Cornflake wrote:
It's also worth noting that "George Soros" can be read as a dog whistle for "the Jews" so maybe stop using his name as the ultimate boogeyman?
Oh, good god!! ! <facepalm>
George Soros isn't garbage because he's Jewish, although he uses his nationality as a cover a lot. He's garbage for his
He sponsored Antifa, who caused billions of dollars in damage around the US during the summer of 2020. He sponsored the creation of the Election Infection, which caused massive mental health problems from the months-long social isolation it created (unless you joined QAnon, like I did). He destroyed the Bank of England, by dumping currency and other commodities on the market. And he's looking to push mass immigration of nonproductive citizens to First World countries; it happened in Europe in mid 2010's, and in North America in 2018. Maybe he even paid off Mr. Plank, which is why he's so well-liked around here.
I hate that guy! But how can I be an antisemite while trashing George Soros, if I'm Jewish myself? It's the same as an American trashing Robert E. Lee, because that man fought against the American union. Think about it. (No UK/British examples I can think of, sorry.)
Maybe the next guidestones, if rebuilt, will have different, more up-to-date messages, like:
1. Show contempt to government health agencies, for they are destroying your freedoms under false pretexts.
2. Do not trust politicians who accept money from Marxist investment bankers. (that's *him*)
3. Know your country's laws and constitutional amendments, for they are your only weapons against tyranny.
(and more, but I haven't had my coffee yet)
Last edited by Aspie1 on 09 Jul 2022, 8:47 am, edited 3 times in total.