What to do with anti-vax/anti-maskers...
Where There Are No ICU Rooms Available
With An Acute Life Threatening
Illness Have Family Members
Who Disagree With The
Suggestion That the
Unvaccinated Are
Mostly A Danger To Themselves
And Again, The Health Care
Workers Are Getting Burnt Out
Without Enough Health Care Workers Everyone
Suffers and Of Course Break Through Infections Do
Kill Elder Folks For Real Too And Those Who Are More
With Associated
Conditions As Well...
And Additionally, Again, Now
This isn't the Last Pandemic
Or Necessarily One That Still
Comes That Vaccinations Don't Touch...
Even Ones Still Propagated in Variants
of the Current Pandemic in 'Petri Dishes'
of Unvaccinated
Folks Concentrated
in Places Like Churches
In Places of Ignorance Around our Country still...
This is Way More Complicated Than Just A
Pandemic of the Unvaccinated...
And Potentially More Deadly
Of Course, Ironically,
This is Coming From
A Very Conservative
View Point Regarding
The Value of Healthcare
And Well Being of All Associated
With "Love One Another;" Yes, All of Us Together
That Seems Like Such a 'Foreign' Idea to Some
Folks at
In Just
Plain Ignorance
Of Love FOR ALL At Least For Sure...
If Folks Developed A Kind of Education
That Was More Compassionate Towards
All Their Fellow Human Beings; Yes, Empathy
Would Spell Wear A Mask That Spells Love the
Same And Yes Get Vaccinated to Save a Neighbor the (Love) Same...
Ironically, The Same Essence of the 'Love Story of Jesus' That Somehow,
Someways, in Ignorance Of Those Who Profess to Follow the Teaching of
So Called
of Nazareth"
Fail to Act ON,
Even if they Pay (Pray)
Lip Service Only With Ears...
KATiE MiA FredericK!iI
Gravatar is one of the coolest things ever!! !
As someone who has received the vaccine your science is simply not true.
The vaccine never stopped you getting COVID just reduced chances of dying from it.
This is obvious when looking at numbers from the neutral worldometer website which shows more people including vaccinated getting covid than this time last year.
As far as transmission data is concerned this is simply based on the fact that the more sick you are the more likely you’ll spead it. If the vaccine means you’ll get less sick your less likely to spead it.
The same with masks where data is based on ordinary flu or colds where if someone coughs they cough into the mask rather than up to 10 feet in the air. But covid will still come through the masks just less so.
However this is all based on the fact that a very sick person will be walking around town visiting shops and drinking in bars as opposed to at home in bed which is unlikely.
Some people have mild or no symptoms but they are less likely to cough the virus out in the normal way.
So what we have here is a lot of deliberate gov misinformation to encourage vaccination and mask wearing.
It’s not altogether a bad thing but at the same time not to get a false sense of security.
So...you're saying that "if what I said were 100 percent proven then you would 100 percent agree with me, but since its only 75 percent proven you only 75 percent agree with me."
Okay. Thanks for still essentially agreeing with me.
You havent shown that waiving masking rules and not getting vaccinated is a good idea (for either the individual, or for society).
The way I see it as that this is the London Blitz. We are all huddling in the subways while the foreign enemy is bombing us in the Blitz. Covid is like an invading human army. And we admit to having imperfect military intelligence on it. So we do the best we can with what we have.
If the actions of these people stops leading to them gaining what they want, and also, if the consequences end up actually being negative, perhaps the behaviour will eventually decrease, if not stop altogether. We as individuals and as a society need to be firm and consistent though in order for that end to be achieved. If only the whole pandemic wasn't politicized...
The Darwin Effect may eventually diminish their numbers far enough that they do not have any significant influence on upcoming elections.
In other words, those who wanted to make America white great again may literally be a dying breed.
Actually, according to the following article, Blacks and Hispanics in the US are less likely than Whites to have received a vaccine.
Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations by Race/Ethnicity
Published: Sep 09, 2021
.. Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their White counterparts to have received a vaccine, leaving them at increased risk, particularly as the variant spreads ...
But I suppose if Blacks and Hispanics are less likely than Whites to have received a vaccine, that's probably White people's fault too, right?
And besides, if Blacks and Hispanics are mistrusting of the authorities, that would be so much more understandable than for White people to be similarly skeptical right?
I mean, any interpretation of the facts on the ground will do so long as White liberals can keep on pointing and sputtering about the "bad Whites" - that's all that matters, right?
(And in case anyone is wondering, I am White, I live in the UK, and I'm double-vaccinated.)
As someone who has received the vaccine your science is simply not true.
The vaccine never stopped you getting COVID just reduced chances of dying from it.
This is obvious when looking at numbers from the neutral worldometer website which shows more people including vaccinated getting covid than this time last year.
As far as transmission data is concerned this is simply based on the fact that the more sick you are the more likely you’ll spead it. If the vaccine means you’ll get less sick your less likely to spead it.
The same with masks where data is based on ordinary flu or colds where if someone coughs they cough into the mask rather than up to 10 feet in the air. But covid will still come through the masks just less so.
However this is all based on the fact that a very sick person will be walking around town visiting shops and drinking in bars as opposed to at home in bed which is unlikely.
Some people have mild or no symptoms but they are less likely to cough the virus out in the normal way.
So what we have here is a lot of deliberate gov misinformation to encourage vaccination and mask wearing.
It’s not altogether a bad thing but at the same time not to get a false sense of security.
So...you're saying that "if what I said were 100 percent proven then you would 100 percent agree with me, but since its only 75 percent proven you only 75 percent agree with me."
Okay. Thanks for still essentially agreeing with me.
