ironpony wrote:
I don't see how a woman being against abortion makes her sexist against women. That's like saying that a man who doesn't believe in vecectomies is sexist against men.
Having an opinion for or against abortion doesn't make a person sexist. ^
This topic is the basis of all philosophy:
How is life started? When does it end? What is moral and just? What are the bounds of personal liberty? How do we ensure democracy for all citizens? What is justice?
Such topics have been debated since the beginning of time, by both men and women.
It's not a question of sexism unless a person believes that no member of one sex / gender should have the right to their opinion, their vote, or their democracy in a free society. I don't think anyone in this thread has said that.
You don't need a uterus to debate ethics about human life.
In keeping,
Do you have to be a murderer / bereaved victim, to have opinions about capital punishment?
Do you have to be disabled to write disability laws, or have opinions about them?
Do you have to be a teacher or student, to have opinions about education?
A dangerous driver or crash victim, to have opinions about road safety and drunk driving?
A rapist or rape victim to write assault law, or have opinions about legislation?
I believe that ultimately yes, it should be a woman's choice. It has to be, because she can self-terminate if restricted from proper medical care. It has to be her choice, but that doesn't mean I'm pro-women or anti-men, or anywhere in between. It means I'm realistic about the situation, and there can't be a middle ground where each parent gets an equal say. It's often unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. There's no half-way with human life.
In a free world everyone is allowed an opinion based on their moral compass. Those people are welcome to run for government. Those people are welcome to write laws for or against abortion if they are elected by their constituents as a reflection of democracy. The people who oppose their laws, either way, are also welcome to protest. Everyone is allowed an opinion. It would be undemocratic of me to criticise someone else's morality.
At the end of the day it seems we all agree that women ultimately deserve the right to choose.
We should also agree that people have a right to freedom of thought, without being labelled or shamed if their thoughts differ from the norm.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.