PhoenixKitten wrote:
SpaceCase, I don't think there is anything wrong with being a Gothic Christian, but perhaps the fact that you felt the need to put Gothic Christian indicates that you yourself feel that being Gothic in some was conflicts with or detracts from your Christianity? If adding that you are Gothic helps you to describe yourself, then by all means do, but I just wanted to say that you shouldn't feel that you have to 'warn' people that you are Gothic. As you are saying that you aren't a member of a Gothic Christian cult, the bottom line is that your religious inclination is Christian: the Goth part just adds to that. It wouldn't matter if you were a one-eyed tattooed homosexual Goth with a fetish for vibrators: you would still be a Christian.
I hope that made sense. I'm not suggesting that you shouldn't tell people that you are a Goth, but for example, some homosexuals feel the need to say that they are a homosexual Christian out of fear that other people would deny their Christianity if they knew that they were gay. Don't feel that you *have* to justify yourself because you don't: you are who you are.
Phew, I'm feeling a bit long winded today! Sorry folks!
No,no,I'm really Christian...I'm just a Goth,too.For more info on Gothic Christians go here
Live and let live.