, for some inconceivable reason, you expect people to falsely interpret the left's calls of "count the vote" and abuse of police (another calling-card of certain portions of the left) along with the associated rioting as being caused by the "right".
Strangely enough, the woman who spat at the police office had just finished a common "left" style diatribe, including referring to the police officer as a fascist. then again, I have noticed a common pattern where the facts tend to be diametrically opposed to what is stated in all these anti-"MAGA" rants of late.