Dox47 wrote:
I hate to disappoint people, but the vast majority of conservatives could care less about trans stuff, it's only become a flashpoint due to the aggression with which it has been pushed into the mainstream by the left and the ferocity that even good faith questions about the medical evidence are met. Even religious conservatives would be pretty live and let live if they didn't themselves feel besieged.
1. nope. conservatism is about preserving what is. recognizing that gender is a social construct and breaking that construct scares conservatives.
2. wrong again. I wonder if people of your worldview would have told civil rights activists in the 60s that maybe if they were a bit quieter no one would have a problem with them. point being, conservatives are reactionary. anything that threatens the status quo is an enemy.
3. guess what? the questions are bad faith. all medical research supports existence, care etc. Conservatives prefer highly biased 'studies' that coincidentally align with the status quo. even in courts, attempts to ban care have been struck down when the defenders reveal that the opposers don't know what the hell they're talking about. it's worth mentioning that generally the more educated you are, the more left wing you are.
4. Loud incorrect buzzer sound. Christianity at its core is about preaching; telling others what to do. When people don't agree with them and their strict foolish narrative, they lose their minds and victimize themselves, raving about how modern society's been overtaken by the devil or whatever. minorities existing and thinking differently than them is a threat. slavery was upheld by the bible. homophobia is upheld by the bible. transphobia is upheld by the bible. i guarantee you religious conservatives would always be angry at minorities, no matter what they did.
My god. jelly donuts are so scary.