spdjeanne wrote:
I'm surprised that people find this thread so "boring." Christianity is being torn apart by bitterness and hatred because of issues like homosexuality and even the role of women in the priesthood. These divides are so sharp and so bitter because there is a distinct lack of humility about these issues on both sides. Sure, the point of this thread may be considered common sense, but it is obviously easier said than done! I don't doubt that most people would agree with the point of this thread, but I highly doubt many people can truly practice this ideal, myself included.
It actually seems to me like common practice to think of one's opponent as pure evil! I know on more than one occasion I have been likened to an Inquisitor or a Nazi by Atheists purely because I said that I was a Christian. On another occasion, a fellow Christian told me that I was an Antichrist, the epitome of evil, because I did not believe the Bible literally and because I don't believe homosexuality is a sin. Our government has even taken up the language that dehumanizes our opponents and makes them seem purely evil. What good is common sense if it doesn't translate into a common practice?
So if you do consider this thread a complete bore because it has no relation to your reality at all, I envy your reality because mine is not so nice.
Personally, I'm beginning to wonder as well whether homosexuality is a sin.