You havent shown that waiving masking rules and not getting vaccinated is a good idea (for either the individual, or for society).
The way I see it as that this is the London Blitz. We are all huddling in the subways while the foreign enemy is bombing us in the Blitz. Covid is like an invading human army. And we admit to having imperfect military intelligence on it. So we do the best we can with what we have.
Just saying your over exaggerating the impact of vaccines. They don`t do anything for herd immunity as they dont stop you getting COVID.
Its fair to say that vaccines dont do anything other than give your immune system a head start in dealing with the virus, reducing the chances of dying from it.
It has little impact on others i.e transmission. This can be clearly seen on the neutral worldometers site where cases are at crazy levels now compared to same time last year, both in US & UK, Not sure the % of US vaccinated but the UK (bottom link) gives a better idea as vaccination levels is close to 90% but picture speaks for itself
Looks like a dark winter ahead if the two graphs is anything to go by:
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends upon the unreasonable man."
- George Bernie Shaw
But I suppose if Blacks and Hispanics are less likely than Whites to have received a vaccine, that's probably White people's fault too, right?
And besides, if Blacks and Hispanics are mistrusting of the authorities, that would be so much more understandable than for White people to be similarly skeptical right?
If you've study US extensively, you will see that yes, actually, it is white people's fault, not that I would ever say it so starkly. Black citizens were subject to testing without their knowledge, and were intentionally injected with deadly viruses without their knowledge. These experiments are a huge stain on US history. Sorry I don't have more details at my fingertips. People of color are also routinely patronized by the medical community and their descriptions of symptoms discounted. The disparate treatment comes up in glaring black and white when you see medical stats divided by race.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
I disagree. Those who are vaccinated as less likely to carry and spread the virus at all, by 1/4. That is a significant reduction in the available hosts spreading the infection. The vaccines may not have met the high hopes that they could magically end the pandemic, but they ARE a significant weapon against the spread of the pandemic, currently the clear BEST weapon, and should not be discounted.
Mom to an amazing young adult AS son, plus an also amazing non-AS daughter. Most likely part of the "Broader Autism Phenotype" (some traits).
Wow, this discussion certainly took off way more than I expected. My stance is that people can believe what they want to believe, but the second that people other than themselves are affected, their "my body, my rules" defense falls apart. I'm sorry, but are they insinuating that their "rights" to walk around without a mask and refuse to take a simple jab or do anything whatsoever to combat the pandemic supersedes the right of older people and those with compromised immune systems to live? I don't think they're intentionally being sadists, but that's mostly because I don't think they're really thinking much at all.
The fact that this whole thing has been politicized when it really shouldn't have just makes everything worse. Do you know what's apolitical? A virus. Let the record show that none of us love wearing masks, having to make appointments to get vaccines, or putting up with all the other protocols that we didn't have to deal with up until last year. Sure, the pandemic has brought more than its fair share of financial anxiety. Not being thrilled with the way things are now is to be expected, but we're all in this together, or at least we should be.
Making people out to be villains for trying to save lives is a big reason why I just can't get along with a certain group of people. They can complain all they want, but they shouldn't drag other people down with them. Also, in regions with proper protocols, they still aren't going to be allowed into most stores and restaurants. In fact, they may just end up in prison instead at the rate they're going, and I can guarantee they're not getting their White Spot burger there. Well, they can do what they want, but any consequences they have to suffer as a result are on them.
But I suppose if Blacks and Hispanics are less likely than Whites to have received a vaccine, that's probably White people's fault too, right?
And besides, if Blacks and Hispanics are mistrusting of the authorities, that would be so much more understandable than for White people to be similarly skeptical right?
If you've study US extensively, you will see that yes, actually, it is white people's fault, not that I would ever say it so starkly. Black citizens were subject to testing without their knowledge, and were intentionally injected with deadly viruses without their knowledge. These experiments are a huge stain on US history. Sorry I don't have more details at my fingertips. People of color are also routinely patronized by the medical community and their descriptions of symptoms discounted. The disparate treatment comes up in glaring black and white when you see medical stats divided by race.
That's only part of it. Blacks in the US believe in crap like faith healing and weird pseudoscience more so than whites. This vaccine is being given for free in the US to everyone. There is no excuse to not get one.
If they don't want to be vaccinated, then they can expect to be "segregated" and "discriminated against" when jobs start requiring everyone to be vaccinated or when stores want masks required or no entry. This is already happening where I live and it's funny seeing them rant and whine about it.
If they can't afford to get one, they can get one for free, I got mine for free. Of course this may fall under systematic racism since it's shown that POC are unvaccinated more than whites.
Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.
Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.
As long as they are bashing, hating, and mocking anyone who appears in public while wearing a mask, I do not care if their feelings get hurt by being denied access to any private business that requires its customers to wear masks.
Joined: 27 Oct 2014
Age: 40
Gender: Non-binary
Posts: 29,651
Location: Right over your left shoulder
They could listen to John Nolte and pretend it's all an organized act of reverse psychology and take the vaccine just to spite the radical left boogiemen.
Or they can earn more Herman Cain awards.
I was ashamed of myself when I realised life was a costume party and I attended with my real face
"Many of us like to ask ourselves, What would I do if I was alive during slavery? Or the Jim Crow South? Or apartheid? What would I do if my country was committing genocide?' The answer is, you're doing it. Right now." —Former U.S. Airman (Air Force) Aaron Bushnell
As long as they are bashing, hating, and mocking anyone who appears in public while wearing a mask, I do not care if their feelings get hurt by being denied access to any private business that requires its customers to wear masks.
Live and let live, from both sides.
I've left WP.